So how does the game warden know?

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

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Post by Stalker »

a group of friends and I discussed this a while ago and the general consensus was that the limit was probably to keep the arrow speed and trajectory / range in line with the vertical bow limits.... I shoot a compound set at 75# and a draw length at 31" and I can get a hunting weight arrow up to 320 ft/sec so I'm in the Exocet range..... most vertical shooters are using 70 lb's or less... there isn't many people out there who are pulling 80 - 100 lb vertical bows 'cause there is a limit on what most people can draw back and hold.... trying to keep the playing field level between vert's and xbows is what gets xbows accepted in the archery season and there is still push back..... if you take the restrictions off you will probably see a separate xbow season and the vertical shooters will have their own..... it hasn't seemed to matter yet if I use the Exocet / Exomag or the vertical so I really don't worry about getting heavier / faster...
Grizzly Adam
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Hey, Stalker ...

Probably has something to do with it.

I used to shoot compound bows at 95+ lbs. with a 31" draw ... an Oneida Aero force and a PSE (can't remember it's model) ... and it does make a very noticeable difference in what shots you can take and which you shouldn't.

But why not have an upper draw weight limit on vertical bows too, then, if that's the logic?

After all, not many people are comfortable cocking a 225 crossbow even with a rope aid, and most can't cock one without an aid.

Beats me ... but I bet the reason falls in the "unreasonable advantage" category.
Horizontal Hunter
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Post by Horizontal Hunter »

I have to agree that it doesn't make any sense, especially with the Stryker's poundage and arrow speed. I tend to thnk that specifying an arrow weight makes less sense (Connecticut not less than 450 grains).

That being said, I do my best to follow them regardless of wether or not I agree with them. I have better things to do with my time and money than fight a stupid ticket. I'd rather be hunting. Nor do we need to give the antis and additional fodder.

BTW what is the weight of the "stock" arrow that comes with the "Right Stuff Scope Kit"??

Vegetarian: vejiˈte(ə)rēən/noun: old Indian word for lousy hunter.
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Post by DrDan »

Yup, HH

I agree - life is too short to fight a stinking ticket in court! Only ones to benefit are the lawyers. What needs to be done is a letter writing campaign to state government officials and then these ridiculous laws might be taken down. You know, "The squeeky wheel gets the oil"!

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Post by XbowMisiu »

264 gr. plus you BH
Darz Bór!
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