Where is Mike P's story

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Where is Mike P's story

Post by MasterCaster »

Did mike ever get the story published. I recal his posting something like 5 chapters, and then deciding to publish it, we would have to wait untill then.

So, when can we read the rest of it? Is it in a Magazine or something?

Sudbury ON

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Post by flbuckmaster »

I asked that a while back myself...never did get an answer
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Mike P
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Post by Mike P »

I must choose my words carefully here.

I am aware that this question came up once before. I didn’t answer the question at that time. I couldn’t. I probably shouldn’t answer it now. But that just does not seem fair.

This is an involved issue and I will try and give you the condensed version. What you are referring to is the story I wrote entitled “The King and I.” As you may recall, I was contacted by a very well known publishing house who wanted me to write a book for them based on the story I wrote for all my forum family here.

Contracts were submitted and reviewed by attorneys on both sides. A deal was struck, a check was cut to me as the advance and I started writing. All went well for several months. I would send in copy as I completed it and they seemed most happy with what they were receiving. I worked with a very nice young man who was my “literary liaison” and things could not have been better. Then in July of last year he was pulled off my book for another assignment and a young lady fresh out of Stanford University was assigned as my “liaison.”

Things started to go down hill fast. All of a sudden, there were a lot of suggestions made regarding the characters and the plot. I thought ok what do I know, these are the professionals. I’ll go along and I did an entire rewrite of the book. Then there were more changes that they wanted. And it went on and on.

I don’t know if you remember the characters in the story. They were based on my three good friends who are also my hunting partners. One of the characters in the book is a lawyer. That character is based on one of my partners. He is the attorney who handled all the contracts with the publishing company. Well the publishing company was insisting that he be portrayed in the book as an alcoholic. That was one of the bright ideas young miss Stanford University was pushing to “pump up” the plot line. I just mention this to you so you understand what they were trying to do to a story about four best friends and their pursuit of a whitetail buck. They wanted all kinds of changes to the characters and were asking me to paint a picture quite different than what we are all really like.

I write about my experiences. Here in the forum I share some of these experiences with all of you. I tell you about my life. And in the “King and I” I told all of you about our pursuit of one animal over the course of a three year period. It was a simple story about four best friends. It was not a story entwined with subplots involving alcoholism, infidelity and lost business careers. I could not portray my best friends in the light that they were requesting. It just was not an accurate portrayal. And I told them I wouldn’t do it!

Of course the attorneys got involved. My attorney was incensed because he didn’t like the idea that they wanted him portrayed as an alcoholic so he was looking for a fight. I supplied them the book with the story the way I wanted it. I fulfilled my contract. They were on shaky ground and had a very poor case. My attorney let them off the hook at my request. They got half their money back and I got back all copyrights and ownership of my intellectual property.

I tried to say everything the best way I could without jeopardizing nondisclosure agreements that were signed by both sides. I don’t want to go through all that legal haranguing again. I didn’t pay a dime for any of my representation. My friend would never dream of charging me. I can only imagine how the corporate attorneys for the publishing house just eat up most writers who do not have the means for first class legal representation.

You may have noticed that I just started putting up more stuff here on the forums. I couldn’t for the longest time due to my contract. That little piece I just shared with you regarding my father was written over a year ago. I had to submit it to them and ask permission to post it on the forum. They denied me permission. It was like being in prison.

So there ya have it. I may post the conclusion to the “King” story if I find the time to cut it down to a manageable size appropriate for forum consumption.
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Post by raydaughety »

Good for you Mike. It's ashame that everything we read nowadays has sorrow, shame and hurt in it. I'm proud of you for maintaining your partners in the "good" light that they were meant to be shown in. Maybe someday we will be blessed enough to read the story in it's entirety. :wink: I love your writings and appreciate the good stuff :wink: .

God Bless,
God Bless !!!!!!!!!

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Post by MasterCaster »

Man, its too bad they got their noses in there like that. I will be looking forward to hearing about your exploits in the future. Glad to hear you got it all straightened out, thank god for buddies that are lawyers eh?

Have a good one.

Sudbury ON

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Post by Fergie10 »

now that i look back you did have a few months of not posting on the fourm

thats says a lot about your charecter not being greedy and picking your best friends first

there are a lot of people out there that would have made the bad choice

good on ya :D
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Post by dick195252 »

Good for you :!: i love reading your work :D keep it up :wink:

Post by Huntinfool »

Hey Mike if you got back all copyrights and ownership of your intellectual property. Can't you sell it elsewhere and still put out the book?

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