an interesting turkey story from my local newspaper

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an interesting turkey story from my local newspaper

Post by matt_mcco »

Riverview residents share “fowl” experience
Turkey becomes somewhat of a celebrity for Mitchell neighbourhood

By Hilary Long
Wednesday March 26, 2008

Last fall a wild turkey wandered into the Riverview subdivision of Mitchell.
He was young, he was scrawny, he looked lost but he made himself right at home. He became the talk of the neighbourhood and was affectionately name Gertrude by Dustin Smith.
Some left food out for him and he eventually grew to become a hearty, full-figured, tall turkey. But then Gertrude started doing something no one on Riverview expected.
He began chasing cars and soon became the star of a YouTube video titled, “Small Town Turkey Blues”.
Written by Les and Stephanie Smith, who are residents of Riverview and owners of Deep Waters Music in Mitchell, the six-minute long video which accompanies the song features Gertrude and his car-chasing antics.
“Everyone on the street switched from talking about the weather to talking about our turkey. Like the weather some people loved him, some people didn’t love him and some just tolerated or ignored him,” wrote Stephanie in an e-mail to The Advocate.
Riverview resident Molly John said she and her husband Martin were thrilled when Gertrude first made an appearance as they are avid bird watchers and love nature.
“When he first came he was small and tame. He would look into our neighbour’s patio door and think there was another turkey. He was quite comical,” she said.
Manon Murdock, also a Riverview resident, said, “It was really interesting to have a turkey thinking he’s a dog. Everyone thought that was hilarious and people would drive to our neighbourhood to get chased by him.

“Everyone became fond of him and he was like a pet to us,” she said.
Stephanie’s e-mail continued, “Now I don’t know how many lives turkeys have but this guy had a lot. He chased my car out onto Highway 23 one day and I thought for sure he was a goner. He warded off a few hostile events and a near miss by the snow plow. Soon the turkey decided he owned the mailbox and all cars were now a target. I decided before his lives had all expired we should take lots of footage and get him on YouTube.”
The neighbours of Riverview pooled their footage and with the musical expertise of the Smith’s the “Small Town Turkey Blues” was created.
Featuring the vocal stylings of Carl and Michelle Laukka, Nick, Amanda and Manon Murdock, Jesse, Dustin, Max and Lucas Smith, Bob and Kathy Lauze and more, the video chronicles the Riverview residents experiences and encounters with the turkey.
To view the video of “Small Town Turkey Blues” visit or go to YouTube and search wild turkey on Riverview St.
“Whatever his fate, I was totally entertained and will always remember our “Small Town Turkey Blues”,” wrote Stephanie.
But the story isn’t a happy ending, at least not for Gertrude and many of those on Riverview who grew fond of it over the winter.
Gertrude became very territorial and for safety reasons had to be removed. Dean Waite, conservation officer with the Ministry of Natural Resources, said not all residents appreciated the turkey living in close proximity to their homes and children.
“In the interest of public safety and protection, we went out to deal with the matter,” he said, noting he set out to go and capture the turkey and determine the best option for it.
“We were unable to apprehend him and being concerned for public safety we were forced to euthanize the animal. It isn’t our preference but it is what we ended up having to do in this case,” he said.
“If we had caught it, we would have been in a bit of a fix. Without a special transfer permit, which we didn’t have, the animal would have had to been released within one kilometre if there is reasonable and suitable habitat for it to be released in. In this case, doing so, the turkey would have been back to the capture sight,” said Waite.
He said the turkey was acting unusual.
“You don’t normally see turkey’s sunning themselves on decks and chasing cars,” said Waite, adding it is uncommon for turkeys to settle in residential areas but it can happen.
He said the MNR does encourage people to reasonably admire wildlife, but not to go out of the way to specifically feed them.
“I’m sorry to say that he’s no more, but I’m happy to say the kids in the community are safe,” said Waite.

here the video on youtube if you wanna see it
Grizzly Adam
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Cool! :D
Fork Horn
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Post by Fork Horn »

Hope I see one like that this spring....I doubt I'll fear for my safety :)
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Post by R.J. »

Thats funny ! :lol:
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Post by dick195252 »

Thats Just too Funny :lol: :lol: :lol:
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