O/T Religion and government joke

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Post by raydaughety »

Well said Grizz, I agree :wink: .
God Bless !!!!!!!!!

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Post by sumner4991 »

See how quickly Christains are willing to "back down". Nobody will ever ride a horse across the countryside yelling, "The Christains are coming, the Christains are coming!".

Keeping prayer out of school, taking down the Ten Commandments, and outlawing "God" references in government will not keep anyone from "cramming" their beliefs down your throat. That happens to be Freedom of Speech.

Seperation of church and state . . .not enough thought was given to this. I don't think our forefathers were expecting what they got. That needs to be changed.
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Post by Pydpiper »

Making kids pray in school is absurd, that is something the world can do without. That is forcing a specific religion on someone who may or may not be interested in it.
Thats like getting to work and the boss making everyone hold a candle while you sit around his pentagram, or making you kneel every 20 minutes to give your thanks to their god and their interpretation of the Bible. That is not the purpose of being there and infringing the rights of those who do attend.
Freedom of speech is also the ability to say no thank you.

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Post by sumner4991 »

David . . .nobody ever made me pray in school. I elected not to pray . . .I had no problem with letting the other kids pray. I didn't lose recess or go the see the principle or anything. Also, while you are by law forced to go to school . . .you do have the options to be home schooled or go to a private school. These are the options a LOT of Christains are choosing, you know, to keep the peace. However, a lot of the "perks" are privately funded in the public school system . . .it will not be long and the parents of the "public school" kids will be complaining, oh yeah, they already are complaining. I moved to East Cobb County for the quality of the schools. Parents play a very active role and a lot of the field trips and extra supplies are funded by the parents. We even pay for the few kids to go that do not have the money. Anyway. . .last year, our school got the honor of being designated a high quality school(I forget the name of the award), what it did was allow for busing in students from an under-achieving school 1.5 hours away. Our teachers are now having to spend more time keeping the peace than time teaching, thief has increased, and we had to hire an on-site police officer. More and more of the achieving kids are leaving for the private systems. With these kids leaving, there is less private funds entering the system. You can see where this is leading.

Anyway . . .back to religion. Where did you get your direction? Why did you pick one of doing good? I got mine from my Grandfather, a dovote Christain who lives his life the way God intended. I haven't "followed in his footsteps", but, he gave me motivation to choose "right" instead of "wrong". Even though I wouldn't make it into heaven according to some folks interpretation of the Bible, I'm living a good clean life and helping others do the same(whether they believe in God or not). I am a product of the Christain community. You too are a product of the Christain community . . .for example, you wouldn't steal because your wife and kids would think badly of you(the Christains in your life). Is that so bad? Is having a Christain background really a bad thing? We should be supporting the Christain community just like we support our armed forces, police and fire departments.

Would you rather live your life believing in God and be wrong or live your life not believing in God and be wrong?

When things are left alone . . .they naturally go from organized to disorganized. Well, how did they get organized in the first palce? You think if was just a fluke? A "big bang"?
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Post by TPM »

See how quickly Christains are willing to "back down". Nobody will ever ride a horse across the countryside yelling, "The Christains are coming, the Christains are coming!".
I think the days of the Inquisition are long over. The Great Commission calls for the Message to be spread. Beyond that it's up to individuals to make their own choices.
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Post by Pydpiper »

I never really had direction until I had kids, then my direction was simply to make sure they have what a kid needs, a stable loving home. I come from a family of hard core Dutch reform, and never seen the "reform" part as anything else than another religious ritual.
The fact that I don't steal has nothing to do with my family, their habits or their beliefs, it is something that comes from within, not because I fear how people would think of me, but how I would think of myself.
I am not opposed to churches, nor am I against what they stand for. Our community church has a very good understanding of my position, I still participate in the daily function of it, from helping with maintenance to doing volunteer work with suppers and fund raising (not just the turkey shoots either :wink: ).
So, I do support the Christian community.
Do I support them by chanting along with them in the church? Nope. Is that a decision I made? I don't think so, I just have a hard time putting that much of myself into something that really has no scientific foundation, or proof. I have always thought like that, analytical. The only time it becomes an issue for me is when someone says "then where did all the pretty flowers come from?", being without an answer is the only time in my life I will be without words.

sumner4991 wrote: Anyway . . .back to religion. Where did you get your direction? Why did you pick one of doing good? I got mine from my Grandfather, a dovote Christain who lives his life the way God intended. I haven't "followed in his footsteps", but, he gave me motivation to choose "right" instead of "wrong". Even though I wouldn't make it into heaven according to some folks interpretation of the Bible, I'm living a good clean life and helping others do the same(whether they believe in God or not). I am a product of the Christain community. You too are a product of the Christain community . . .for example, you wouldn't steal because your wife and kids would think badly of you(the Christains in your life). Is that so bad? Is having a Christain background really a bad thing? We should be supporting the Christain community just like we support our armed forces, police and fire departments.

Would you rather live your life believing in God and be wrong or live your life not believing in God and be wrong?

