weeding them out

Crossbow Hunting

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one shot scott
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weeding them out

Post by one shot scott »

Well, I finally got around to checking out some of my stands today. It looks like they are present, none have gone missing. I did find something interesting around one of them. It seems that there are some "weeds" growing very near it. Im just curious if some of our members know if the deer are attracted to, or are repelled by weeds. They have been doing rather well with all the wet weather here. If the deer eat the weeds, would they be easier to shoot? or harder if they are all stressed out? there is a hay feild im overlooking, which may be a good thing if theys gots tha munchies. but seriously, would the stink of the "weeds" make there eyes red, and would they avoid the area?????

The other tree that I like to put my stand in has been taken over by the honey bees. They have made a hive about 5 feet inside the trunk. I thought there was a motor running nearby just before I went to set up, and then I saw the tree crawling with bees. If they were Wasps or Hornets they would already be dead. Since they are honey bees I will let them have first dibs. The world is a happier place with honey. But come cold weather, that tree is mine!! I will try to get a pic of the hive on the first wet day and post it.

Its already shaping up to be an interesting season :lol:
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Post by dlzinck »

Deer will eat "weeds". Deer can be a major problem for the underground farmer.

Not speaking from experience mind you :shock:

I would think harvest time is comming for your underground farmer friends. This could cause two problems. If they see you there, they may not like it. If they don't like it enough some of these guys/gals get violent.

Also, if they harvest these weeds, they are going to produce quite a comotion in your area and probably spook any near by deer for a while.

Good hunting!!
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Post by mdcrossbow »

Thing about having a hunting property for any length of time is that you will notice a different tree every year. What I have done in the past is take vines and get them growing on a tree I like and set my stand in it and let the vines take over the stand and trim it when the season comes around.

Good trees to hunt are; Poplars, straight and deer love the leaves. When you climb one let some clippings fall to the ground. Deer catch the smell of them and will come running.

Cedars; are great for cover and cover scent. You don't have to hunt high in them either. 15' is good.

Maples , their a good tree because they break up your forum. Deer love sugar maple leaves also.

Hickory is one of my favorite trees to hunt from , they hold leaves well into November and dec. if the weather in mild.
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Post by dutchhunter »

weeds well if it was my land the weeeds wold be gone .that way the duds that come looking for it will nto have any reason to ever come back and thy probly will not want to hang around and scare the deer away deer will eat weeds when thy are young but now thy would be very bitter and tough :roll:
addicted to canadian beaver
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