Trash dumpers

Crossbow Hunting

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Trash dumpers

Post by Hoss »

Man I went to my huntin spot this eve and found not 1 or 2 but 3 trash piles..Oh was i pissed...someone dumped there houshold trash out on public beautful land..I took the time to look thru them and loe and behold I found a vehicle registration receipt at 1 and a magazine at the other and another magazine at the other and they all had the same name on them?????so what do you know I had to make a call????????????????so now the game warden is happy to take that info and follow up on that person in need of a trash can...among other things.....that is one of the things that really send me over the edge bad... :twisted: He said he would get back to me ...i will let you guys know what happens...
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Post by groundpounder »

Did the same thing on some property I hunted once. Game warden I taught hunter safety for was more than happy to track down the individual with mail they had thrown away. I'm also amazed at how far someone will tote a six pack in the woods and leave their empties behind. I see sorry remains from people in the woods all the time and can't stand it. I aplaud you for following through to try and punish the trash dumpers. There's absolutely no need in it.
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Golden Eagle
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Post by Golden Eagle »

Good for you..I hope they get whats coming to them. :wink:
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Post by ecoaster »

Way to go Hoss. Guess the idiots don't think to make sure there "calling cards" are not in the bag. Should get hit with the max fine!
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Post by CYCLONE »

Good job Hoss! They ought to post names/pictures in local papers of litters and idiots who commit crimes against nature. This is much more serious and effects more people than some guy getting busted for picking up a prostitute or something in my opinion.
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Post by Farmer »

I get people who dump trash along the road and into a creek next to my farm, all the time. Shingles, furniture, food from cleaning out a freezer, XXX magazines and anything else you can think of. Just once would I like to catch them.
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Post by Masterhunter »

One of my pet peeves are litterbugs. You should check out the WMA rifle ranges sometime. You will find busted glass leftover plinking targets and empties everywhere. Lazy slobs which have no respect or concern for anything shouldn't be allowed to be there in my opinion.

If there is any justice they should also have to do time picking up not only just their own trash but others as well. But I don't expect much will happen because they will just say someone "stole" my trash & must have dumped it there. Keep us posted.
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Post by LV2HNT »

Way to go Hoss!!!
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Grizzly Adam
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Well, calling the game warden is all fine and dandy, and is probably the best course of action when the offense is comitted on public land. I can tell you, though, that any trash dumped on my farm that includes something that identifies the dumper is GOING RIGHT BACK TO THEIR FRONT DOORSTEP, if I know where they live ... whether they're home or not, in the house or not, big and hairy or not ... because I HATE LITTERING.

If you dump trash on my place, you can bet I'm gonna be in your face about it. I don't even like people dropping filter cigarette butts in my yard. People should take their trash with them, period.

We should all breathe right down the necks of litterers.

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Post by Country »

I went through a pile of trash on my hunting land once and found several envelopes with the address still on them. I bagged it all up and redistributed it all around their front yard late at night. I wonder if they ever made the connection?
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Post by A.W »

Country wrote:I wonder if they ever made the connection?
I doubt it. They were stupid enough to leave their mail in the trash they dumped.

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Post by Hoss »

met the not 1 but 3 game wardens down at the woods this morn and boy were they lit up about the trash deal.the captian was there and he was livid...We went to all three places and they dug out info alot of info on them dam rocket scientist who dumped thier trash and thier calling cards......Ok they said MAX fine $1000 x 3 trash piles...they would have been better of to dump in one place but since they spread it around they get to invest a little more into the wildlife fund :lol: . AND they have to come out and clean up not just thier spots but that whole area....and then ifn they dont clean it up fast and good, they will get another fine until its done..I like the fact the the warden said he would call me and let me know the progress..and they said thanks for the tip on the trash thugs.They were glad someone else was as passionate about the woods staying clean as they are...

SWEET........that would have been enough cash to have trash service for a lifetime...dumb people...

GA said---------->Well, calling the game warden is all fine and dandy, and is probably the best course of action when the offense is comitted on public land. I can tell you, though, that any trash dumped on my farm that includes something that identifies the dumper is GOING RIGHT BACK TO THEIR FRONT DOORSTEP, if I know where they live.

we had their address many times over the only problem with that course of action is or would have been this......they moved recently and you would have been dumping trash on the right address but wrong thats not a very good idea unless your 100% sure...ifn your for sure even then it can backfire on you if caught redumpin trash..CYA.

what may have happened here is this.....Its possible that the new people who moved in were cleaning up the trash the last people left...they probly did this terrible crime against nature...I will let you guys know what happens.......

