idots are everywhere

Crossbow Hunting

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idots are everywhere

Post by terry-1 »

I was at the local archery store shooting the 3d range this morning and two guys were giveing me a hard time for shooting a crossbow instead of a bow while I paid for my range time. I explained I had a crossbow permit I received after a car wreck which caused two disk in my neck and one in my back to need surgey and still give me alot of problems like it's any of their business anyway. One of the guys was there seeing if he could get a new string put on his bow. Anyway the owner said he had that string in stock and the guy goes out to his car and carries in his bow case. He opens the case up and there on his bow is a red laser aimer(illegal in this state for hunting) tritium glow in the dark sight pin and a mounted red lens light which used a presure pad to turn on/off so it could be used while the bow is at full draw. It looked like a hell of a night time deer rig if I ever saw one. After seeing that I said well I may use a crossbow but at least I hunt them in day light! He went into so BS varmint hunting story with is bow which is also not legal to do here at night anyway. It's one thing if a guy is going to hunt like that,but don't preach to me about using a crossbow. Also don't be a idot and take that stuff off your bow before you bring in into the bowshop to be worked on.
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Post by ecoaster »

I've run into a few of these types.

My argument is, "You ever shot a crossbow?". The answer is usually, Nope! "Then you are just ignorant, I won't hold it against you."

No one weapon is right for all hunters and all situations. I don't go duck hunting with a rifle. I would put money on it that the place I hunt would be easier to hunt with a vert bow. Lots of brush for a horizontal limb to strike when shooting. I have yet to hunt with a vert bow, but I would tend to think that a crossbow is a bit more cumbersome when stalking or still hunting. Who gives a flying s"*t what you use as long as it is legal and lethal.

You don't like em, don't shoot em!!!
I hunt for memories, the meat's a bonus!
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