Canadian Jokes

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Canadian Jokes

Post by curmudgeon »

After the North American Beer Festival, all the brewery presidents decided to go out for a beer. The guy from Corona sits down and says, 'Hey Senor, I would like the world's best beer, a Corona.' The bartender dusts off a bottle from the shelf and gives it to him.

The guy from Budweiser says, 'I'd like the best beer in the world, give me 'The King Of Beers', a Budweiser.' The bartender gives him one..

The guy from Coors says, 'I'd like the only beer made with Rocky Mountain spring water, give me a Coors.' He gets it.

The guy from Molson Canadian sits down and says, 'Give me a Coke.' The bartender is a little taken aback, but gives him what he ordered.

The other brewery presidents look over at him and ask, 'Why aren't you drinking a Molson's?'

The Molson Canadian president replies, 'Well, I figured if you guys aren't drinking beer, neither would I.'

A Canadian is walking down the street with a case of beer under his arm.
His friend Doug stops him and asks, 'Hey Bob! Whacha get the case of beer for?'

'I got it for my wife, eh.' answers Bob.

'Oh!' exclaims Doug, 'Good trade.'

Did you hear about the war between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia?

The Newfies were lobbing hand grenades; the Nova Scotians were pulling the pins and throwing them back.

In Canada, we have two seasons...six months of winter and six months of poor snowmobiling.

A Quebecer, staying in a hotel in Edmonton phoned room service for some pepper.

'Black pepper, or white pepper?' asked the concierge.

'Toilette pepper!' yelled the Quebecer.

An American, a Scot and a Canadian were in a terrible car accident. They were all brought to the same emergency room, but all three of them died
before they arrived. Just as they were about to put the toe tag on the American, he stirred and opened his eyes. Astonished, the doctors and
nurses present asked him what happened.

'Well,' said the American, 'I remember the crash, and then there was a beautiful light, and then the Canadian and the Scot and I were standing at the gates of heaven. St.Peter approached us and said that we were all too young to die, and said that for a donation of $50, we could return to earth. So of course I pulled out my wallet and gave him the $50, and the
next thing I knew I was back here.'

'That's amazing!' said the one of the doctors, 'But what happened to the other two?'

'Last I saw them,' replied the American, 'the Scot was haggling over the price and the Canadian was waiting for the government to pay his.'

Send these on to all of your Canadian friends to give them all a good laugh...EH?!

kitty kat
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Post by kitty kat »

Very good homour. They were great. I especially like the truth on the first one. :lol:
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N8tr Boy
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Post by N8tr Boy »

Eh! Take off you hoser. We enjoy the Great White North EH! It's a beauty Eh!
Sorry I digress. Love the jokes. :D
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Post by ehntr »

A family moved from Newfoundland to Alberta. Johnnie started school at the new location, in grade 3.

One day the teacher asked individual students to count to 50. Many of them did very well, some getting as high as 37. But Johnnie did extremely well; he made it to 100 with only 3 mistakes. At home he told his Dad how well he had done. Dad told him, "That's because you are from Newfoundland, son".

Next day, in "language", the teacher asked students to recite the alphabet. Some made it to the letter "k" with only one mistake, but Johnnie outdid them again. He made it all the way through, missing only the letter "m". That evening he once again brought his Dad up to date and Dad explained to him, "That's because you are from Newfoundland.

Next day, after Physical Education, the boys were taking showers. Johnnie noted that, compared to the other boys in his grade, he seemed overly "well - endowed". This confused him. He told his Dad, that night, "Dad, they all have little tiny ones, but mine is ten times bigger than theirs. Is that because I'm from Newfoundland?"

"No, son," explained Dad, "that's because you're 18!"
E/M/MOBUI330 (Finn-esse)
E/M/N335 (Finn-bad)
Click "User Control Panel", "Profile", Location: (you don't have to tell everyone you're "in a van down by the river") but for Pete's sake, what state/prov or country are you in?
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God created Canada

Post by ehntr »

On the sixth day God turned to Archangel Gabriel and said: "Today I am going to create a land called Canada, it will be a land of outstanding natural beauty. It shall have tall majestic mountains full of mountain goats and eagles, beautiful sparkling lakes bountiful with bass and trout, forests full of elk and moose, high cliffs over-looking sandy beaches with an abundance of sea life, and rivers stocked with salmon."

God continued, "I shall make the land rich in oil so as to make the inhabitants prosper, I shall call these inhabitants Canadians, and they shall be known as the most friendly people on the earth."

"But Lord," asked Gabriel, "don't you think you are being too generous to these Canadians?"

"Not really," replied God, "just wait and see the neighbours I am going to give them."
E/M/MOBUI330 (Finn-esse)
E/M/N335 (Finn-bad)
Click "User Control Panel", "Profile", Location: (you don't have to tell everyone you're "in a van down by the river") but for Pete's sake, what state/prov or country are you in?
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Post by Pydpiper »

If you are not willing to learn, nobody can help you, if you are willing, nobody can stop you.
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Post by dick195252 »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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N8tr Boy
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Post by N8tr Boy »

is that CANADIAN or CAJUN?
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