The Phantoms We Never See

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Mike P
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The Phantoms We Never See

Post by Mike P »

Do you remember that kid I told you about? He was the one I saw in the farm field with his black lab hunting for sheds. We hired him for two days the weekend before last to work our farm and find any sheds that we missed. We paid him by the hour and he got to keep any sheds that we judged to be 130 P&Y or less. Any antler judged to score over 130 would remain with the farm.

We really keep track of our deer. We have a lot of money invested in trail cameras. A couple of my partners are now suggesting we put in some of the new “live feeds” that send back views 24/7 to your computer. We have log books that are fastidiously maintained recording buck antler growth from year one until the buck is harvested. When we have our preseason meeting every year the power point presentation determining what bucks are on the “hit list” rivals homicide investigations in many midsized cities in its scope and technical composition.

Yet every year during the season we will see or capture on film a buck that prior to that viewing was unknown to us. We attribute this phenomenon to bucks traveling distances during the rut. And we also are not so naive to think that “our bucks” do not travel outside the confines of our farm. We share information with two farms that adjoin our property and are used much in the same manner as our farm for whitetail hunting. They too have extensive trail cam locations and feeders under surveillance. We are constantly emailing files and jpeg’s back and forth identifying bucks.

I got the call that Sunday morning from Shrader. He was at the farm that weekend with his wife under the guise of a romantic weekend getaway. He was there scouting turkeys and he wasn’t fooling anyone with this romance charade, least of all his wife. But in his defense, his world considers ATV rides up and down hills and hollows and traversing rain swollen creek bottoms in the manner that other men consider a night out of dinner and dancing. His lovely wife knows this as they were married the summer after they both graduated from high school some forty-two years ago. Shrader is living testimony to the old adage that “if you take your wife hunting, your wife never has to go hunting for you.”

“We found him!” he said into my ear as my wife handed me the phone. For an instance I thought that Shrader was telling me that he was dead. “We found the right one” quickly put that fear to rest. I knew what he was talking about, it didn’t require further explanation. Shrader quickly told me how the kid and his lab found it and that the kid had followed our instructions perfectly and called Shrader on the cell phone we had given him to take with him. Shrader jumped on the ATV and drove to the area where the boy and his dog found the shed.

The kid didn’t bother to call on smaller sheds, we made it clear to him he didn’t need to. But we had stressed that if he ran across any big sheds to pay attention to where he or the dog picked it up and to call one of us so we could pinpoint the exact location. We were looking for one shed in particular. We were looking for the sheds of a deer that we called the “Phantom.”

Shrader took pictures of the shed and emailed it to the partners as well as to our friends on the two adjoining farms. Last year the right antler was found on the farm to our south. We have never found a left shed from the “Phantom.” And as unbelievable as it may sound, we have never seen him!

We have known the “Phantom” has existed for four years now. There is debate amongst the partners and our neighbors as to his age with some saying five but the majority concluding he is now six years old. Yet this buck that we know is alive and travels on our farm and the farms that adjoin us has never been seen by a hunter or recorded on any of the surveillance cameras. The “Phantom” has a very unique feature to his right antler and it would be impossible to confuse him with any other buck that we have seen or recorded. And yet this five or six year old buck has never visited one of our feeders or been recorded on any trail with the cuddebacks.

I am attaching two photographs of the “Phantom’s” right antler that we picked up three years ago. I put the beer bottle in the one photo in order for you to judge scale. He was either two or three years of age we believe when he cast this antler but most feel he was two. I am showing you this antler so you can see the early development of his “unusual” feature. I will not include subsequent photographs of the shed from this year or the year before. Please forgive me but I do not want to publicize this buck any more then I am doing right now. The pressure we have around our farm and our neighbor’s farms is intense enough.

How many “Phantom’s” are there where you hunt? If a deer like this is capable of eluding all contact with humans and their devices in a highly watched area for years, how many more like him are out there? I don’t know about you, but the thought of my “Phantom” some how seems to make those many hours spent in the tree stand just a mite more bearable.

You just never know what might walk under that stand. And if you’re not out there, you could miss that opportunity of a lifetime. Kind of makes it all worthwhile don’t you think?


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Post by raydaughety »

Now that's an impressive shed. I can only imagine what he looks like today. I hope that you guys get a crack at him before something else happens to him. It's amazing that you don't have him on any of your trail cameras, guess that's why he's gotten to be the brute that he is.

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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Nice shed, Mike. :D

My folks live in southeast Indiana, and their old mixed-breed hound mongrel drags up gnarly looking sheds that big and bigger every winter ... some heavily palmated like that. So far as we know, no one has seen or killed those deer either!

