Unbelievable - How Ignorant Can Some Be

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Unbelievable - How Ignorant Can Some Be

Post by LeGrand »

I'm not a subcriber of Fox News, but I would recommend that those that are, should cnacel their subcription to send a strong message. Imagine to approve and air such nonsense, really makes you wonder.



As Canadians mourn the loss of four more fallen soldiers in Afghanistan, a videotaped segment of an American TV talk show where panelists mock Canadian soldiers as slackers is making the rounds on the Internet.

The five-minute segment, which aired recently on Fox News late-night program Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld and later posted on YouTube.com, features American panelists suggesting Canadian soldiers need time off for "manicures and pedicures."

The item aired after Gen. Andrew Leslie, the Canadian Forces Chief of Land Staff, told a Senate committee the military would need a one-year break from operations after the mission in Afghanistan winds down in 2011.

"The Canadian military wants to take a breather to do some yoga, paint landscapes, run on the beach in gorgeous white capri pants," Gutfeld said with a sneer.


Another panelist Doug Benson said he was unaware Canadian troops were on the ground in Afghanistan.

"I didn't even know they were in the war. I thought that's where you go if you don't want to fight -- you go chill in Canada," he said.

The segment has been posted online (www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcJn5XlbSFk) by an outraged Canadian who titled it "How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries."

Fox News was not immediately available for comment.

Ottawa-based Conservative commentator Geoff Norquay called the segment "insulting and beneath contempt."

"In a week when we lost four more brave soldiers, Canada deserves better from this so-called news network," he said. "I really wish I subscribed to Fox News so I could cancel it."

Steve Staples, director of the Ottawa-based Rideau Institute, called it a "shameful display" to laugh it up at the expense of families who have lost loved ones.

"The dismissal of Canadian efforts in Afghanistan simply rubs salt in the wounds of Canadian families whose sons and daughters have been injured or killed in the war."


Liberal MP and defence critic Denis Coderre urged Canadians to write to Fox News to protest the panel and said Canada should raise the issue with U.S. President Barack Obama.

"What's a disgrace is that a lot of people are watching this and it is promoting stereotypes," he said.

Calling Canada's military "the best little army in the world," retired Gen. Lewis MacKenzie lambasted the American panelists as "distasteful" and showing an "appalling ignorance."

The bodies of the four fallen Canadian soldiers will be repatriated to Canada today, three days after their deaths in two separate bomb arracks in Afghanistan. Flag-draped caskets of Master Cpl. Scott Vernelli, 28, Cpl. Tyler Crooks, 24, Trooper Jack Bouthillier, 20, and Trooper Corey Joseph Hayes, 22, will arrive at CFB Trenton for a repatriation ceremony.

[email protected]
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Post by Mike P »

First, I think this should be placed in the "Other Topics" section of the forum. That being said, I am striking my match and I am going to place it to my fuse.

Sometimes I just shake my head when I see the costs of freedom.

When I returned from a conflict where 56,000 of my fellow citizen soldiers did not, I was greeted with sneers and condemnation from many of my fellow countryman. Fifty-Six thousand are dead! Can you put your arms around that number! And I was the object of scorn by many of those that I carried a gun to defend. And I shook my head.

And now there is a situation in the world where the children of the United States and the children of Canada are brought together and sent to a god forsaken corner of the world. They serve together. And they die. And a comedy parody takes place on a television show that originates in the United States at the same time news coverage of body bags arriving at airports is approved for public viewing. And I shake my head.

The cost of our freedom is high. We pay for it every day. We pay for it with the money taken from our paychecks by our governments every day we work. We pay for it with the very lives of our sons and daughters. And because we are free, we pay for it with exposure to this type of outrageous programming from a news organization.

To make light of any armed force from any country fighting to protect freedom that we experience here and above the border we both share is akin to treason! Canceling a subscription is not enough. Write, people write. Pick up a pen. Pound your keyboard. Write to Fox. Write to your local government. Write to your national government. And yes, write in forums like this one. But write!

I know we as a people are willing to pay for our freedom.

But we will not allow behavior such as this that only benefits the very people who are trying to kill our children.

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Post by sumner4991 »

Sure, your issue is in part with Fox. These guys think they are comedians. The real issue is with these "comedians" directly. I'll bet Fox didn't approve the show before it aired. It's a live show, right? Writing to Fox will most likely fix the problem, if enough people write.

I watch Fox News daily, they have a great evening program. I've never seen anything negative about the military . . .American or Canadian.
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Post by Huntz »

Please do not think that is how Americans think about Canadians.I did not see the show in question and wonders if anyone has a link to it????Idiots who talk stupid abound in this World. :(
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Huntz wrote:Please do not think that is how Americans think about Canadians. :(
No doubt.

