O/T - Cabin Fever, Winter Blues, Hobbies, Pastimes...

Crossbow Hunting

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O/T - Cabin Fever, Winter Blues, Hobbies, Pastimes...

Post by Zeke »

So, what do you do to kill time? when:

- you're tired of being out in the cold
- there's nothing on TV
- no good books around to read
- nothing needs fixed around the house
- you're caught up on the laundry
- you're tired of looking at the computer

Between tending the fire last night and wandering between rooms where the rest of the family was otherwise occupied, it occurred to me that I need to get a hobby of some kind.

Ideally, one where I could clear a spot on the spam table - do "whatever" it is for about an hour, then fairly quickly clean up (if it makes a mess) and have it be ready to go next time (also fairly quick).

I wish I had a pile of guns to clean, that would fit the bill nicely. I play guitar too, but even that gets boring - thought about maybe getting a kit and building an amplifier, or a big radio-control truck - but that's too costly.

My dad used to "whittle" things with a pocket kife. I think one of the kids has a fairly un-used set of wood carving tools around here.. might try doing something with that - though I wouldn't know what, other than make myslef bleed a lot. :roll:
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Post by Nosher »

I was thinking about buying a "blank" bow stave and making myself a longbow.

Anyone here tried doing this??

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Post by GREY OWL »

Zeke, I had a part-time hobby making hunting knives. Once the kids came along, I've drifted away from that. You can make some very, very, quality knives, with the rockwell upwards of 62. Which is almost as hard as a file. To sharpen them you use the same belt sander as the one for making them.

I also have a Foredom carving machine. A friend of mine show
ed me how to carve many moons ago. We just find drift wood floating along rivers or streams, and carve out of that. My friend Dave also carves keys chains out of deer horn. He sells his horn and wood carvings to crafts shops, and let me tell you, he makes a killing selling them.

I must apologize to all members, I keep saying on the forum how I'm going to post pictures. In the very near future, I'll post all my hunting pictures, hobbies, etc. ect.

Grey Owl
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Post by JeffOwens »

I work as a Computer Network Engineer. That basicaly means my hobby is the same as my job.

I have a buddy that's into RC cars. I always wanted to get into it but it's way too expensive for me. I could have a Barret .50 for the $$ he has in one of his trucks.

My wife and I like to make pepper jellies, I guess that could count as a hobby. It's a good way to take up a saturday afternoon. Probably not the best winter hobby as ingredients wont be the best but it is possible.

I also love to bbq, that can be a great way to kill 24 hours straight, for me food just tastes better when you stayed up all night to watch a fire!

I have a an aquarium, that takes an hour or so every few weeks.

Wish I could help more but I am a fairly boring person - lol
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Post by chris4570 »

Tying flies? But I'd rather be out and about. Ice fishing?
You can take the man out of the woods but you can't take the woods out of the man.

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Post by wabi »

Zeke! There's still 7 weeks of deer season here in Ohio!

Nosher, I've built a few from an osage log :wink:
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Post by Alaspan »


We take our dog out for long walks, and bring him everywhere (except hunting...) he's a fantastic 'hobby' - more like having kids - and the rewards are great. These walks are a great time killer / stress reliever.

I like the idea of making something by hand though....(too bad I'm not that talented...)
Last edited by Alaspan on Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zeke »

Good ideas all.

Wabi - I was thinking more along the lines of "after dark" - Them Ranger Rick types frown highly on hunting with a flashlight :D

Never was much of a fly fisherman - seems too disciplined a sport for me.

BUT - that reminded me, I got me some chunks of wood around here somewhere that I bought to carve my own muskie plugs - Guess I'll bust out the kids wood carving set and see what I can come up with... maybe some kinda top water thingy - bend up a few washers for props - big ol splashy mouth... call 'em in! :twisted:
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Post by GREYWOLF »

:D I pick up an old boat 16 to 18 feet in rough condition , put it in my garage and start from the bottom up rebuilding the hull , stringers, floor,upulstry and all the glass work elect and paint ,then by spring its done and I sell it for a nice profit $$$. Most of the boats I get are for free ,check with local marinas and repair shops ,there is always a project boat or two laying around for free or for a few $$ It is fun and you get a nice boat or cash when done. GREYWOLF
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Post by Zeke »

Even thought of getting a little Red Rider or other such low power BB Gun and setting up a little range in the basement...

... we already have several BB guns - so that was mostly an excuse to get a Red Rider (for indoor use)... :lol:
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Post by Nosher »

Zeke wrote:Even thought of getting a little Red Rider or other such low power BB Gun and setting up a little range in the basement...

... we already have several BB guns - so that was mostly an excuse to get a Red Rider (for indoor use)... :lol:
Ummm...if your going to shoot airguns in your basement, Id suggest you use lead pellets rather than BB's. BB's ricochet a hell of a lot more (so I'm told) and likely to bounce back and hit you in the forehead (so I'm told)..yeah yeah...a "buddy" warned me about it.

And if anyone asks, the welt on my head was from a tree branch.
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Post by dsr »

I paint in water colours,inks,acrylics and mixed media. It took me a while to get into it and develop my own style. I'm always experimenting so I seldom do the same technique for long before adding some new ideas or combining old ones. I do sell some of my work but I can paint a way faster than I can sell. Many of my paintings are given as gifts.It sure cuts down on the Christmas shopping when I give a hand painted card with the message to come and choose a painting.I don't think that I have bought a card for the past several years as I often make cards as practice paintings. I also do my own framing which adds another dimension to the hobby.
I have also been known to whittle a few things such as Santas,birds and mice.As a matter of fact I have a Christmas order for a whittled mouse .
that sits on a door frame or the corner of a framed picture.
I have 106 acre backyard on which I hunt,make maple syrup,cut stove wood,have 2 horses and just wander around on.
I'm glad that you posted your original question.It has me thinking that life is good and I have many interests which I can pursue.
If you are still alive your mission here on Earth must not be completed.

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Post by The Butcher »

I'm one, who hates last minute things. So........ all winter, I do all of my reloading for the spring groundhog hunting, ( I have four groundhog guns, so that kills time. That and the fact I'm very meticulous in my loading technique). I go through all of my hunting things, and make sure everything that needs fixing, gets fixed. Sharpen all of my knives. Wash all of my hunting cloths, and put them in the sealable plastic bags, and then put them in the big plastic totes. I guess, I just do all the prep for next season, and then I do some river fishing, when it is not so cold to freeze my line in the eyes. I catch some monster 10# plus walleyes, out of the Ohio river in Jan and Feb. Not many, but enough to keep me coming back. If you look hard, you'll find plenty to do. Butcher
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Post by Tail Drop »

Well let's see, being a new retiree, I'm still finding things to do, but I like to ice fish, that takes up a lot of the winter, then it's summer fishing,then bow hunting which leads to rifle season for moose,then rifle season for deer, then back to the bow again, I'm also a dog walker, that's uses up some time,god I love retirement. :D
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Post by The Butcher »

Tail Drop,
I want what you have, I just don't want to put the time it to get it! LOL
If you always tell the truth, there is nothing to remember. Mark Twain
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