peta responce.

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peta responce.

Post by Tigerpaw »

I wrote an e-mail to peta with ? reg. their views on a couple subjects. One was abortion because in there cree they state that they vow not to harm anything with a heart or nerves system. I wanted to know if that only applied to animals or our species as well. As aborted fetuses often have both. Here is their responce. I find it interesting that they value animal life over human.

Thank you for your e-mail to PETA about eating meat, wearing skins, and abortion.

First, PETA has no official position on abortion, just as pro-life organizations typically don’t have official positions on animal rights. PETA’s membership is composed of a diverse group with diverse opinions. We have many staff members and supporters who are pro-life, but as an animal rights organization, we cannot presume to speak for our members on any issue other than animal rights. For more information on this subject please go to ... swerID=273 and

Eating meat and wearing fur may have been necessary for the survival of human beings in the past, but that is no longer the case. Human beings have evolved since that time, and there is no validity to the argument that we should continue to do something simply because our ancestors did it. The health problems associated with meat consumption are a further indication we aren’t "meant" to eat meat. The consumption of meat and dairy products has been conclusively linked to heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and obesity, arthritis, osteoporosis and asthma. The average vegetarian lives approximately six years longer than his or her meat-eating counterpart. For scientific and medical information about the health risks of eating meat, please go to and

As for fur, you may be interested to know that more than half the fur sold in the United States is imported from China. There are no animal cruelty laws whatsoever in China, and animals are commonly skinned alive for their fur--these animals live miserable lives and suffer horrific deaths. To find out how fur is produced, please watch the video at

For the answers to other frequently asked questions about PETA and our work, please go to http:/./

Thanks again for your e-mail, and for your interest in PETA.

Elizabeth Collins
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Post by JeffOwens »

I have been lurking on this board for a little while. I signed up the other day so I could send a private message about ordering a custom exomax stock. After reading this post I had to come out of lurking and reply.

The thought of you asking peta this question and them actualy responding makes me chuckle! They are an interesting group of nutjobs and I must admit even with as much harm as they cause for us hunters, I am glad they are around, they give me something to laugh at!
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Post by Fur & Feathers »

Welcome Jeff, If you like to laugh at Peta then you'll have to see PETA meets Rat boy on page 4. It's a good 1 from Woody.
Get out & Enjoy.
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Post by Tigerpaw »

JeffOwens wrote:I have been lurking on this board for a little while. I signed up the other day so I could send a private message about ordering a custom exomax stock. After reading this post I had to come out of lurking and reply.

The thought of you asking peta this question and them actualy responding makes me chuckle! They are an interesting group of nutjobs and I must admit even with as much harm as they cause for us hunters, I am glad they are around, they give me something to laugh at!
Welcome to the boards Jeff!
Always glad to give someone a good laugh. I, like you, thought that peta was good for a laugh and that was about all. That is until They and their friends started to influence our government to the point were hunting rights started to be lost. I stopped laughing when the spring bear hunt was canceled as a direct result of green peace, peta and other of their friends. We now have a band on high fence hunting and soon a band or reg. on wolf and cyot hunting. Bow hunting is next on their list and that makes them no longer a laughing matter. :evil: :evil: We have let them get away with far to much already.

As for why I wrote peta? If you know who and what you are fighting you have a much better chance of winning. Just complaining about them does no good but learn about your enemy and you will find a way to beat him!

By the way very good choice going with an Excalibur crossbow you wont be sorry!!
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Post by Digger »

More PETA laughs.

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Re: peta responce.

Post by chris4570 »

Tigerpaw wrote: Eating meat and wearing fur may have been necessary for the survival of human beings in the past, but that is no longer the case. Human beings have evolved since that time, and there is no validity to the argument that we should continue to do something simply because our ancestors did it. The health problems associated with meat consumption are a further indication we aren’t "meant" to eat meat. The consumption of meat and dairy products has been conclusively linked to heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and obesity, arthritis, osteoporosis and asthma. The average vegetarian lives approximately six years longer than his or her meat-eating counterpart. For scientific and medical information about the health risks of eating meat, please go to and
Interesting points. When did we stop needing to eat meat and wear fur in order to survive? Evolution does not happen over night, nor does it happen in the span of a hundred years, so there is no way for us to have evolved to the point where we no longer need to eat meat. Lie number 1!

