Beagle Pup

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

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Post by M&M »

I think you need to reread my post I said wait till the dog has started running rabbits till you introduce the sound of gunfire, and in ohio where I live it is not legal to hunt deer with dogs so most don't want their dogs running deer and about the shock collars it sounds as if you have only heard of these potential problems if you buy quality equipment you will not have problems I use tritronics collars and they work very well and have never operated on there own giving my dogs errant shocks and you can also set the collars for different stimulation levels I used to think the same as you on the collars untill I saw them in use and it is a far more humane way to correct your dog than hitting him and they also know where it is coming from they learn quickly that I have the controler around hanging around my neck and like I said it doesn't take very long till they understand what is going on and at this point I very rarely have to use any stimulation on my dogs, just ask your vet I have and he'll tell you it is a humane way to train if not abused and I repeat if not abused. Also I might add that between myself and my brother we have brought up 8 beagles training them with collars with no problems whatsoever, none run deer they obey commands and do not fear or shy away from us as a dog that has been beaten or abused and our dogs all love to hunt. M&M
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Post by Tom »

M&M now your putting words into my post. I never mentioned anything about errant shocks.
I use tritronics collars and they work very well and have never operated on there own giving my dogs errant shocks
What I said was that shocks were given to the dog without them seeing it coming. Out of the blue they get shocked by a collar. I have seen dogs become vicious as soon as they see the shock colar. IF a dog sees you become angry, then chastize or timeout him/her, they know something is coming before it happens, they can understand it that way. But when all of a sudden they get a shock without warning, it can (and has happened) break the spirit of the dog. All my dogs would put their life on line for me, but they also knew I was the Dominate pack leader. The only time I have ever beat a dog is after they have bitten someone. Too me that is a last chance, if they bite again, they get put down. My dogs do not bite, too many kids close.

As for training, I train my beagles to the extreem. I could leave an uncovered steak on the table, with the dog alone in the room all day and he would not even touch it. I would not even worry. If you were to place food on a normal plate, and put in in his eatting area, he would not even touch it without you giving him premission to have it. I even had one special beagle that would retreeve like a lab. Boy that was great when grouse hunting. He would even hand you the bird without tearing it apart. You just need to be more stubborn then they are.

My last dog, CJ, knew many comands. Even if he was running, if I yelled FREEZE, he would stop almost in mid stride. When walking on a reteactable leash, if he went the wrong way around a poll, I just needed to tell him wrong way and he would retreat without me needing to stop. If I mentioned boat or boat ride, he would be gone into the boat before I could get outta the chair :lol: . You do not need to beat a hound to train nor do you need the shock colars. In my opinion, shocking the dogs is a bad as beating them. And if they misbehave that much, then you need to have them put down.
Mighty Mooser
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Post by Mighty Mooser »

Hi Bob
Is this Jeff a Relative of yours with the same last name? I know a Jeff Vandrish, however I can't find Raisin River Outfitters in the book. I may have to wait till May, but found some that are from a blood line that hunt fox, deer , wolf. Will have pick of litter if I wait. The Ottawa link makes you pay some sort of membership fee.

What are some good tips for picking a beagle pup for hunting/ and companion?
When you whack them you better stack them!!!
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Post by #16 »

check out lots of pups for sale.

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