another turkey question

Crossbow Hunting

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another turkey question

Post by WAB »

Hi all, I don't post much but read almost daily. I have a question for all you turkey hunters. I have been hunting a farm that has sandy soil. I see fresh foot prints almost daily and for the past couple of days a single hen has been coming out into the field I am sitting around 6pm. She messes around completely ignoring my decoys then strolls back in. She has to have her nest there somewhere close by. My question is, am I wasting my time being around her? is she all alone with the nest or is Mr. Tom or Jake close by her? There are only a few days left for me in the season, so I scrambling to figure out what to do. I have not heard any evening or early morning gobbling in sometime.
On a nice note, had a nice button horned buck come out last night...he had a real interest in my decoys, where is the camera when you need it!
thanks for your help on this.....
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