wild hog pictures

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wild hog pictures

Post by terry-1 »

Here's a few wild hog trail cam pictures from my farm on a wallow thats drying up fast. Drought is getting real bad here about the worse I have seen in over 20 years so water is getting short and the animals are haveing to move around alot to look for it. If it wasn't for blue river My place would be about dried out other than a pond or two. Image Image Image
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Post by gosthunter »

nice pictures ' can we say"LUNCH" :wink:
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Post by wabi »

This may sound dumb, but I think I can see some charactistics of domestic bloodlines in some of those pigs. How many generations does it take them to become "wild", and would there be much difference in one from recent "domestic" bloodlines and one that was from several generations of "wild" stock as far as eating quality?
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blood lines

Post by terry-1 »

Wabi, alot of the hogs we see around here do look more like a domestic. Red,Black,B/W stripped and spotted,gray,white to cream, brown, and many other colors and spots/lines. Even in the same group of hogs you will have some which have that wilder Razor back look with long hair, learner more muscle and alot meaner looking. Those suckers will run off the more domestic looking hogs while at my feeders. They just seem more aggressive and built for a fight. These hogs have been in this area for over 20 years That I know off so the are very wild blood lines and the nose's are longer and hair is much longer than a true domestic hog you would rasie at your house.The fatter more domestic looking ones are alot better eatting from the ones I have ate. I always pick a good 75lb to 125lb fat one out when they come in to eat at my feeder . I don't mess with the big boars much unless the are just a super huge trophy hog. I bagged a 300+ boar in May of this year. Two of use guys could barely load it in my truck it was huge. To much work I am going to stick to 100lbers better eatting easy to load!
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Post by pphoenix »

gosthunter wrote:nice pictures ' can we say"LUNCH" :wink:
I'll go for lunch :lol:

Nice pics :)
For me hunting is just like Mossy Oak, it's not a passion, it's an Obsession
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Post by gosthunter »

i know for a fact when your hungry anything goes
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Post by lynnbo »

cool hog pics Terri ,,, imagine how many hogs we now have in Oklahoma !! All the sows have 6 to 10 piglets every 6 months,,,

what kind of trail camera do you have ?

We are burning up here in Altus and there is no rain in sight ,,, I am worried about quail reproduction this year ....
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Post by diesel »

Thanks for the pictures.
I here wild hogs do a lot of damage to the land.
I think it would be nice to go shoot one. yes shoot a small one. I have always been told the older and larger the hog the stronger they taste.
I here they taste a lot like they smell. It would be nice to shoot one as a toon up for deer hunting.
Dig a pit get a nice hot bed of coals. Put the pig in cover it up till it's done. It's has been to long between hog roast for me.
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Post by terry-1 »

Lynnbo, it's been so long since we saw any rain I just about forgot what it is. I thought last year was dry, but then follow it up with this year even less rain it's real bad. No farms around here have any hay put back or pasture left right now. Most are selling their cows because the can't afford to buy it at the going high prices. I normally sell extra hay, but not this year I barely have enough for own cows. Last year none of my wheat fields came up after planting no rain. This year I am not buying wheat seed unless it starts ranning torwards Sept. It has to be bad on the wildlife I see deer,turkeys and wild hogs just about everytime I go check my cows and fence. They are moveing alot in day time heat looking for food and water. I have eight 55gal tripod feeders near ponds and creeks with water feeding corn/deer protein and alfafa pellets mix four times a day to try to help them out from the drought stress. You guys always seem to be dry towards your part of the state it looks like two years in a row for you too. I hope rain comes soon or I am going to go broke from feeding wildlife and cows! My trail camera is a sony p32 homebrew I built. it's my best cam by far I have several others I use also.
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Post by lynnbo »

I here all you are saying dude ,,, the farms here are in deep trouble ,, folks selling cows that can't afford to haul feed and water,, there will be no dry land cotton this year ... I'm sure the mast crop will be poor too... I was scouting on Fort Sill for elk last week and many of the creeks are completely dry ,, hogs and deer and elk are heading to the larger lakes for water...The water supply for Lawton is at critical levels they have begun rationing there...It is 102 here today and climbing

Pray for rain ...
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Post by GREY OWL »

Lynnbo, terry-1, we had that same problem here several years ago. 3 and 4 years ago, it was the driest here since before the 1930's. Ponds and creeks that were never dry since 1930's were suddenly gone, things looked pretty grim. Hay bales were in great demand, no one had very much. I believe Ontario helped us out here in Saskatchewan and Alberta by shipping hay bales up here. I think it was called HAY WEST.

But have some hope, the drought will soon pass. The past 2 years have been record setting years in rainfall. Too much, way,way, way, to much rain in some areas. On our property, the drought is gone, and everything is very lush.

Let the drought take its cycle, rain isn't far away.

By the way nice Wild boar pictures, shoot the right one, and they can be very tasty.

Grey Owl
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Post by lynnbo »

Thanks for being concerned grey owl ,,, its just depressing watching everything burn up... Of course unlike the critters I'm sittin on the porch with an icy cold bud light in my hand.. And I can also send a few bolts downrange out of my beloved exocet ,, and dream of November,, frost in the willows ,,and big ghosting whitetails .......I feel pretty lucky overall ....
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