My son, my best friend

Crossbow Hunting

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My son, my best friend

Post by Grizzly-Papa »

Patrick and I went out for the very last time yesterday to close out the 2006 deer season. Although I enjoyed a successful season he had yet to have the opportunity at harvesting a deer. Under the Ontario apprentiship program and after completing all necessary courses we would take stands together and share one firearm / crossbow. This is his last year with me as he will be 15 in May and able to hunt alone from now on.

The day started out well as we took a walk scouting for deer activity and deciding where we would take our evening stand. I told Patrick to get ready with the shotgun as I kicked a brush pile where I suspected a rabbit was hiding. Sure enough, out came the bunny running 100 miles an hour, he took a bead on it and stopped it dead in it's track with a blast from the 12 gauge.

Shortly afterwards, he switched the shotgun for his Exocet and we proceeded to our selected tree stand in the hardwoods. It was not long before dusk came and the final half hour of legal shooting was upon us. That is when in the distance I saw deer approaching. They were about 60 yards in distance as I tapped Patrick on the shoulder to get ready. He stood up and unwisely shed his gloves in sub zero C. temperature in anticipation of a quick shot that was not to be.

The deer lingered in the distance as they slowly made their way towards us. Patrick was shaking uncontrollably as buck fever and the cold took a grip of him. I bit my lip as I knew that under those conditions it would be next to impossible for him to make an accurate shot.

Then all of sudden, he turned to me and asked if he could sit on my lap to steady his shot. I nodded that he could and he sat on my knee. A calm came over him as he sat there waiting for the deer to get closer. I gently rubbed his frozen hands with mine and he smiled. I knew then that all the preparation and time together would culminate in a successful way.

As the deer approached and turned broadside to us at 30 yards I whispered into Patrick's ear to take the shot. He did and the Exocet did it's job by driving the bolt cleanly through the deer in the front shoulder. It was a solid hit and the deer bedded down 15 yards from the base of the tree stand mortally wounded. We let it rest there for a while as darkness set in and the coyotes howled in the near distance. We had to track it a bit as it made one last final attempt at escape but it was easy to find as we had fresh snow on the ground.

Proud Papa and Patrick took pictures and ate venison jerky from a previous deer to celebrate.

Next season will be different for Patrick and I as he will be a full fledge member of our small group with equal say and decision making. As we go to our separate stands I will always cherish the opportunity that was given to us to bond so closely. A writ of passage came to him last night. One of many! Soon it will be driving lessons, girls and college or university.
No longer will he be sitting in my lap but my door will always be open to share wisdom and advice.

I love you Patrick and congratulations on your first deer!

Happy New Year to all! Best wishes to you and your family and please take the time to hug your children!



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Charlie Booze
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Re: My son, my best friend

Post by Charlie Booze »

Grizzly-Papa wrote:Patrick and I went out for the very last time yesterday to close out the 2006 deer season. Although I enjoyed a successful season he had yet to have the opportunity at harvesting a deer. Under the Ontario apprentiship program and after completing all necessary courses we would take stands together and share one firearm / crossbow. This is his last year with me as he will be 15 in May and able to hunt alone from now on.

The day started out well as we took a walk scouting for deer activity and deciding where we would take our evening stand. I told Patrick to get ready with the shotgun as I kicked a brush pile where I suspected a rabbit was hiding. Sure enough, out came the bunny running 100 miles an hour, he took a bead on it and stopped it dead in it's track with a blast from the 12 gauge.

Shortly afterwards, he switched the shotgun for his Exocet and we proceeded to our selected tree stand in the hardwoods. It was not long before dusk came and the final half hour of legal shooting was upon us. That is when in the distance I saw deer approaching. They were about 60 yards in distance as I tapped Patrick on the shoulder to get ready. He stood up and unwisely shed his gloves in sub zero C. temperature in anticipation of a quick shot that was not to be.

The deer lingered in the distance as they slowly made their way towards us. Patrick was shaking uncontrollably as buck fever and the cold took a grip of him. I bit my lip as I knew that under those conditions it would be next to impossible for him to make an accurate shot.

Then all of sudden, he turned to me and asked if he could sit on my lap to steady his shot. I nodded that he could and he sat on my knee. A calm came over him as he sat there waiting for the deer to get closer. I gently rubbed his frozen hands with mine and he smiled. I knew then that all the preparation and time together would culminate in a successful way.

