The mighty Miramichi!

Crossbow Hunting

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The mighty Miramichi!

Post by grizzled47 »

Went for a drive to the river yesterday. The weather was great, so we took a few hours to walk and relax before we leave for the Hospital on wednesday. I think it helped mary to chill out a little and take her mind of her impending surgery. I won't be able to get online for awhile after today, so i thought I'd share a few pics with you guys.
It seems ages since we could enjoy the sight of our Great River Miramichi. The winters are long here, and all we have seen for months is ICE!!! But now it looks great again, and it was nice to sit on her banks.
It is Spring now, but we daren't start too much yet, as you just never know what the weather is going to do, but we have had a few warm days, so we have made the most of it. I have been tidying up and doing a bit of painting etc, and Mary has been burning some of the grass around the house, but she has to take it easy.
We discovered that we have a few deer right on the property, and have been keeping them around with a salt lick and some feed. I am leaving a feeder full of corn for them whilst we are at the hospital, and it will be interesting to see if the cam gets any shots for us. I'll keep you informed.
We have had many good wishes from various people and places, and we really appreciate all the support. It is a trying time, but we will get through it ok. Meanwhile, we send our best wishes to all you Turkey hunters out there. We hope you have great success and, if not, just enjoy yourselves. I will be back online to let you know how things are as soon as possible after we get home.
Take care out there,
Chatham Bridge over the Mighty Miramichi! Image

It was nice to sit on the river bank again. Image
Tidying up around the homestead....
Mary chilling out before her surgery.
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Post by axis »

I pray that all will go just find and for a speedy recovery.

Axis :wink:
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Post by diesel »

Grizzled 47. All my thoughts and prayers are with you and Mary. I'm sure the Lord will be looking over both of you and lend his hand to a speedy recovery.
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Post by ch312 »

hmmmm...must be close to miramichi where the firearms center is eh? if i send you X amount of money would you go there and smack them all upside the head and tell them to get their butts in gear? :lol: :lol: :lol:

goin by them its gonna take 5-6 months to send me 4 little pieces of paper so my guns will be registered so i can sell them :roll:
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Post by decee »

I drove thhrough NB last year and purposely avoided Miramichi town because of the firearms centre.

I let the mayor know via e-mail that as a tourist I specifically bypassed it for that reason.

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mighty Miramichi

Post by grizzled47 »

ch312, I don't know if there is a difference in registering guns after buying them, and when already having them and wanting to register them for selling, but I bought 2 rifles recently, and registered them by phone, and got sorted in 2 weeks!! Anyway, I hope you get sorted out soon. Meanwhile, If I go to the firearms center again, I'll smack them all up side of the head for you...FREE OF CHARGE!!
Thanks again all you guys for you kind thoughts. Got to go now...packing for the Hospital in the morning! Go get some Turkeys, and be careful.
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Post by ch312 »

i am trying to get 4 guns registered that have never been registered before...i think im in for a long wait and alot of heated phone calls :roll:
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Post by maple »


Still thinking about you and Mary. Hope all is working out for the best. Never is easy waiting and waiting. All our prayers.

Those photos bring back memories. Whenever we'd approach that bridge I'd tell the kids we were going to drive over the top of the span and they'd freak out. It was kind of a tradition.

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