grizzly man

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

Kevin 2
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Post by Kevin 2 »


Hope the truck has gas. :shock: Great picture.

Kevin's Rule #1. When in bear country carry a bear rifle.
Kevin's Rule #2. Never forget rule number one.

When I bow hunt my UP camp I carry a 454 revolver on my hip. You need a CCW to do it in Michigan but that is no longer a problem with shall issue.

I saw the movie last night. When I was in the music industry I ran into a lot of people like Mr. Tredwell. Drug/Alcohol issues and lack of common sense/reality. One scene had his girlfriend in the stream on her knees as a bear comes off a fish and she put out her arms and said "I Love You" to the bear two or three times.

They think we should do the same thing with terrorist don't they? I think you will get the same results.

He did more damage to those bears than any imagined poacher. He trained all of them to not fear humans. They walk up to that boat and the guys through rocks and he gets mad at the boaters. The bear would have never approached the boat if he had not sustained contact over the years. One Native American in the movie was very articulate on the harm he was doing to the bears.

The movie was fascinating, like watching a train wreck just couldn't turn away. Mr. Tredwell was a very troubled man and I wouldn't wish that death on my worst enemy. He did ask for it.

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Post by Hi5 »

"Gun Control Laws"--trying to nag criminals into submission.
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Post by ch312 »

lol thanks for that vid

"that guy was nuttier than squirell crap" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i laughed so hard wen buddy said that
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Post by GREY OWL »

I just can't believe a Grizzly bear would start chasing a truck for no reason. Wonder what the guys in the vehicle did to make a bear chase them, ummmmmmmmm!!!!!

Pity the next guy that comes down the road with a dirt bike or worse yet walking, ummmmmm!!!!

Any of you guys remember just a few months ago when that guy from Ontario was killed by a wolf in Northern Saskatchewan. He went out to take pictures of the cute little pup, ummmmm!!!!

Grey Owl
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