For that matter, don't think that much of anything you see on TV reflects the beliefs, thoughts, or feelings of many Americans.

There are lots of us that don't get any press.
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Post by SPITFIRE »

All those people care about are rateings. They could care less about someones feelings.
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Post by maple »

Just wrote Fox. Now on to the CRTC.

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Post by taureau noir »

Don't worry, I know that you support Canadian soldiers as much as we do for American soldiers.We have that kind of news men this side of the border too.
God Bless Canadian and American soldiers that give their life for freedom in other part of the world.
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Post by Benu »

As a retired Canadian Forces member and current spouse of a serving member, initially I was angered by the comments made by those broadcasters. After much reflection through the day I have come to realize that everything they said is now history, dwelling on it only gives their commentary life. I choose to concentrate on the present and stand firm in my beliefs that our military is making a difference in the world. Let us not fuel the negativity any further.
Last edited by Benu on Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tom »

Huntz wrote:Please do not think that is how Americans think about Canadians.I did not see the show in question and wonders if anyone has a link to it????Idiots who talk stupid abound in this World. :(
I agree that most Americans enjoy and support Canadians. A few years ago I made a wise crack about our Canadian Military not have good quality equipment, not to make fun or put down the guys/girls in the forces, but as a stab against our government. Boy did I ever get into trouble from an American who served with the Canadians over there. Basicly he told me that if it was not for a Canadian sniper team he and his troup would not have came back alive (over 1600 meter kills to get them out of trouble) after they got pinned down. Yes he did tell me that the equipment was not the best, but they more then held their own over there and he would stand side by side with any Canadian soldier any day.

Now onto the clip on Foxnews ..............................
I have not seen the clip in the link provided (on wireless/slow) but I did hear it played on the radio this morning. To say that the morning show host was a little $%^$%^$#%^ off would be an understatement. Not only did this show disrespect the Canadian Forces, but they DISRESPECTED EVERY CANADIAN. I believe that Fox News needs to fire these two people. In my mind, nothing else will do!

The Canadian People take to heart every soldier that goes over there and when any over our soldiers die the Canadian People will line the Hi-way (on the over passes) as a tribute to the fallen as they travel past on the way into Toronto for the autopsy (law, autopsy it must be done). The distance they travel is from the Trenton Air Base to Toronto (aprox 1/5 hours at 60 mph). This gathering at the over passes is all done by the people (not by government) but the government did rename the hi-way to The Hi-way or Heroes from the demand of the people. Even our local radio station will broadcast the aprox. time that they will pass by because so many people were asking for that infomation.

BTW ................. four more of our fallen will be makeing the trip into Toronto this afternoon and there will be thounsands showing their respeck all alone that route.

FOX ....... if you have any dignity ........ you will fire those two and never let them on the air again.

PS here is a link to the news clip of the HI-way of Heroes from MSNBC
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp ... 4#27651384
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Tom wrote:
Huntz wrote:Please do not think that is how Americans think about Canadians.I did not see the show in question and wonders if anyone has a link to it????Idiots who talk stupid abound in this World. :(
I agree that most Americans enjoy and support Canadians.
I think you can consider the relationship that you Canadians and us Americans on this forum enjoy as a good example of what "average" people from each country really feel about each other. :D
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Post by fletch »

I just e-mailed Fox a nasty note letting them know how I feel as a Canadian. Families of fallen and active duty soldiers should never be subject to such disrespect.
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Post by BigBwanaD »

As an American, I apologize to every Canadian for such stupidity by another so called American. I did see that he has posted an apology, however based on his blog, it appears his sincerety is questionable.

http://www.cbc.ca/arts/tv/story/2009/03 ... ml?ref=rss

I feel that a huge problem with America is the press. Time and time again, they prove that they have an agenda and many of the problems here can be attributed to them. I seldomly watch the news because of this slant, and when I do, I try to get it from foreign sources. What happened to the concept of reporting facts. Instead, it is twisted with controversy and speculation, as well as limited information to slant the opinion of the nation.

I am sorry for anyone who has lost their life in service to their country. Also, to their families, who now suffer as a result of their deaths. Those lost practiced honor, duty and service; concepts the American Press can hardly report on, let alone practice. God bless Canada and the US, we need all the help we can get!
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

BigBwanaD wrote: I feel that a huge problem with America is the press. Time and time again, they prove that they have an agenda and many of the problems here can be attributed to them.
Yes, indeed! You've got that right, 'Bwana!
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Post by Doe Master »

It deeply saddens me to hear what I would think are educated persons making off colour remarks of soldiers having been killed . I have to wonder would they have made these same thoughtless remarks about the "Twin Towers Collapse ". One death or a thousand deaths it is all the same there is a family out there mourning .
I just hope these people truly see the err of their ways and offer a sincere apology to ALL the service people whom are over there protecting our freedoms .
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