First day of school... and about hunting.

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Post by huntfishfam »

I miss my kids when they were that young, now they are.... teenagers....
My baby started high school today and my oldest is in gr 12. Enjoy them when they're young and you still have controll.
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Post by ComfyBear »

As someone who has majored in Psychology while in university, I have concerns that your boy displays and may have latent murderous tendencies. You may wonder why I would be so forward in making the above statement. Well, before you over-react, I suggest that you read my entire post to the end in order to fully understand my position.

By studying his illustration, analyzing the shapes he has drawn, and the colours (brown=fur, red=blood) he has chosen, and the statement he has made, it demonstrates these less than desirable tendencies. Furthermore, the use of his left hand to draw indicates that he is inclined to be "sinister" in nature.

I suggest that you have your boy tested to positively ascertain if these tendencies are inherent or acquired.

If you so desire, I am willing to offer my services. Just let me know, as we can discuss this further.

I bet my statements infuriate you. I know that's the effect that they'd have on me. However, you should not be, since I'm not serious about the above statements. My only purpose in making them was to point out how far off base today's society can be. :roll:

As you too realize, in the world we live in today, the above point of view can be easily taken by the "powers to be", although we all know that it is not only ridiculous, but ludicrous to do so.

Instead, IMHO opinion, your boy is just like any other who demonstrates a vivid imagination, but at this point lacks the fine motor skills to depict it on paper. With both you and Tim as parents, even though he might be sinister (i.e. left-handed), :wink:
I'd be surprised if he doesn't turn out to be a fine member of social that you both can be proud of. :D
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Post by Doe Master »

I really appreciate being able to come here and feel a little less "weird".
Oh believe me Vix you are still weird in my books . :D
Just think while Ben is in school every second day you can slip out to hunt . :)
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Post by TPM »

Furthermore, the use of his left hand to draw indicates that he is inclined to be "sinister" in nature.
Just like his Dad! :D ... I mean :twisted: ....

You do make a lot of good points. I told Vix that up until now he thinks we, and those who hang around us, are normal (this includes N8trBoy, xbowkidd and Doe Master) :shock: so he's got a lot to overcome. :wink: :lol: I've talked to a number of hunting friends who's kids were raised hunting savvy and , while none had any issue's with teachers, they did have issues with other students especially as they got older. All we can do is equip him with what he needs to deal with these situations as they will carry on the rest of his life. He's pretty strong minded and not easily influenced by others but I know the challenges of the coming years will be many. Any issue's with adults I have no problem dealing with myself. :twisted: ... I mean :D
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Post by ComfyBear »

I'm of the belief that good or bad nuts don't fall too far from the tree. Children learn by example. Patience, perserverence, and determination go a long in the raising the future generation. Given the proper guidance, shown the right direction and nutured with love, they will develop into the kind of individuals who will be assets to our society. Both you and Vix seem to be the type that possess all those qualities, and barring any bad outside influence, I'm sure Ben will emulate those same qualities, where he's left-handed or not. :wink:
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Post by saxman »

Looks like a fridge picture to me.

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Post by Grizzly Adam »

What a wonderful picture of Dad and son walking off to the next chapter in the little guy's life! :D

Monica, you and Tim are doing a good job with the trust you've been given ... in every way, I'm sure.

Keep up the good work! 8)
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Post by lscha »

Now 4 year old grandson David IV was taught 'buck and doe' as his first words. :lol: :lol: :lol: and spends alot of time in deer camp. His 3 year old sister is right there with him.


We have another young guy in camp who has had his daughter Hannah with him every opening day since she was 3. She is now 9 and still looks forward to it. He also gets his deer almost every year.

Tim and Moni, you'll be so glad you include him in your hunting.
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Post by Lady Di »

:lol: :lol: Sometime ask Doemaster what its like to be the son of an outdoor man/hunter. He had many an arguement with a teacher,good thing our library was well stocked at the time that he could prove his points(especially when he did a project on the wild.) Although some will argue I don't think its ever hurt a child to be in the outdoors or have a good imagination. :lol: :lol:
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Post by wheelie »

hehehe cute. cograds on him starting school. More hunting time for you two now maybe. Kids can be funny. My son in grade two went to an indian reserve on a class trip and after I got called to school and they told me that my son was questioning them on fishing rights and they were getting annoyed with the questions. I asked the the teacher if my son was wrong or mistaking, and she said well no but it wasn't the right place to ask about that, I told her well my son thought it was the right place to ask. That was the end of the meeting with the school.

Besides when the teachers are fighting for a new contract they send there politic crap home with the kids!
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