O/T Mc Cain's press conference just now..............

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O/T Mc Cain's press conference just now..............

Post by bob1961 »

did anyone just see it :shock: WOW....if that wasn't a kick in the crotch to obama i don't know what is................bob

Grizzly Adam
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Missed it ... but I expect to hear excerpts ... and the inevitable commentary, ad nauseum. :?
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Post by bob1961 »

ya got that right..............bob

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Post by Swish »

"Obama, its time for us to stop campaigning (while i'm ahead in the polls) and deal with this economic thing (which our party created) as men, not as politicians. be a man, Obama!... (even though i'm the one who's been the petty blood-sucking politician since this race began, and you've been insisting on keeping it clean since the beginning)"

Once again, campaigning on the backs of the suffering of the American public. I seriously don't know how you guys fall for this crap. "Go back to Washington?" and do WHAT?! Spend some more money on the war and more handouts to big companies? take a look at McCain's tax policy guys, more of the same.
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Post by dick195252 »

They are all a bunch of B.S. You all really think they care about us. Its all about the MONEY and Power ALL of Them. McCain is a no count Liar and Obama is no Better. So keep Believeing as our Country goes to S--T. It is Sick that these two are the best we Have to vote for!! Tonight we have to watch another IDIOT Talk about what is best for this Country He has been Leading it for 8 Years Do you think he will take any Responsibility I DO NOT THINK SO HE NEVER DOES :lol: :lol:
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Post by Cossack »

I've got it: ALL politician should be limited to a specific number of words they speak, after that a WORD TAX on each word over the limit.
I'm so tired of cliche (esp "and so on and so forth") that I GAG when I hear them. 3/4 of what is said is empty filler, the rest is political gibberish.
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Post by dick195252 »

You go Cossack at least i have one more person that agrees that Politicians are ALL Idiots. I am 56 Years old and it is so simple OUR Government Spends MONEY they do NOT Have. I know in my Private finances if i was in as bad of shape as our Government No Bank, Credit Card Company, Saveings and Loan or Credit Union would even talk to me about Lending MONEY!! So how about if we Pass a Law that you can only Spend the amount of Money you Have. No new WARS,TAX CUTS,Big Corporate Bail Outs,Big Corporate TAX Credits if you make the money you pay TAXES on it,Big Loophole Tax Deductions,Private family members flying around and staying in Fancy Motels at Tax Payers Expense for ANY REASON,Handing money to every Country there is for Who knows what, I can go on and on if we cannot pay for it without Borrowing Money you can not HAVE IT!!!!
Exomax, Lumizone, Boo String, NRA, ACf, Member, [Proud Grandpa!!!]
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Post by bob1961 »

the funny thing is the goberment is saying big company CEO's should be held accoutible for there company's downfall and not being able to walk away with the big money they do....well dang shouldn't them politicals be held to the same standards for messing up this countrys money, then walking away with the same big money they do....HMMM?????????....look at what the ex-preas gets after he leaves office after making 300,000.00 a year fer messing up the country being in charge....then gets 200,000.00 a year as a penison, secret service protection for at least 10 years afterwards and god knows what else the public isn't aware of....big company CEO's and politions smell like the same dead fish :roll: ............bob

taureau noir
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Post by taureau noir »

Like all the doctors would sais you qet what you ask for.
I beleive that we all have someting to do in our conty.But nobody what to do it so we get what we have.
Taureau noir :cry:
---------Chasseurs et Pêcheurs du Québec----
Woody Williams
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Post by Woody Williams »

Harry Reid Can't Make Up His Mind

Harry Reid yesterday said McCain's help with the financial crisis was essential. According to a McCain adviser: "Yesterday, Harry Reid said that consensus couldn't be achieved without John McCain's leadership.

John stepped up and is providing that leadership.

Today the Senator from Nevada changed his tune. A Democrat tells ABC News that, in a phone call late this afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., told Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., that it would NOT be helpful for him to come back to Washington, D.C., to work on the Wall Street bailout bill.

For John McCain it is danged if you do and danged if you don't.
Woody Williams

We have met the enemy and he is us - Pogo Possum

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Post by Stalker »

Swish wrote:"Obama, its time for us to stop campaigning (while i'm ahead in the polls) and deal with this economic thing (which our party created) as men, not as politicians. be a man, Obama!... (even though i'm the one who's been the petty blood-sucking politician since this race began, and you've been insisting on keeping it clean since the beginning)"

Once again, campaigning on the backs of the suffering of the American public. I seriously don't know how you guys fall for this crap. "Go back to Washington?" and do WHAT?! Spend some more money on the war and more handouts to big companies? take a look at McCain's tax policy guys, more of the same.
there's that Canadian Liberal again... apparently the Liberals are so convinced of their God given right to rule in Canada that they've decided to expand... :shock:
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