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Grizzly Adam
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Sorry, Hoss, but not around here. I understand what you're thinking, and appreciate the concern, but everybody here knows who "new people" are. Hey ... the population in this county is so small there's no doubt about who lives where, or if there was, it would be no problem finding out.

I wouldn't be taking any chances on hauling it back to the wrong place, and I didn't say I'd be "dumping it" ... only that I'd put it back on their front step ... nicely bagged, of course. No need to descend to their level.

Being caught "re-dumping" doesn't apply either. I guarantee if I called the local sheriff and said "I'm taking some dumped trash back to it's rightful owner today ... want to come watch while I do?", that he'd be happy to do it, or send a deputy, if they had time to spare.

Things may be different in your neck of the woods. Maybe you've got lots of people, or don't know each other well, or have law enforcement that you don't know either ... I know everybody's situation is different.

I didn't say everyone should do what I'd do, anyway ... was just saying what I'd do. Every man should act for himself.

Even so, I think the result of your action is much more damaging to the perpetrator. You know they've gotta hate that fine and service.

I'm glad you did it. Keep on doing it.

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Post by Tom »

Ok they said MAX fine $1000 x 3 trash piles...they would have been better of to dump in one place but since they spread it around they get to invest a little more into the wildlife fund Laughing . AND they have to come out and clean up not just thier spots but that whole area..
Good but I doubt that they will learn a lesson either. But can you imagine dumping 3 excaliburs away like that, $3000 is about 3 crossbows.

I have seen something simular happen in Ontario, they followed the papper work back to the orginal people that was on the envelopes, the problem was, they had hired someone to clean up their yard and remove the garbage. They had even paid for the garbage disposal fee (got a reciept for the guy). Well that guy lost his business, truck, and was heavily fined, mostly because he was a business.

I say to string up all dumpers like that. If you look into my day or fanny pack, you will see all kinds of wrappers (just not all removed yet) that I packed in and out.
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Post by Hoss »

Grizzly Adam wrote:Sorry, Hoss, but not around here. I understand what you're thinking, and appreciate the concern, but everybody here knows who "new people" are. Hey ... the population in this county is so small there's no doubt about who lives where, or if there was, it would be no problem finding out.

Hoss---> man thats great to live in a very sparce populated area and know your nieghbors...good security..

I wouldn't be taking any chances on hauling it back to the wrong place, and I didn't say I'd be "dumping it" ... only that I'd put it back on their front step ... nicely bagged, of course. No need to descend to their level.

Hoss--->your nicer than me.. Ifn someone local did that I would call them and say "see ya here in a little bit got something for ya" I would open the bag and give to them like I found it and take my bag with me with them watchin...

Being caught "re-dumping" doesn't apply either. I guarantee if I called the local sheriff and said "I'm taking some dumped trash back to it's rightful owner today ... want to come watch while I do?", that he'd be happy to do it, or send a deputy, if they had time to spare.

Hoss---> now there ya go sounds like a great plan there :wink:

Things may be different in your neck of the woods. Maybe you've got lots of people, or don't know each other well, or have law enforcement that you don't know either ... I know everybody's situation is different.

Hoss-----> yea im sure its different everywhere. I only know of folk around my parts..Thats a bonus of livin in the sticks ..It was city folk who did this they drove many mile to dump thier trash..I would not have a clue who those city people are, and yes I know local sheriffs, I drink beer with a few of them.. Locals get treated like family. I know some local boys who got an ass whoopin for killin a collared deer from a rehab place..sheriffs turned thier heads to that.

I didn't say everyone should do what I'd do, anyway ... was just saying what I'd do. Every man should act for himself.

Hoss----> Cool man ...hey didnt mean to insinuat that..its OK and your right about ACTING some turn the head the other way...not me.. :twisted:

Even so, I think the result of your action is much more damaging to the perpetrator. You know they've gotta hate that fine and service.

Hoss-------> yes indeed GA....I would have been happy to bend em over my knee and whoop thier ass with my belt though..

I'm glad you did it. Keep on doing it.

Hoss-----> Thanks GA Ill tip a beer to you tonight friend....

Dedicated.... ta all the sweet Bucks yet ta die!
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