Bird of Prey Trained to Kill Young Deer?

Crossbow Hunting

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How do you feel about the video?

Those guys are JERKS!
Thats kinda neat; but it's NOT hunting!
Cool! I want one!!
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Bird of Prey Trained to Kill Young Deer?

Post by Rage_A_Holic »

Ethical hunting at it's best eh? :roll: :roll: :roll:

I honestly feel bad for that deer; although the video is vaguely appealing.... in a distant "those jerks are ruining hunting" SLASH "deer should be killed ethically, or not at all" kind of way.
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Post by Hi5 »

That's poor video so it's hard to make out detail. What kind of bird, and what kind of deer? I don't see it ever becoming a problem with either the birds we have here or the deer.

Mind you, that wouldn't discourage the dogooders from wanting to pass laws to control a non existant problem.
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Post by BrianV »

Absolutely do not like it! NO way to take an animal the size of a deer. Not a clean kill in the least!

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Post by DropTine »

Those are the guys who give hunting a bad name.
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Post by kitty kat »

The title of the video "nature versus nature" thats a lot of crap. This is not hunting . I wouldn't even call it sport. :(
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Post by Skeeter »

My guess is a golden eagle. They used to use them in Europe to hunt wolves too. The bird would grab the back bone and when the wolf turned it's head to snap at the bird/ pain, it would grab the head/nose and break the spine.
Those are incredibly huge birds!
In Ontario, we can hunt with birds of prey too. (but you have to apprentice) :o

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Post by chris4570 »

Nothing wrong as far as I can tell. The golden eagle took down that deer pretty efficiently, just as they might in the wild. Hunting with a bird of prey IS hunting. And is not easy. You have to be just as much an outdoorsman using a bird as you do using a bow or a gun. Plus there many other factors to consider as well. The months of training(constant), feeding, housing, vet bills, etc.. In thick cover the eagle wouldn't have a chance. A golden eagle is the most dangerous bird of prey to use, often being quite aggressive towards their handler. A ten pound eagle with massive talons flying towards you at 30mph could be a painful experience.
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Post by awshucks »

Having a friend who holds a "Master Falconers" license, I know a little about this sport. 1st off, there is no training for any one game animal. Once the bird is "at weight"[weighed to see if it's gonna hunt or just fly off] it can only be hunted so long before it must be fed to keep it from going into shock. Falconry is a very ancient sport. Nothing is really being done that doesn't happen in the wild, just someone other than the bird gets the meat. Falconers often trap birds to hunt. The training is getting the bird to depend on the falconer for food. That Golden Eagle in the video could just as well opted for a rabbit if one would have flushed while it was looking at the deer. Falconers often breed their birds. The survival rate for chicks born in captivity is like 80% while for those born in the wild, near 17%. Most birds of prey they use are eventually returned to the wild, and in great shape!
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Well, my land-line modem won't load video, so I can't even watch it, but I will say this, as I've said before:

If the practice is legal in the jurisdiction in question, and all is done according to the law in that area, I'm going to support their right to do it regardless of whether I like it or not.

I feel this way for two reasons:

1. It isn't my place to say what folks in other areas should do when it comes to hunting. That's up to them and their legislators.

2. I expect to hunt according to laws in my area, and I afford others the same right I expect myself.

We (collectively) get all hot and bothered because many don't want us using crossbows. We want to hunt the way we want to hunt. If someone likes to hunt with a bird of prey, and that's allowed where they hunt, why suggest they shouldn't be able to?

We hunters had better stand together, or we'll fall together.

If we don't get past this "My way of hunting is more legitimate than your way of hunting and you shouldn't be allowed to do that" attitude, we're all in trouble.

Fuel for the anti-hunting fire.
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