Old Deer Hunters Tall Tale???

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Old Deer Hunters Tall Tale???

Post by OwnerITO »

OK all. I am not making this up and I am not taking credit for this whatsoever. Now I know you all will laugh at this because when the guy was about to tell me this he said I would laugh. I said I wouldn't but ended up laughing in his face (behind a quickly raised hand actually) Here goes: A long time ago, in a far away land.....hahaha haha ha...ha.......ha...Uhmm. Let's start again: Back in the early nineties I was over at a deer hunting gangs cabin and was trying to get some trade secrets from the old fellas there. Hey man, as far as I am concerned, an old hunter with lots of deer under his belt must know something after spending so much time in the woods. Back then I was just hearing about the "scenting" game and what doe in heat could do. Well one old man speaks up and says, "Harumph. I wouldn't waste my money on that stuff when you could get it for free". (thoughts and visions of me holding a small bottle up to a doe and following her around flashing into my mind at this point. Not good) So I ask what he means, hoping beyond hope that he would tell me this trade secret that would elevate me into god like status with my hunting friends. This is where is asks me not to laugh) So he says, "I get the wife to buy an extra bottle of bleach and use only half of it for whatever around the house. I then get all the members of my house to fill the rest of it up with urine throughout the rest of the year. (So the mix is half and half) This brings in the bucks better than anything else that I know of".
Well I don't know if this is true but if you have ever smelled those doe in heat lures I can certainly see the truth of it. Has anyone else ever heard of someone doing this? The real question is will you try it for next year?
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Post by DropTine »

It can either bring the biggest, gnarliest buck in or scare every deer in a square mile, theres only one way to find out. I think i might try it on someone elses land :D
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Ben S.
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Post by Ben S. »

I remember about 10 yrs ago on an outdoor show (Michigan Outdoors and then changed to Practical Sportsmen) they did a test with Doe in Heat urine, human urine, amonia, and believe it ir not Aqua Velva. The conclusion (and I saw the footage) was that Does couldn't care less about any of the scents and the Bucks were somewhat interested in all of them. There was no difference between the Doe in Heat scent and any of the other ones. So the suggestion made by them was why not use your own,it's free. I figure with the amount of beer we drink in the evenings at our hunting camp,we'll have an endless supply.
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Post by TYE »

Ben S. wrote: I figure with the amount of beer we drink in the evenings at our hunting camp,we'll have an endless supply.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by ninepointer »

This backs up my belief that who first came up with the idea of putting pi$$ in a bottle, slapping a price tag on it and selling it to hunters was a f%&king genius :D :D :D
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

You got that right, Ninepointer! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

OwnerITO: I'll list all the advantages I think you'd get from that homebrewed bleach / pee mixture below:

That's right! NONE!

Save your bleach. Use the toilet.

Keeping still on stand is the best hint of all.

Now go out there and slay 'em! Just leave the jug at home! :wink:
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Post by DropTine »

LOL Ninepointer!!!!!!! :D:D:D
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I am 19 years old and hunt and fish as much as I can
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