Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

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Post by BigTiny »

Sorry to hear what happened to you. I would be willing to pay up front for the work you do. From the pictures I have seen and the comments I have read about your work, anyone on here should have complete confidence in you.
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Post by ch312 »

are you people kidding me? getting angry at the potential buyer because he simply had mor eimportant things come up. obviously keeping his wife happy is more important than buying some bolts.

before i bought my house i would have been pissed off too that he didn come through with the money but thats because ive always had extra money. now that things are tight i understand where he is coming from. give the guy a break instead of getting all ticked off. :roll:

sit back and think about it....

buy some bolts to make yourself happy or buy the wife a ring and keep her happy. anyone that chooses the bolts is either single or very close to it :wink:
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Post by buckeye »

are you people kidding me? getting angry at the potential buyer because he simply had mor eimportant things come up. obviously keeping his wife happy is more important than buying some bolts.
Are you kidding me ch312? He wasn't a potential buyer he was the sole buyer who pm greywolf and ordered these bolts. This is basicly stealing in my eyes. They had a verbal agreement which was broken due to this customers fianancial irresponsibility. I could understand if it took 6 months to a year to complete 6 bolts and something came up. But there is noway in the short amount of time it takes to make up 6 bolts that this guy didn't know he was going to purchase a ring? So I guess it's ok to stiff someone $65.00 just because this customer is stupid? If he didn't have the money set aside specificly for theses bolts then he had no buisness ordering them. A man is only as good as his word so this says it all about this customer.

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Post by Boo »

buckeye wrote:[. A man is only as good as his word so this says it all about this customer.
Well said.
A verbal or written agreement is a contractual agreement. It is binding. I've been burned more times than I care to remember and I doesn't feel good. Some people just don't think about the other person. Craig, from our PMs, I can tell you are a good person. That is what was taken advantage of and that is purely wrong. No excuses are morally acceptable. The only acceptable route was for the purchaser to ask you to let him off the hook and you should have been the only person to make that decision.
Sorry to hear about your plight.
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Post by ratherbefishin »

This is really simple-if a guy orders something and then can't afford it-he has two choices-complete the contract and resell it, or contact the seller and explain the situation,ask if he can sell it to someone else and offer to make up any diference he might incur for selling the item at a loss.
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