Still Deciding between Phoenixand Exocet

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Still Deciding between Phoenixand Exocet

Post by mikew »

I'm having a dickens of a time trying to decide between these two bows...

The Exocet shoots faster, which sounds nice from both a trajectory and "string jump possibility" standpoint, but... it's tougher to cock.

Not having the luxury of testing these two sde by side, I have a favor to ask:
How high are your hands when you reach full cock with the string cocking aid?

I'm 5'7", but have a weaker right side and I'm trying to determine if I'd have the "oomph" to use the string cocker with an Exocet.

So, how high does one's hands end up with the Exocet in particuler? (the longer power stroke is what may concern me here)

Thanks in advance - this board is great and I hope everyone has had a very Merry Christmas (or whatever Holiday you may celebrate).

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Mike,I am shorter than you are at 5'6",and I have an Exocet.
What I do to reduce the length of the pull is shorten the string on the cocking aid,so that part of the draw is taken up when I put the cocking aid on the string before I pull.
It starts out partlly drawn.
I can do it without any effort,or excessive strain,as this way I do not lift very high at all.
You have to see it done,to believe it,but it works fine.
This concept should work with either bow.
Bob Vandrish.
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Post by Digger »

2008 Y25 Relayer #593 Boo string, lumizone
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Post by Partikle »

BOB VANDRISH wrote:What I do to reduce the length of the pull is shorten the string on the cocking aid,so that part of the draw is taken up when I put the cocking aid on the string before I pull.
It starts out partlly drawn.

Hey Mike,

Is there not a dealer in your area where you can go in and try cocking the bow with the cocking aid?

Check out the "Cocking Aids" Video:

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Post by wabi »

I'm 5'-6" and started with a Vixen. No problems cocking it, and I never lost a deer with it because I knew they had to be close and at a perfect shot angle. I decided I needed a more powerful - faster bow to shoot deer, because I tried one long shot and the deer "jumped the string" causing me to miss completely. Bought an Exocet (175) and it was much harder to cock. I also ended up making a few bad shots because I was depending on speed and power, and not waiting patiently enough for a perfect shot at very close range, plus it was harder to cock and shoot so I practiced less. Sold the Exocet and bought a Phoenix in November. So far I've only shot at one deer - a doe at 7 yards - and she's in th freezer.
My recommendation - get the Phoenix (sure wish they made the Vixen in a deluxe camo version again) and learn to be patient enough to wait for good close shots!
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Post by mikew »

Thanks for the great advice!

Yes, I didn't mean to infer I would be taking long shots. I've been a vertical bowhunter for a few years and a stroke has made it, um, a wee bit diffucult for the near future to shoot a vertical bow well enough to hunt. :(

Close shots ARE definitely preferred - I probably should have put that better in my original post. I like to think I'd treat the "extra" fps not as a range increasing crutch, but as yet another bit of insurance towards a good hit on a close shot at a good angle. (Does that make sense?)

I like the idea of shortening the string on the cocking aid. That's an excellent suggestion too. I just may do that either way.

I have read the Excalibur page on bow selection too, but thanks for the link.

And yes, there are dealers within about 45min to an hour of me, but I haven't made it to any yet.

At this point, the prudent thing seems to be the Phoenix as I'm less likely to try to push the envelope inadvertantly and more likely to practice more (not to mention the price difference pays for an Excal case ).

Thanks for all the inut. When I get this past the "purchasing department", I'll be sure to post pics (and lots of questions!) :lol:

Thanks - this forum is EXCELLENT and I look forward to contributing in the future and not just asking questions.

The Butcher
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Post by The Butcher »

I had an exomax, and it was a little much. Traded it in for a phoenix, because I found out, 225 lb pull, was illegal in Pennsylvania. If I could do it over, I'd get the exocet 200. With the rope cocking aid, I could cock the max, with a little effort. The Phoenix, takes no effort at all. I liked my Max better. But that's me, and there are other issues. Butcher
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Post by Jim C »

IMHO heavier bows are for driving heavier arrows for use on heavier beasts NOT to turn a crossbow into a 60 yard weapon. I have a vixen deluxe to hunt with. I sold my exomag and exocets and kept a new phoenix for 3D but the vixen deluxe is the ideal Ohio deer bow IMHO.
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Post by JeffOwens »

I just got the exomax. I ordered off the internet and was a bit concerned I would have difficulty cocking it. I am no strong man by any stretch, in fact my father in law recently smiled in jest as we unloaded cases of 13 inch porcelan floor tile off the back of his truck, it was all I could do to pick those up and move them.

I can cock the exomax just fine with the rope cocking aid. Tried with out it and couldn't come close - lol - Unless you have an injury or something I would assume you would be able to pull it with the rope cocking aid.
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Post by big dog »

I also had a stroke making my left side weaker and traded my max for a phoenix and there is a 200# limit in Il. also-I have killed 4 deer with it already and have never had a problem cocking it with the rope cocker, even in the tree stand and believe me if you wait for the deer to get within 30-35 yards they are supper,The phoenix is an awesome crossbow and plenty of speed and k.e. for any whitetail and probably any moose or bear if you wait till their in range and offer a good shot-and the slick trick
broadheads are really great ,they leave a great bloodtrail and awesome entry and exit wound.So I don't think I would look any farther than the phoenix,IT IS TRULY A GREAT CROSSBOW.
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Post by Golden Eagle »

Hello Mike. I got the Phoenix this past Spring and really like it. Is Deer all your going to use it for? If so I think it is plenty. My Buck only went 35 yards this Fall. In fact, if they still sold the vixen in camo with dissapator bars, that is the one I would have bought.
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Post by mikew »

Thanks again gang!

Jim, only the possibility of some larger game in the future pushed me to the Phoenix over the highly regarded Vixen.

Big Dog, sorry to hear you've suffered the same fate as me, but I am heartened to know that you're able to use the string cocker on the Phoenix as well.

Golden Eagle, At this point, deer is all, but I have high hopes of something larger in the future (Moose perhaps?).

I'm sold - the Phoenix is what it'll be...

Thanks agin, and stanby for the inevitable questions.
Jim C
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Post by Jim C »

mikew wrote:Thanks again gang!

Jim, only the possibility of some larger game in the future pushed me to the Phoenix over the highly regarded Vixen.

Big Dog, sorry to hear you've suffered the same fate as me, but I am heartened to know that you're able to use the string cocker on the Phoenix as well.

Golden Eagle, At this point, deer is all, but I have high hopes of something larger in the future (Moose perhaps?).

I'm sold - the Phoenix is what it'll be...

Thanks agin, and stanby for the inevitable questions.
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