Stomach rupture - how to clean

Crossbow Hunting

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Post by wabi »

It happens sometimes.
I just wash it out as best I can and go on.
I accidentally cut the stomach on one last year (in the dark & in a hurry) and didn't see a bit of difference in the quality of the meat.
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Post by Hi5 »

As long as you don't slop gut contents all over the skinned meat (and how would you?), what's there to contaminate except the ribs and tenderloin?

Think about it. If you bone all the meat off a deer, you take it ALL off the OUTSIDE of the gut cavity, except for the tenderloin, and rib meat.

I won't eat deer ribs, so to me that's a non issue. I wouldn't deliberately waste a deer tenderloin, but I sure wouldn't worry too much about its loss. It's awfull small--even if it's tender!
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Post by Wayne B »

Well I'm glad to read this thread. I've always used a lot of water to wash out any deer that I've shot or what we shot at the camp. I can't tell you have many times I've been reamed out by other hunters that have told me to never never ever use water on the inside of an animal. I've always told them that after they've gut shot them and dragged them through god knows what, don't feed me any of it.
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Post by VixChix »

Interesting point Wayne. I've been told the same: just wipe with a wet rag, don't use water, etc. I never understood why & no one could explain it to me. We use water to clean out our deer - the more the better. Last year when we butchered our own for the first time I rinsed each piece several times before cutting it and wrapping it. I can't imagine how finding hair and dirt on the meat when you go to cook it could add anything to the flavour. :roll: Last year's deer was the best we've ever had and if we're fortunate enough to get another one this year we'll do the same.
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Post by LondonDave »

We always hose our deer out. Field dress, bring home and rinse out the cavity, hang and skin, hose down completely after skinned. Never had a problem. Then after taking meat out of the freezer and before eating I always rinse if under the tap in case there are any leftover hairs that we didn't get off before butchering.

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Post by dschnarr »

I've always washed the deer out with the hose after gutting them also. I butchered 3 deer this year and all were rinsed out with water. I don't under stand what the problem is.
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Post by fishnbugdude »

Thanks for the advise. Had the tenderloins - tasted great on the bbq - and no one got sick.

Guess I was a little too worried. Did rinse out the inside and again - tastes great - no problems.

Thanks again.

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