When things are left alone . . .they naturally go from organized to disorganized. Well, how did they get organized in the first palce? You think if was just a fluke? A "big bang"?
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Post by BigTiny »

raydaughety wrote:Preach on Grizz, preach on! My wife is a county employee and when she was promoted, she received a nice parking spot in the county parking lot. Well, last week her supervisor advised her that someone had complained about the bumper stickers on her suv. One says " one nation UNDER GOD !!!" and the other says " Get RIGHT > with God or get LEFT < behind. They told her that she would have to remove the bumper sticker or park in the public parking lot :x . Not willing to compromise her beliefs, she parks in the public lot, pays and walks to work.

God Bless,
That is just awful! And in the South too. I wonder if they would have said the same thing to a muslim with an allah bumper sticker. I think what goes on your own personal vehicle is your business. Shame on 'em! :evil:
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Post by sumner4991 »


I feel a lot of the same things you are talking about. However, our inner being giving us direction came from a source. Friends, relatives . . .it was taught to us somehow. I wrote, Christain community, however, I support/am in favor of any peaceful, loving community. I have never encountered any religion trying to force me to join them. Even those guys that knock on my door every once in a while are polite and friendly. The fear of the government forcing a religion on someone is equal to the fear that the government is listening to all our phone calls.

I agree that there is no scientific proof, as it's defined, of a superior being. However, the more I see, the more I just can NOT believe that living beings/creatures, the Earth, the Moon, the stars and the universe just happened. There is just way too much precision . . .just for us to be able to walk, chew gum, and bounce a basketball at the same time is a miracle. I don't think that type of thing could "just happen". There is just way too much detail. Therefore, the proof is all around us . . .we just aren't looking at it correctly. Look at a duck's feathers . . .every one perfectly placed so it can fly. There's just too much detail. Put your analytical thinking to the test . . .can it be proven that there isn't a God?

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Post by Eltin »

actually, i'm studying medicine and the more i learn, the more i'm convinced no superior being could have made something flawed as a human being.
But that's the beauty, you can have your opinion and i can have mine, and we're both right. That's the beauty if freedom of speech. but that is also the reason goverment and religion have to be seperated. You have to keep the law (which everybody has to follow) and faith (which you can chose to follow) seperated to avoid conflict and keep personal freedom intact.
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Post by Hi5 »

A while back we had a thread deleted when folks got heated up on the subject of trapping. There was no connection with crossbows or hunting in general, and it was getting nasty. This topic has no connection with hunting or crossbows.

Nobody is getting out of line on this thread that I see, but we are introducing a religious topic onto the board for discussion. I can't think of a better way of creating a risk of setting a group of folks who are getting along into a name calling squabble.

Nobody elected me to be a moderator, and I'm not pretending to appoint myself to be one. I intend this only to be a comment from a friend to other friends. I like our relatively squabble free forum. I like it nice and friendly, and I'd like to see it continue. We are all just guests over here in Bill and Kathy's house, and they don't likely want us to start squabbling.

Best regards to all....
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Grizzly Adam wrote:By the way, ya'll ...

This thread has the potential to degenerate into something not typical of our reasonable, good-natured discussions.

Let's not let that happen.

So far, so good.

I believe this forum generally rises far above the common attitude found on internet discussions, and I want to keep it that way! :D

Let's show 'em how we do it on the Excal site.
As I said ... :D

When addressing controversial subjects, there is always the option of taking deeper discussion to Private Messages, too.

Whatever, we do, let's all keep playing nice.

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Post by Pydpiper »

Scott, you are a good guy, and I don't want to challenge your beliefs.
My opinion on all this would take up pages and pages of space, This forum seems to have a tremendous religious following, and if I want to pi$$ people off I will do it without going to the core of their existence, I like taking a more shallow approach. :wink:
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Post by sumner4991 »

It's all in good nature . . .I thought. Can't really challange my religious beliefs or any other belief I have. I'm just far too stubburn. :lol: I just don't think our forefathers, who were all very religious folks, would have wanted our country(USA) to end up without God. They must be turning over in their graves. Were the founders of Canada religious?

As far as going to church . . .I wouldn't do that either if it weren't for the wife and kids. I think it's a waste of time. I would rather be hunting . . .except I refuse to hunt on Sunday, Grampa wouldn't like it.

Religion and politics . . . I figured a thread based on them both would be civil. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Have a good weekend! I'm headed to Virginia for some real cold weather.

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Post by BigTiny »

I think the whole point DoeMaster was trying to make with the thread is that if government wants to ban every sort of religious observance, then the government employees should not benefit from religious holidays. Right now they kind of have their cake and are eating it too.
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Post by Pydpiper »

Our forefathers have always been the church. There was a day when we were ruled by Kings and Queens, but those Kings and Queens were ruled by the Catholic church as well.
I couldn't tell you who or what the founders of Canada were, I was born American, spent all of my educational days there too. Back in that day the fear of God set precedence for a lot of todays standards, technology and a lot of digging in the ground is eroding what some people used to use to induce fear in those who did not believe.

Besides, people in heaven/hell can't turn over in graves. :wink:

We are looking at -8 this weekend, after this warm spell I am hoping it gets the yotes moving a bit.
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