As the deer approached and turned broadside to us at 30 yards I whispered into Patrick's ear to take the shot. He did and the Exocet did it's job by driving the bolt cleanly through the deer in the front shoulder. It was a solid hit and the deer bedded down 15 yards from the base of the tree stand mortally wounded. We let it rest there for a while as darkness set in and the coyotes howled in the near distance. We had to track it a bit as it made one last final attempt at escape but it was easy to find as we had fresh snow on the ground.

Proud Papa and Patrick took pictures and ate venison jerky from a previous deer to celebrate.

Next season will be different for Patrick and I as he will be a full fledge member of our small group with equal say and decision making. As we go to our separate stands I will always cherish the opportunity that was given to us to bond so closely. A writ of passage came to him last night. One of many! Soon it will be driving lessons, girls and college or university.
No longer will he be sitting in my lap but my door will always be open to share wisdom and advice.

I love you Patrick and congratulations on your first deer!

Happy New Year to all! Best wishes to you and your family and please take the time to hug your children!



Congratulations Patrick & Dad, Thanks for the story and the pic's. :lol:
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Post by GaryL »

Always learning!!
Home fer now!
Charlie Booze
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Post by Charlie Booze »

Congratulations Patrick and Grizzy-Papa for the story & Pic's You must be proud of your SON! :lol: :lol: Charlie Booze.
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Post by wildwindom »

Very nice story that brought a tear to me eye my kids are 2 and 4 and i cant wait for that day to come to take them into the woods. Tell im very happy for the both of you and good luck to you in the new year and the new season to come!!!
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Post by Tom »


Altimate Hunting Experiance - ........... See story above

Congrats on your time in the woods with your son.
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Post by huntman »

Awsome story!! Congrats to the both of you... Job WELL DONE!
I have a 1 year old son and can't wait till he can share a stand with me too!! When I showed him the 8 pointer i took two weeks ago he was so happy and laughed! When i ask him "where the deer" he points to the garage, even though its in the freezer now :lol: ! I sure hope he gets the fever like dad!
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Post by duber »

That my friend IS what it is all about!

Thanks for sharing that great story and pics.

Congrats to you as a father and your lad as a hunter.

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Post by Digger »

Congrats to both of you, great story and pics.
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Post by GREY OWL »

Your son is the same age as my boy Colton. He'll be 15 in the spring also. My son missed on 3 nice big bucks this past fall, one I rattled and two we stalked. My patience was tested on those bucks, as I couldn't understand how he could miss all three. It definetely was buck fever.

My son Colton did make a very interesting shot I never saw or witnessed before, but only heard about it. There were 2 deer in the alfalfa field, a doe and its calf. He first shot the doe, it took off running over the hill, then he turned to the calf which was just standing there. When he shot, I could see the bullet kicking up snow and dust from the field behind, I thought it was a complete miss. Now here's the gross part. As the deer was running away, I could see something hanging down from under its belly. My son turned to me and said, "What's that dad hanging from its underside". All I said was "OH BOY", "OH BOY", as it to went over the hill and out of sight. I told him he'd better stay behind while I go finish him off, you don't want to see this. What had happened, the deer was facing him, and the shot was just below the underside, it completely opened the stomach cavity, and all the intestines and stomach contents fell out. It was the gross'est sight I ever witnessed. I went over the hill and the deer had already laid down and expired. I was worried he might take this kind of hard and turned off hunting, but he took it all in stride. The best part was when we went over the other hill where the doe went, it was down and out with a perfect double lung shot.

Enjoy your hunting with your son Grizzly-papa, there are moments you'll share and never forget.

Grey Owl
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Way to go, Grizzly-Papa! Good experience and a good story.

As you know, nothing will ever mean to you what your kids do. I lost my little daughter 4 years ago; I know. Cherish those good times. They are a gift.
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Post by Pydpiper »

Congrats guys!
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Post by wabi »

Sure couldn't ask for a better end to the season!
Now tell the boy to eat the rabbit while you munch down on the tenderloins. :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by ComfyBear »

I heart-warming story Grizzly-Papa. It's moments like the ones you've experienced that make living life so worthwhile.

Congratulations to the both of you. Happy Year, and may you share many more pleasurable experiences with your son Patrick.
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Post by Tar Heel »

Congrats Grizz and Patrick, on your deer, great story.

Tar Heel
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