Seen 12 deer so far...

Crossbow Hunting

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Seen 12 deer so far...

Post by OwnerITO »

I have seen 12 deer so far in the archery season yet not one of them have given me a chance to put an arrow into them. Anyways, I just wanted to share the experience I had with the last buck that came out. I will start off with the first buck that I seen this year. It was a massive bodied buck; not so big in the antlers (which I don't care about) but a huge body. The animal came out to 40 yds and never offered me a shot. Yeah it was exciting but then the next time I get out I see another buck. Not so big in the antlers and with a much smaller body then the first one but I actually thought the thing was going to bolt from the sound of my heart thudding in my chest. I have heard about this but up until that deer I have never experienced that rush. It was something else. The deer never came out of the bushes far enough to present me a shot but it did bed down about 40 yds from my stand so that was cool. Finally got up and walked off in the opposite direction and out of my life. Well, if we shot a deer everytime we got out I guess it wouldn't be called hunting eh??!! That's all, just wanted to share that experience was all. I am sure that you guys have also had similar experiences too. Anyways, still looking for that first deer with a bow; crossbow or compound so stay tuned for the story when it happens. Which I hope is soon
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Re: Seen 12 deer so far...

Post by chris4570 »

OwnerITO wrote: Not so big in the antlers and with a much smaller body then the first one but I actually thought the thing was going to bolt from the sound of my heart thudding in my chest. I have heard about this but up until that deer I have never experienced that rush. It was something else.
Wait until you actually connect with your first!! Now that is a drug they should be making!!!

My heart beats faster everytime I have a deer come in. Some deer make my heart beat even faster.
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Post by R.J. »

The rush of being close in the presence of game that has no idea you are there is one of the things that keeps me going back !!

As for the heart pounding .... I can relate !
See Ya. ... R.J. > " Remember , Trophies are measured by the time and energy expended to get them , not the size or quantity of the quarry "
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Post by VixChix »

Hey often even just squirrels in the leaves make my heart race. :lol:
Sent from a mobile device - So spelling and grammar may be questionable!
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