We are not "meant" to eat meat? Really??!! Humans are not only predators by nature, we have the characteristics to prove it!! Binocular vision(eyes positioned in the front of our head) a classic sign of a predatory species. We have the digestive enzymes responsible for the breakdown of meat. Lie number 2!

I do not condone what barbaric practices may exist in China or any country, regardless if it is for furs or for meat packaging. However I have no problems with someone wearing fur or leather, so long as the animal was dispatched in the most humane way possible. And if we are going to kill an animal for food purposes, no sense in letting the fur or hide go to waste.

Know the truth. When you discuss these topics with others who may not know you will help to destroy the lies that peta and others like them spew forth.
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Post by wabi »

Not knowledgable on the fur trade by any means, but I believe China pretty well sets the market for most North American furs sold today. Without China creating products (fur garments, toys, etc.) to keep the fur trade going there would be a lot of species soon overpopulated and the spread of disease would soon be a big issue. Hunting and trapping is about the only self supporting (or even profitable through the sale of licenses & permits) method game departments have of controling animal populations. If it weren't for the hunters and trappers our taxes would have to pay the bills to eliminate the excess animals.
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Post by PRB »

A guy asked me some time ago if I knew the difference between a hunter and a non hunter. I said no whats the difference. He said "about 3 days without food".
I try and watch some of the tv hunting programs on Sunday mornings and I think its amazing what some of the hunting organizations are doing to protect and ethically harvest the game. Some are making huge improvements with some wildlife species. Thats not to mention the groups that help make some kids dreams come true and gives them something to do instead of possibly selling drugs on the street corners. It also teaches them respect for guns and bows and they learn to think before just pulling the trigger. Many kids don't ever have that opportunity. Please try and take the time to teach a kid how to hunt whenever you can or even a friend.
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Post by Brampton Mike »

:D :D :D Hey quit picking on PETA...i'm a card carrying member!

P eople
E ating
T asty
A nimals

:D :D :D :D
If I can't hunt & fish in heaven....then I don't want to go!!!!!!!!!!

Vegetarian..............old Indian word for lousy hunter!
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Post by kendo kid »

I bet I am one of the few North Americans to have toured slaughter facilities in China. Sanitation is the issue not the rapidity of death for the animals. Chinese need have a quick kill for donkey, cow, or pig in order to prevent injury to workers. The death comes quickly it is the condition of the processing areas that is unbelievable. The live bird open-air markets are another story.

Maybe we will evolve to have two stomachs so we plant material. What PETA cannot handle is when they are confronted with the fact they kill to survive also. The life of the carrot is of equal value in the universe. It is a life. Only the arrogance of PETA thinking assigned a hierarchy to life.

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Post by hikerman »

Hi all, I don't agree with peta having influence against bow hunting. Iam new to hunting, always have bine a animal lover, I have respect for them, thay are apart of our lives and our home-this planet we need each other to live, and thay are tasty. :lol: :lol:
As for those vidios in china, they have no respect. How can one of the oldest races sinks so low.
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Post by kendo kid »


50 years of Mao's central "planning" and closed door policies, prior to that opium addicitions (promoted by the English, Dutch etc.), huge famines, floods and large parts of their country subjet to the wind off the Siberian Plateau that makes Edmonton look and feel like Florida, vast deserts and dry areas like Xinjiang. Give them another 50 years and see what it is like. Japan's lifted iteslf out of the feudal era in 140 years. Now the Turkic people from Xinjiang west through the Caspian and South Shore of the Black Sea are joining the world with their huge reserves of oil and natural gas. Asia as a whole is unfolding and moderizing with lighening speed. With the physical changes comes changes in thinking. I hope to see much of these changes before I die.

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Post by hikerman »

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Post by kendo kid »

You are welcome to join me in China during my next trip. I will show you the slaughter facitilites and introduce you to the real China, not the one from the newspaper and folks who get paid to write garbage. I have been doing business in China since 1994. By the way China is a little further West of London, Ontario.

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Post by hikerman »

k k
I do believe that all nations have thinks to offer.
I have traveled outside of this great one a fews times myself. I have bin to animal processing plants, pigs and cows wait in line, what else are they going to do?
But to rip a animals fur off while it is alive then through it in a pile, only for money makes me sick. If thay are hungry, thay should kill and eat it.

As for China being futher west of London, Ontario you must be well educated. :lol: :lol:
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