
Crossbow Hunting

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Post by Sandman »

Nicely put~!
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Post by hetichunter »

Mike P you are something else! I love the way we get to look at life through your eyes. Thanks again man for another great read!
If it isn't hectic, it isn't hunting!
Bow Life
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Post by Bow Life »

Its so true health is all we have. This past summer i lost a close friend of mine in a tragic car accident, still dont know how to deal with it. Only thing i can do is live everyday to its fullest, the way he'd want me to live it.

Many on here work through their problems and all i can do is respect their perseverance. I hope that one day when i have issues i have the determination to push through like they all do.

Wish you all health and happy hunting.

Excalibur Exocet
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Post by bob1961 »

very well said mike....not high jacking your thread but adding to it....as ya said going through life taken things for granted, sure you hear things bout other people's health issues but not think into it much "till" ....i have mentioned bout my brain surgery i little in some replies of mine then read your post mike....talk bout hitting home and also basicly getting hit in the face with a 2x4 when just thinking bout the last 3 years when my floor fell from under me....
mid december 2005 when i went to my doctor for a problem i started having with vertigo and hearing impairment in my right ear....he looked in my right ear and sent me to an E.N.T. cause of some redness in my ear "yeah it looks like ya have an ear infection starting up" so the first week of jan through march i was treated for such after the E.N.T. confirmed i had a ear and sinus infection....my appointment the begining of march i was pretty much by the infection but still had a bad vertigo effect so mid march i had a cat-scan done....the doc said it still looks like i had a infection deep in the back of my sinus on the right side, go have an M.R.I. done....so i did april 3rd, the 5th he called me and that's when i found out i had a benign tumor off of the boney part of my right hearing canal....hence the hearing loss that was getting worse since dec 05....this is were the saying goes "picking up speed down hill" comes to mind....was sent to a nerosurgen in danville pa may 1st 06 that had me sche for june 27th brain surgery....that was cancelled 3 weeks after it was set then set for july 18th....which after traveling 2 1/2 hours to the hospital with a rented car we didn't really have the money for....was told when i got there that my brain surgery was cancelled again ! ! !....won't go into why, but it merits it's own thread....i think above was looking after me cause there was a intern from philly that was following my case on paper waiting for me to get there to stand in on my surgery....talked to me bout getting ahold of her doctors to see if they could get me in at a philly hospital soon....i said go for it and lets get this turd outta my head....she called me back in 5 days and said her nerosurgen will see me august 16th and keep friday open for my surgery, since i haven't seen him yet he couldn't set an appointment to operate on me....so after my 2 daughter's drove me 3 hours to philly for my 2:30 appointment and were crying as they were walking out the doctors office to leave to get back home upstate pa....knowing the next time they saw me would be the following week after the surgery....the doctor told me how things were to go, signed the release forms and was admitted through the E.R. wed night....thursday was the pre-op M.R.I. blood tests and such....friday mourning 6:30 they came and took me away....i looked at the clock after being hooked up with a few IV's that said 7:30, next thing i knew it was 8:00PM :shock: ....10 hour surgery went by then was sent to I.C.U. for three days then monday to saturday up to there rehab floor till i was released august 26th after learning to walk, eat and use my fine motor all over again from the nerve damage to my right side....lost my hearing in my right ear along with repetive motion on the right side where i can't run or jog anymore....walking fast looks like i'm drunk :lol: ....can't brush my teeth or shave with my right hand either, i'm righty too....right eye doesn't blink on it's own anymore and go through a bottle of eye drops every 6 weeks....can't whistle or blow razzberrys due to my right side of my face is paralized now, but hey no more wrinkles on the right side of my face now 8) ....back to what mike said bout taken things for granted and not thinking bout just the ability to walk down the street in a straight line and not stumble side to side....even closing my right eye and looking out the left eye is thing of the past without holding my right closed....in years past watching people getting out of there cars parked in the blue lines at stores and thinking look at them, they don't look handicapped to be parking there to me....but don't know there case why they do....i don't have a parking permit cause i need to get the exercise and the theraphy of walking two miles a week from doc's orders....the doctor told me if one is to have a brain tumor the one i had is the one to have :shock: i said ok :? ....reading up on what tumor i had it was in the large stage to where if i didn't have the surgery when i did in august, by the end of september i most likely wouldn't have made it....at time of my surgery the tumor was 3" long x 1" dia that grew from the ear canal to the base of my brain next to my brain stem and pushed my brain up and out of the way....they got 95% of the tumor out but didn't want to scrape and dig it out from the brain stem area....nov 06 i had a follow up M.R.I. and what was left looked good, every year i need another M.R.I. to follow it till last years M.R.I. the doc said two years between them now....so this nov i don't need one unless i feel funky....funny thing is the doc said i could of had this thing in my head for the last 20 years....
so mike i aploigize for sticking this in your thread and wasn't trying to highjack it....but your post brought out a flood of emotions from the last 3 years and made me think "wow i'm still here" my 3 kids from my first wife all gave me grand kids thie year, feb 15th a girl, march 15th a girl, july 26th a boy for 4 total....4 kids 25, 24, 22 and 11, with 4 grand kids with first 3....life couldn't be better as i'm still around to bug my kids as they bugged me growing up....thx all for reading and have a great season out there and be safe :wink: ..................bob

once again mike i aploigize :wink:

exocet 200. STS dampers.
boo string and trigger work.
munch mount quiver mount.
125 gr slick trick magums.
2" blazers on 2117 XX75 w/ brass inserts.
Mike P
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Post by Mike P »

Nothing to apologize for Bob. The post was meant to bring about these feelings from all that read it.

My mom has a favorite saying she uses on me and my brothers all the time when we start complaining about one thing or another.

She says "If everyone in the world including you put all their problems is one big pile and you got to pick from that pile, you would pick your own problems to take back."

It was nice of you to share your story with us Bob.
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Post by mikej »

now that saying really makes you think mike. your mom sounds like a wise woman.
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Post by hetichunter »

mikej wrote:your mom sounds like a wise woman.
Apparently it rubbed off on her kids!
If it isn't hectic, it isn't hunting!
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Post by leonk »

well said, Mike
thank you
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Post by deerman »

Well written; You are a great american hero;Jeff.
Constitution states "That all power is inheret in the people:that ...it is their right & duty to be at all times armed"...Thomas Jefferson 1824.
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Post by mikej »

this may be a dumb question mikep but are you a professional writer? it sure sounds like it
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