Long blood trail and a sad ending.........

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Long blood trail and a sad ending.........

Post by wabi »

Today was the first day of the 2 day "extended gun season" here in Ohio.
I talked to the landowner where I hunt on the phone last night to see who would be hunting and find out where they would be. It was only going to be him in the "bean field blind" his buddy from work in the "box blind" and me in the "food plot blind" this morning.
About 9:30AM I heard a shot, then in a couple seconds a second shot that sounded like they came from the "bean field blind". I decided to head that direction. When I got there I saw the landowner out in the field, but no deer down. :shock: It was wet & muddy and he was having trouble locating the trail, so I sent him back to the blind to look from where he shot while I remained in the field to move to where he thought the doe was standing. (not many landmarks in a harvested field, and it's easy to miss the spot by several yards when you are trying to look back to the shooting point to figure out the position) He got me to where he thought she was when he shot and I started looking. She was about 25 yards farther out that he had thought, but I soon found fresh tracks & white :roll: hair. :(
I tracked her across the field toward the creek, found where she went down when he fired shot #2, but no blood and it looked more like she slipped when turning sharply than like she was hit again.
We took the trail toward the creek and finally found some blood. She had gone over the creek bank, turned upstream, stopped and reversed directions (a good bit of blood there, but in a circle) and then went into the water (about 2' deep at that point). I stayed with the blood sign until he could go to a crossing point and get to the other side. He soon found blood, so I crossed, too.
From there his buddy from work joined us, and we took the trail. At that point we were on the neighbor's farm (with permission) and soon in an overgrown cedar thicket. The trail seemed to be heading north, and I commented she was heading for safety. She was! The trail was not easy to follow, blood was intermittent at best, and often it was more a matter of looking for kicked up moss or leaves then finding an occasional drop of blood to confirm we were on the right trail. A total of over two hours on the trail brought us to the blacktop county highway and a few drops of blood showing she had indeed been heading for safety! She crossed the highway and entered where we could not go - a state nature preserve!
I'm guessing she was a lot farther than he estimated, and his slug hit way low. I'm just hope it was only a flesh wound, and from what we found on the trail I'd say chances are good she wasn't hurt fatally. Not really a lot of blood lost, and she didn't hesitate to head uphill in a couple places.
He didn't get a deer, but we did get a lot of good tracking practice which led us to a well marked stopping point. "State Nature Preserve Boundary"
Like he said, "We might as well head home, no deer's worth that much of a fine!" :cry:
Mike P
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Post by Mike P »

You guys did your utmost to retrieve the deer. Now, she either makes it or does not.

If she does not she will provide food to some other hungry animals, more then likely coyotes. And the buck doe ratio becomes better.

Wabi, we lost two doe's that guests shot during the first phase of the gun season. Both were 100 yard shots. Same story as yours, blood, then less and less. We found one doe two days later but there wasn't much left. Coyotes took the carcass down to bones and the turkey vultures were starting to clean those. So much was consumed that I really think that there had to be seven or eight coyotes on this carcass.

Never did find the second one.

The land owner sure is right. There is no doe worth that fine.
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Post by terrym »

Not a great day but if you hunt long enough it will eventually happen to most at some time. Learn from it and move on. The coyote need toeat too. Thats Nature's way.
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Post by FredBear »

Its cold up here. We had an ice storm two days ago and everything has ice hanging off it. The woods is loud! I smacked a coyote today. Not many people out.I agree with what has been said. Its the nature of the sport. All you can do is put forward your best effort in recovering the deer, and it sounds like you did that. So better luck tomorrow!
Woody Williams
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Post by Woody Williams »

White hair.. sounds like a brisket hit.

She will more than likely be alive this time next year.
Woody Williams

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Post by Sandman »

Hey Wabi,

Hats off to you to jump in and lend your expertise with the track~!

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Post by huntman »

Been there Wabi! But like the others said you guys did all you could!
Grizzly Adam
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Too bad you didn't get her, but that's hunting. No one gets 'em all. :lol:

I think the hit was probably low and forward. Was it windy? Lots of people underestimate the effect of wind drift on slugs, in addition to not really being familiar with their terminal ballistics.

Sounds to me like that deer lived to frustrate hunters again, Wabi! :wink:

If she didn't, a perfectly natural thing has occured: A predator tried to kill, and didn't succeed! This happens daily in the natural world.

Y'all did good! You tried to find her, so rest easy.
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