Damn I hate school...

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Post by mdcrossbow »

Tye, you'll never stop learning. I'm 53 and taking classes at the Smithonian in DC all week for futher education in my craft of gilding with gold and other medals. Look at your school as gaining wisdom to apply to life. The basics is your platform to learning. Hang in their.
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

A man may through no fault of his own end up short of where he resolved to go ... but he will certainly not go any farther than he resolves to go.

What will your resolution be?

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Post by ecoaster »

I agree with Mighty Mooser on the coasting theory. I did the same and missed out on some big $$$ at graduation. I came out of university extremely employable, but with $65,000 hanging over my head. My wife had about $50,000. It's like paying two mortgages and it really sucks!
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Post by LV2HNT »

TYE, Do good in school now so you can get a job that will let you do the things you like to do. Hunting is not free!!! School now so you can play later. Think about it.............. School will be over sooner then you think.

Also, all those hot girls in school now arn't going to give you a second look in 5-10 years unless you have a good education and job. But who wants one of those superficial gold diggers anyway? I know, I said the same thing, but the sad truth is that allmost all women want kids and they want those kids to have the best possible lives which means a whole lot of $$$. Plus they want the big house, nice cars, and long expensive vacations like we would all like to have thanks to society telling us that is what we all need.

If you think it's bad now, Imagine yourself twenty years from now working way too hard to have just enough to have a roof over your head and a car that runs (if you are lucky). Imagine how bad your body will ache every day from the years of hard labor catching up to you, and the hopeless feeling of knowing you will work till the day you die because you couldn't afford to put enough away for a comfortable retirement. Or how bad it will feel to think about that one girl that stole your heart but left you for a guy who made more money. Imagine your childhood friends who are kissing their great families good bye and leaving their giant chunks of hunting land, taking time off for wonderfull hunting expeditions, equiped with the best gear available. You will wish you could do the same thing but you won't be able to take the time off, and if you had the time you wouldn't have the money. You will also wish for another chance to go back and do things differently but it will be too late or too expensive. I can keep this up all day but I won't. You are smart so I think you got the picture. If you don't finish school you will not be doomed to all of these things, but the possibility of them and much, much more are going to be much more likely. Even people with the best educations and potential end up in horrible situations. Nobody knows how their life will turn out. All they can do is try to prepare themselves for whatever may happen. The very best way to prepare for such things is by going to school. With an education you will be able to control your life and not let life control you.

The best thing you can do for yourself is imagine where you want to be in 5 and 10 years from now, and beyond. Be as truthfull and honest as you can and then try to plan ways to get those things and steps to reach those points. When you have figured that out then write it down. That will be your list of goals. Keep that list, and look at it and change it often as your life changes. As time goes by if you keep those goals in mind and strive to get them you will find yourself accomplishing some of them and changing others because you will realize that you are capable of doing so much more than you originaly imagined. This will be one of the most satisfying and addictive feelings you will ever have, to know you have a direction to go and great things to look forward to that you will get and not just dream about. Try to be as realistic as possible and plan little steps to take on the way to that huge goal way up on that mountain that you never thought possible. You can make it, all you have to do is work at it. Nothing good in life is free. No matter what you decide to do, you will always have to work one way or another. You can work hard or work smart, it's up to you...
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Post by rwk »

Son it sounds like you need a good swift kick in the butt.
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Post by bait pile willie »

you think school is boring,wait tillyou get a realjob.hell school is real fun at least you cant get laid off, or loose your job.maybe if you spent more time doing homework,than putting useless posts on hhere you woulb be better off. no offence offence TYE BUT YOU AN NEVER GET ENOUGH EDUCATION.
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Post by buckbuster »

I believe BAIT PILE WILLIE just burnt somebodys biscuit!!!!!!!! :lol:
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Post by bait pile willie »

sorry tye I spoke out of turn,keep your amusing posts up,but do yourself a big fovour and get yourself THE BEST EDUCATION you can.
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Post by Partikle »

What are you studying Tye? Maybe it's boring because you're in the wrong program?
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Post by Sliver »

Looks like it's all been said already TYE... Stay in school , get a good education... you will be glad you did in about 20 years :wink:
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Post by TYE »

GREY OWL wrote:What do ya mean you hate school????? Think of the girls you'll meet!!! :lol: :lol: A young good looking guy like you, heck even the teacher will put a move on you, ( hopefully its not a man)!!!!

Grey Owl
:lol: :lol:
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Post by ComfyBear »

I see that you like your smiley face icons, but life is a serious affair my friend.The day will come where you won't have your parents to support you. Will you be ready?????

The advice these guys are giving is for your own good. Time is fleet and waits for no one. Tomorrows quickly turn into todays, and before you realize it, they turn into yesterdays. So unless you are willing except your wasted yesterdays, I suggest you make your choices wisely. Success comes from making the right decisions and sticking to them. As a framer you should know that, if you build a sound foundation, you'll have a strong base to build upon, and it will stand you in good stead.

The Brothers Grimms make this point very clear in their "Three Little Pigs" fable.

So which pig would you rather be, the one who builds the straw house so he can get to play sooner, but alas for a very short time, or the one who works a little harder to build one of bricks, and then lives to enjoy the fruits of his labours for many years to come.

The choice his yours, and only you can decide your fate and future. Choose wisely, because you reap what you sow.
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Post by M&M »

Tye first day of my senior year in high school a teacher wrote something on the board that has been with me 26yrs now and it is ten two letter words. If it is to be it is up to me. your teachers have something you need and that is an education yours for the taking. Work hard in school so you can later work at a career that you choose, not at a job you just have to put up with to get by. If you have a job that you truely enjoy you'll never be disapointed in the effort it took to get there, and you'll never work a day, because you'll enjoy what you do and trust me that impacts your family also. And those ten two letter words apply to any challange in life, someone can lay the best oportunity in the world in front of you but it is worthless unless you act on it. Good luck in school Tye M&M
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Post by TYE »

Judging by the posts... you guys seem to think I'm quitting. I'm not quitting. I just got back into school for a reason. To finish, and make something of myself.
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Post by M&M »

good for you! we are just trying to encourage you. M&M
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