They're launching the shuttle again!

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Post by Rage_A_Holic »

The link is dead.
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Post by wabi »

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Post by Skarek »

Always nice to see the shuttle fly. I hope it goes well.

It is well over time for the world to change the space shuttles for somthing
newer, but according to wikipedia it is planned to be decommissioned 2010.

Still the quote sais that the Orion (that will sertainly be delayed) shall not go
into service until 2014. Will the world turn to Soyuz capsuls to service ISS for
4 years? I know that they are probably the most durable space crafts there
are, but still they are based on designs that flew first in 1967...
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Post by Esox »

About 10 years ago I got a chance to see a shuttle launch first hand.... Even though we were kept about 5 miles away it was Simply Amazing!!.... Back then everybody kinda took them for granted, but I tell you around Cape Kennedy it was like some giant outdoor rock concert... The launch was set for 8:30 AM but had to be at the Space Center by 6:00 AM for security purposes.. We were then taken by buses to the viewing site which is the closest the public can come to the launch pad..... Everyone on board was excited to see the "event".... Kids, familys on vacation, young people, retirees... everybody was looking forward to the show.....When we got to the viewing area (a strip of solid land out in the middle of the saltmarsh) people got off the buses and started jocking for the best viewing spot... There were loudspeakers on the telephone poles broadcasting the communications between Mission Control and the Shuttlecraft... Military helicopters and security boats circled the whole area, as we listened to the countdown....And when they lit the candle on that thing it looked AWESOME!!!.. People shouted and cheered support, and the liftoff literally sent chills down your spine....From the blast point you could actually see the shockwave coming at us across the water and the billowing smoke and HUGH flame trailing behind the craft made is so surreal.....

If you ever get a chance to see one..... Absolutely Do It!!!!....

I guess some people down there get jaded by seeing so many but seeing it from the Space Center is something that stays with you forever....

Very cool...Indeed....!

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