Confession Time

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

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Post by VixChix »

Love my Vixen (really, DoeMaster, I really, really do! :lol: )

PydPiper: I have a factory string on it. I'm from the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" school.
Last edited by VixChix on Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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"Team DryFire"
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Post by VixChix »

Doe Master wrote:The better part of the story is she did it with a crowd watching at elmira`s open house . :oops:
Fortunately the crowd most were still over at the rifle range - but like TPM said that awful sound sure carries! I'm glad I couldn't hear the conversation from the guys. I just stood there, red in the face, feeling like an idiot, saying "I don't know what happened". I'm sure I'll be taking some teasing about it from the guys at the range for a while.

DoeMaster, I would have felt even more stooopid doing it in front of you! :lol: I would have dug a hole in the berm, crawled in and hid for the rest of the day. Was just about ready to do that after my "It's just a Vixen" comment! :oops:

I'm really really really hoping that was a one-time occurance for me. Or that if it doesn happen to me again, that it will be with a different audience so I can pretend it didn't happen before. :lol:
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Post by Sopchoppy »

Welcome to the "DDFC"....dufus dry fire club....we have many members...I joined on the first day with my Vortex and had to throw away some of my laundry.
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Post by Excalibur Marketing Dude »

OK, as long as we are confessing I have the best one of all! I was testing a crossbow in our factory with all of our employees working away building crossbows and our production manager was in the area talking to an employee, the sales manager was shooting with me and WHAMMM....I dry fired a Phoenix! :oops: I of course should know better than anybody but I still screwed up, so don't feel too bad...$%$#!!! happens. I of course told everybody that I was just confirming the outstanding integrity of our product and seeing first hand what its like to dry-fire a crossbow....nobody believed that one! :D

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Post by Doe Master »

While we are confessing ,I too have dryfired but did it while instructing a person on how to shoot .Was talking too much and not paying attention and forgot to put an arrow in .Embarassing yes but still not as bad as hitting your thumb with the string while teaching some kids and try not to let on you even did it. :oops:
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Post by VixChix »

Doe Master wrote:...but still not as bad as hitting your thumb with the string while teaching some kids and try not to let on you even did it. :oops:
OUCH!!!! :(
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"Team DryFire"
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Post by Excalibur Marketing Dude »

What Doe Master is not telling you is that we pay him to dry fire crossbows, he has probably dry-fired more crossbows than any other human! :D

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Post by VixChix »

Excalibur Marketing Dude wrote:What Doe Master is not telling you is that we pay him to dry fire crossbows, he has probably dry-fired more crossbows than any other human! :D
Please let me know when another job like that becomes available! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by dnepr »

I haven't dryfired my Exomax yet but on Saturday I thought I screwed up royally . I fired without the arrow fully seated against the string . This was sighting in with the ":right stuff" carbons and braod heads for hunting season . I had switched to the FFF string for hunting season. ( I use the excels and aluminum shafts for practice) I heard the sound and new instantly what I had done . I thought for sure I had screwed my Excal one week before the seasons starts. I won't repeat the names I was calling myself ,this is a family forum. I checked the bow over very carefully and there was no damage . Seeing this was an Exomax with a FFF string I was very impressed.
I should have taken a break from shooting because I was a bit wound up at myself . I had already proven I was suffering from that ancient disease , nonetoswiftus, I was shooting and I would be right on for 2 or 3 arrows and then I would get a flyer , I was trying to figure what was wrong with the carbon arrows because the bow shot fantastic with the aluminums I got for practice. I was down to shooting one arrow repeatedly and still getting cofusing results when I noticed the scope was loose . I have had loose scopes on rifles before and have read many times on this forum to check over your bow for stuff like that due to vibration, It is even on the CD that comes with the bow and I still missed it . Needless to say the Exomax shoots just fine with the right stuff arrows if the scope is tight . :oops: :oops:
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Post by crazyfarmer »

Ive done it myself before :D

its funny because you get some new members that usually log on here and post that a friend had one that they dryfired and what should they do :lol:

As stupid as it seems, it happens to the best of us so its nothing to be ashamed about :D
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Post by Dumbazz »

I did it on my 3rd day of shooting with my new xbow!!!!

Then on the 5th day, I drove 3 bolts into a 2x6!!!!

Yeah, I am feeling like a huge LOSER!!!!
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