Trail cams?

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Trail cams?

Post by grizzled47 »

Hi guys,
Have to ask for your help again!! I am in the market for a new trail cam. I have had two Moultries, and have been very, very disappointed with them. Yesterday, I watched a couple of deer visiting a lick, and some feed at the edge of the wood approx 100 yards from my shed. I had my Moultrie spy cam 100 set up just 6 feet from the feed, and one of the deer walked up and started to feed, before becoming a bit restless and backing off. There was time for a few shots, but the sodding thing never took a single pic! It has been letting me down like this on a regular basis, and so did the first one which I had replaced! I wrote to moultrie and told them about it, but they never even replied.
I read on another forum that some guys had been having loads of trouble with their Moultries also, and had resorted to taking them apart and changing some parts to get them to work! Most of them gave up and bought another brand!
I can't be bothered with all this rubbish, so I want to ask you guys for your oppinion as to the best model trail cam on the market just now? I have heard some good things about Cuddeback! Do you think they are the best? Are there any as good...or maybe even better? I want reliability in both hot and cold weather, and a quick response time. I could wave and dance in front of mine for an eternity without so much as a flicker from it!! it is also useless in the cold! :x
I look forward to hearing your views, and thank you all in advance! I just want total reliability!
Changing the subject now. Mary hasn't had her call to Hospital yet. We were told Two weeks, and it's now Four!! But that's NB for you...Time and distance don't mean anything here!! lol. We just want to get it over with, and then she can start the road to recovery in time for summer!
Thanks again guys,
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Post by LoneWolf »

Hey Grizzled

I know exactly what you mean about the Moultrie 100, I share the same feelings and opinion as you do. I'm not impressed with it either, it's one of those "you get what you pay for" deals...

Yeah, I like the Cuddeback cams and they take great pics. They have one of the fastest trigger speeds on the market right now, if not the fastest it's the secomnd fastest. However I have yet to hear about about a ytrail cam with a faster tigger speed that the Cuddeback.

Another cam I've been hearing good things about is the Leaf River. Both
these cams are expensive, but in the long run they are your best bang for your buck from what I've been reading off other sites. I have 3 Cuddebacks right now and I'm very happy with the results I've been getting out of them.

I hope you find what you're looking for in a trail cam.

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Moultie DGS-200

Post by DaleHolder »

I just received a Moultie DGS-200 for my birthday from my son. I plan on using it for elk this fall. Has anyone had any experience with it?
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Post by chris4570 »

I also have a moultrie camera. I too am not overly impressed with the performance. It does take decent pics, but it is slow to respond to movement. And after hearing your difficulties, Grizzled, I wonder how many pics were never taken when there where animals in front of the camera. Yet at the same time, I've had a flying squirrel trigger the camera. I don't understand.
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Post by GaryL »

I have a Stealth One and I think it is a moultrie but would have to look. It sure do a super job. Fast clean clear pics and up to a 512 card. If I remember correctly grizzled47 you have the one that has too be triggered twice by motion to take a pic. They I am sorry to state are only good for say a feeder cam.
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Post by terry-1 »

I have one of the first moultrie's that came out it works great never a problem for about 1 year now. Soon after they lowered the price by $50 and put the model 100 out. They have been having lots of problems I think they made it cheaper and that was a mistake. As far as cams under $175 the stealth cam WD2 is about the best even though pics are a touch blurry to my eye. Battery life is about 3+ weeks with below freezing nights and trigger speed is about 2-2.5 seconds. Flash is pretty good also. Its the best digital stealthcam makes the only one I would buy myself. Building a cam or buying a homebrew sony cam is the best cam. cuddebacks and leaf rivers are nice also but both of these aren't cheap.
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Post by GaryL »

Thanks terry-1, hee,he thats what mine is (Stealth One) thats the maker :oops: It was only $100.00 +tax and sure do a sweet job. I got the rechargable battery pack with it also and no joke but it worked from Oct. 05 till March 06, before I had to RECHARGE it :shock:
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Post by GREYWOLF »

:D I have had several film models , They seam to work well enough. But the film isnt cheep and it adds up when you are developing 5 shots out of a 24 shot roll to check out what you got . That is why I went digital and and got the LEAF RIVER . it works great in cold or hot weather and is adjustable for range of target is, infrared and auto flash day or night. It is worth a few bucks more to be able to view your photos there in the field at the time you are there ! and photo quality of the 4.1 MP is great I recomend it highly GREYWOLF

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Trail cams

Post by grizzled47 »

Thanks for your response guys, i always find out what i want to know on forum on line!
Please keep sending the info on the trail cams, as i want to get the best i can. I like to hear about both the good points and the not so good!! I would say that response speed is the most important aspect for me. The picture quality is good on a lot of models now, but if the camera doesn't respond quick enough to catch the Deer or whatever, then pic quality means nothing! My sad Moultrie took some good shots....when it worked! I have been told that there isn't a quicker trigger- response than the Cuddeback! can anyone confirm that? I also hear that the Leaf river has the best flash....True?? I want to weigh up all the info, and get the right one this time!!
Before I go, I just want to say thanks to everyone who sent their kind regards for Mary. She finally got her surgery date today,which is next Wednesday!! I'll let you all know how it goes.
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Post by GREYWOLF »

:D You cant go wrong grizzled47 with either the CUDDEBACK or LEAF RIVER both are fast and have great a flash, as well as great quality photos. I will keep Mary in our prayer's , How is your re-loading going ? GREYWOLF
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Post by LoneWolf »

Yes, The Cuddeback is suppose to have the fastest trigger speed, that's what they say anyway... I know my night pics turn out pretty clear as well. The Leaf River could have a brighter flash, that I can't really tell you.
But as was mentioned you can't go wrong with any of the two, if you don't mind spending the extra money.

Here's one from one of my Cuddeback cams (the one I had set up on my moose hunting territory)
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Post by LoneWolf »

Man I really have to pay attention on what I'm doing... :oops:
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Infa red

Post by kendo kid »

I have had a couple of break ins at the warehouse during the past few months. I was thinking of using a trail cam to catch the a--h--e. I want to be able to use the camera for hunting after I photo the dork. I do not want a flash as he will locate the camera and the game is over. I was thinking an infa red would do the trick. Does anyone know if the infa red is detectable when it goes off at night?

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Re: Infa red

Post by LoneWolf »

kendo kid wrote: Does anyone know if the infa red is detectable when it goes off at night?
No it's not detectable, not from a flash anyway.

When it's set up on the IR mode, the flash will not go off when triggered at night.
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Post by kendo kid »

Thanks Lone Wolf. Any suggestions on the best camera in Infa Red?
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