I'm loosing one of my favorite hunting partners.

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I'm loosing one of my favorite hunting partners.

Post by LoneWolf »

It looks like I'm gonna be loosing one of my favorite hunting partners, my brother. He and his wife work as Corrections Officers at Kingston Penitentiary and are being transfered to another Pen down east. And by the looks of things he'll be gone by the time fall comes around.

He was my mentor so to speak when I was younger, we were always together hunting everything together from small-game, to deer, all the way to moose. And we've had some pretty good/successful hunts together I might add.

It's gonna be kind of strange being in the woods without him this coming season. My father and I will miss his presence as well as miss sharing the memories of the hunts with him. One thing for sure, he will be leaving us with alot of great memories to look back on.

However, looking on the brighter side of things, I'm sure I'll be joining him on some hunts down there in the future on the 200 acres of property he's got to hunt on over there.

Gonna miss hunting with ya Bro!.... :)

P.S. Be careful out-there eh!...
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Post by gad »

That must be hard man. Good luck to your brother anyway!
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Post by Grizzly-Papa »

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Post by terry-1 »

I lost my best friend and hunting buddy after he was forced to moved several hrs away for a new job years ago. It sucked we still try to get a few hunts in each year when we can. I hunted alone for several years after that. It was just not the same has haveing someone who shares the same interest along with you. I have made a few new freinds the last few years and it's nice to again have someone to go hunting with and talk hunting in the off season with.
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Post by LoneWolf »

I hear ya, bstout

I like to deer hunt alone too, which is what I do most of the year cause my brother lives about 2 1/2 hours from me. He's also got his own deer hunting gang near where he lives. I mostly like to hunt alone when it comes to bow hunting for deer, which is all I do now as I haven't hunted deer with firearms since 1996. My brother and I always got together during the late season for a week or two in the latter part of Dec. Other than that my father comes out with me here and there, but his legs are not as good as they used to be.

Now when it comes to moose hunting you usually have to apply as a group in order to recieve an adult moose tag and have no choice but to go with a partner or partners, depending on the group sizes required to draw an adult tag. Unless of course we are hunting in a WMU where you can apply as an idividual for our adult moose tags.

But let me tell ya, it's good to have someone else with you when you're out hunting moose, cause an animal as big as a moose doesn't come out of the woods quite as easy as a deer does, so it's good to have the extra help when the work starts. My brother and I always got together during the late season for a week or two during the latter part of Dec, that's the part I'm gonna be missing. :) Sometimes it's nice to have someone to talk to besides the birds and the squirrels... :wink:

Now with that said... A wise man once said, "If you wanna be a successful bowhunter, hunt alone!"... :wink:
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Post by GREY OWL »

I know where your coming from Lonewolf. All of my buddies I used to hunt with just quit hunting altogether, I now hunt mostly alone, or with my 13 year old son who just started hunting.

It'll take some time but you'll quickly get used to it.

I do have another friend that I hunt with once in awhile. He also has about the same amount of land I have, so we get together for a few days every season, to hunt Whitetails, Antelope, Moose and sometimes Elk. We generally go for Wild Boar every spring, in fact I just talked to him tonight, and will be getting together on tuesday to plan another hunt in a couple of weeks, for them boars.

My best hunting is done totally alone. Its like I become one with nature.

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Post by LoneWolf »

Grey Owl,

As I stated in one of my earlier posts, I'm used to hunting alone so I don't have a problem with that.

Also now that I think of it I didn't lose a hunting partner, I gained some property down east to hunt on!... :D 8)
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Post by Shakky »

Hunting to me is about family because for the longest time only family memebers were permitted in the group. I have opened that up a little now but for the most part its still my Uncle, cousin, and myself. Hunting would not be the same without them. Just before hunting season a couple of years ago my Uncle was told he had two blocked arteries in his heart and would require surgery. So that year my cousin and I went by ourselves. It wasn't the same at all. We sure do apreciate our time hunting with him now as we know there will come a time when he won't be able to come out. The next year hunting around his birthday he took a really good buck. First thing he said to me was "my heart was sure pounding thank god that new artery held". :lol:
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Post by LoneWolf »

You're right Shakky, it is nice to be able to share them special moments with family. As you said, that's what hunting is all about to begin with.
I enjoyed deer hunting with my father, brother, uncle (father's brother) and cousins. When all of us used to hunt in Quebec together it was a family get together for the most part with alot of joking around and teasing going on. Now my father and uncle are getting older and their legs don't carry them like they used to.

And over there it isn't just hills we have, they are more like mountains with alot of uneven ground. Which as I said earlier makes the walking tough for the elders. They both have ATV's but there are places where an ATV can't get to. And besides no one likes to be driving right up to there watch on an ATV. Heck some of them spots are hard for us younger guys to walk, especially them high steep mountain faces on the shelves where the deer like to bed where they can see any danger coming from below.

So now my father no longer hunts with us in Quebec, he'd rather hunt around here where it's flat ground which is less tiring and much easier for him to walk. He may not be able to get around as easily as he used to, but I tell you he can still shoot that 30-06 of his with pin point accuracy.
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Post by sidekick »

Sorry to hear about your problem. I know what it's like. My brother went into the navy many years ago, and I've only been able to hunt with him once in the last fifteen years. But, he gets out in June and is coming home. I can't wait. This is going to be a great hunting year.
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