What a Waste....

Crossbow Hunting

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Post by agingcrossbower »

This always reminds me of what my brother said when a deer totaled his truck by running into the side of it. How can a deer run full speed thru a woods and miss every tree and cross a road and hit a lone auto. Seems like suicide does'nt it. :lol:
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Post by wabi »

Didn't mean to rile anyone with my comments, sorry if I offended. :oops:

All I can speak for is the area I live in, and it seems to me most collisions are avoidable. I've never hit a deer, and I'm sure I have to brake hard to avoid them at least a minimum of 10 - 20 times a year. Within the past month or so I've had several deer cross the road very close to my truck while I was driving. In all but one of those cases it was a matter of knowing the possibility of deer crossing was high, and driving VERY ATTENTIVELY that helped me avoid any collisions. In the one exception the deer came out from behind a fenceline that blocked the view of it until it was right at the edge of the road, and if I had been going any faster I very well might have hit it. That's the percentage I figure is unavoidable, and it is probably higher that the 1% I allowed, but I see too many drivers that whiz by a deer (or other critter) approaching the roadway without ever even touching their brakes.
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Post by bkisel »


Can only speak for myself but I'm neither riled nor offended. I for one am glad you posted as this has been an interesting and informative thread.

Take care...
Grizzly Adam
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

wabi wrote:Didn't mean to rile anyone with my comments, sorry if I offended. :oops:
No problems here, buddy! :D 8)

I can't help it that KAMIKAZE DEER like to dent up the side of my truck! :P

At least we have plenty of 'em to eat around here! :lol:
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Post by DuckHunt »

wabi wrote:In all but one of those cases it was a matter of knowing the possibility of deer crossing was high, and driving VERY ATTENTIVELY that helped me avoid any collisions.
Very good advise. In three decades of driving I had managed to steer clear of them. Then in the 2007-2008 hunting season I had two of them hit me within a month in two different vehicles. Over $2k damage each time. In both cases I had time to brake just before the before the brown blur plowed into me. I was not driving defensively at that moment as both deer hit me in areas where no one would expect to ever see a deer. Sometimes lady luck just hands you a crap sandwich.

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