What do I need to do different?

Crossbow Hunting

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What do I need to do different?

Post by LondonDave »

Last week when archery season opened up again I was seeing deer everywhere. I had a shot at one with my compound that I totally blew. This week there is hardly a deer to be found. We did have a big storm over the weekend but I thought they would be out and about again by now. It's not even a case of not being there when I'm there, there is very little sign at all. Am I just being impatient or do I need to be looking at changing my stand locations? Has anyone else in SW Ontario noticed a change since the big storm we had on the weekend?


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noticed the same thing

Post by jc2white »

I went out and scouted an area last weekend and saw tons of tracks. Went back to the same area yesterday and saw nothing fresh after the big storm. I am thinking the deer are not moving too far from bedding areas with all the snow (2.5 feet in Barrie).
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Post by buzz »

I live south eastern ontario.
I've had deer at my feeder all season. through the 1st bow / gun hunt and 2nd bow hunt. My wife calls me at work and gives me an update on what deer are using the feeder, bucks does fawns how many. Since the storm Sunday we haven't seen anything ? I don't know if they have gone to the deer yard or there deep in the bush browsing ?
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kendo kid
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Post by kendo kid »

They are down low in the heavy and thick evergreens where the snow is not as deep and it is easier to browse. They are out of the wind and ice pellets as well. The thaw will bring them out once the snow depth drops.
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Post by LondonDave »

Well I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone. I won't be out tomorrow because I'm going on a little road trip to Cabela's in Michigan...YeeeeHaaaaaw! I'll be back out there on Thursday and the weather is supposed to be milder so I'm hoping that will spark a little movement.

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Post by DanO »

Somebody said it a while ago but it needs repeating. If you aren't sitting on some sort of food source you aren't going to see them. The snow is too deep for them to be wandering around. Corn, winter wheat, apples (?) some type of food source.

Dan O.
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Post by Pydpiper »

I am seeing them in the high, wind swept parts of fields, and a bunch of activity around cedar trees, can't find a cedar here that isn't matted down from feeding. That has only been for a few days (the big snow), been pretty barren since the last shotgun hunt, till now.
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Post by jpscribbler »

I was out Saturday afternoon and evening just before the storm. I was in the Binbrook/Caistorville area just south of Hamilton and saw 17 deer. They were all in the fields or on the edges of corn fields.
Since then, they've vanished, I suspect deeper into the bush where there is less wind and snow. There's a big thaw coming today and I expect more sightings by the end of the week.

kitty kat
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Post by kitty kat »

Yep, they are gone from their usual spots. My hunting areas are void of any deer. Last year you could always see tracks in the snow. This year no deer, plenty of other tracks . I took the ladder stand down and put it away for the season. Too darn cold up there anyway. I didn't get a back up property this year because I thought this area was a sure thing. Wrong again. Good luck to the rest of yous left hunting and have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. :wink:
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