Maybe the "Phantoms" we never see are social outcasts who are ashamed of their ugly "horns" ... so they spend their time in hiding! :wink:
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Post by Big John »

Well! I must say I'm very dissapointed your not showing us the other shed. :(
There is a "Very" large Deer on my property, and I've tried for him three seasons now. He is only nocturnal so far. I have seen him in the dark from the back window in the garden though. I call him Big foot. I have wrote on here before of him. He is my phantom. I did however catch a glimpse of him this year in the thick brush, about 90 to 100 yds away from my stand. I have tried every trick in the book to get him. :twisted:
By now, I am sure he know's exactly who I am. If I don't get him this season I probably won't get him at all. But having seen this animal up close in the dark, just by porch light, and a glimpse of him in the bush, I at least can say I witnessed a Monster.

"But": I really want him!!!!! :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by saxman »

Nice story mike,thanks for sharing,How bout some GPS cordinates? :D :D
That is a unique shed,I hope you get him.

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Post by FredBear »

How this story reminds me of a gaint buck. About 4 years ago I had a close run in with a phantom buck. I had a state typical contender on me at 12 yards no shot, no idea where this deer had come from, and now no idea where he has went... It's a hunt i'll always remeber. I've never heard of him again. I've never seen him, a shed, a clue nothing. He is a fart in the wind! There are a lot of phantoms out there I beleive. More times than not a huge buck is shot the first time the hunter see him you just don't get many chances on bucks like that. Which if I were you Mike I would be happy I havent seen him yet. It only takes one mistake by him for a hunter like yourself to look at him everyday! So stay focused and GOOD LUCK this season.
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Post by dick195252 »

That is why we hunt them :D They will test you in every way imaginable :o :) :shock: :? :lol: :wink: :roll: :oops:
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Post by Bow Life »

I read somewhere that a large deer will have been seen sometihng like 20 seconds for every year he is.
Not sure how they would calculate that...

Behind my place there is a 100 acre farm. I rarely see deer there, theres a doe each year that in the summer always has a fawn. At most ill see 3 deer but not very often. Its just not a loaded area. One day when i was 14 my dad andi went back and set up a tree stand and i went out after shcool to sit in it and watch. I saw a deer with a massive rack at 40 yards for about 20 seconds. Never saw that deer before nor did i ever see it again. Now we hunt this land for coyotes hard and when we push this land everything thats there moves and like i said we have never seen this buck before nor have we seen him since. About a km away there is an old italian guy who lets me fish his ponds. One day he was telling me about this huge buck he saw and he counted him to be atleast 14pt. However no one has ever seen this deer since havent found a shed nothing. Makes ya wonder.

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Post by awshucks »

Mike, I too, would have liked to see the latest shed, but only because of Eddy. I can understand why you choose not to show it, the world's changed alot since I met Eddy Galagher. He used to deliver gas to the farm I grew up on. He came and shot pigeons, pheasant and quail hunted the farm. This was circa 1957 when I was 10 yrs old. A long time later, before Eddy passed away, I was at his house looking for a lost wedding ring in his garden w/ my metal detector in about 1999. Didn't find it.

He showed me a set of sheds that he'd found 3 yrs previously, and had them restored as the rodents had gotten to them. The reason he did all of this was he'd gotten the big boy that shotgun season, and the antlers were nearly identical in shape, just much bigger. It was one of the most impressive mounts I have ever seen to this day, made all the more unique w/ the mounted sheds. Thanks for the memories!
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Post by crazyfarmer »

Mike, im guessing you have a nice 170-180 class pig running around, maybe more maybe less but im sure you have him sized up pretty well though score wise with the new shed;)

I hope you can get a crack at him this season cause im sure he's going to start losing some tine length and spread after this season.. I believe most peak at 4.5-6 correct? Deer seem to start losing inches here after 6 years of age atleast

I know this gives me hope for this season. Every decent 130-140 class buck I was watching was killed so hopefully something bigger is lerking and hiding still. You never know whats in the woods 8) :D
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Post by Kenton »

great story Mike, you only have to see him once. A word of caution though, I've heard of either boone and crockett or pope and young, or maybe both (i don't remember) discussing the possiblility of not allowing trophies where live video feeds are working. I don't know how serious they are or how much your group would even care, just something I heard through the "grapevine".
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Post by ecoaster »

The phantoms are what keep you going. Would seem almost wrong to get the drop on one that big. When they are that old they don't make too many mistakes. That is why I will hunt the rut every year that I can. I saw a phantom two years ago. He was on a hot doe just after dark. In the dim light at two hundred yards there was no question he was a buck. He was twice the size of the doe and had awesome tines on him. Never seen him again, and probably never will.
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