Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

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Post by northbaydude »

I just a bought a Scarface deer decoy with moving head and tail....i was wondering if anyone has used it before and can can give me some feedback about it and how to use it...i will be hunting from a climbing treestand using excalibur crossbow...... my 1st time ever....last year does not count i went out once and sat on the ground by a tree trunk and nothing happened....this year i will be up high.....thanks.
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Post by spitfire125 »

Ive never had much sucess with a decoy.Down here in southern ontario we have plenty of deer roaming our farmers crops a woodlots . I have had more sucess with using a doe bleat call in early season,and a soft (tickle) ralttle from a rattle bag.Smashing and bashing the rattle bag does not help me out Ive had more sucess by just tickling the rattle bag . Here is my therory behind it .In southern ontario especially in my WMU there are alot more does than bucks.So when you smash and bash the rattle bag the buck stands there and thinks to himself, why would i go over there and fight for one doe when i have 10 -12 does right over here.But back to the decoy thing ... give it a try ! keep it scent free( human odours) and along with yourself and maybe you will bag one.
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Post by Kenton »

I haven't used the primos decoy but I love decoying. The most important thing is the placement. You cant just stick it 20 yards in front of your stand and expect it to work. I would suggest putting it up wind close to your maximum range. Most bucks will circle downwind before going to a decoy. Also, angle the decoy so it is quartering towards you because a buck will stand broadside to the front of the decoy. This would also put him broadside to you. Personally, I like to use a buck and doe decoy. A single buck decoy will bring in bucks, no doubt, but I've had better luck using both for mature bucks. One morning I had 5 bucks come to a single buck decoy. two were 1 1/2 years, two were 2 1/2 (120 inch class), and one was mature (140's). The four small bucks all circled downwind, but the big boy wasn't interested in fighting. I think had I had a doe decoy out with the buck, that opportunity to breed would have caught that buck's interest. The only thing he would stop for was a bleat but he had clear sight of the buck decoy but could see the doe that bleated so he watched but didnt come close. The small bucks were all out to prove someting but the big guys know they are big. Without the reward of some booty (pun intended) mature bucks don't have to fight immature ones. Remember, bucks don't defend territory, they defend their rights.

One other thing, you WILL spook deer when decoying. Wrap your head around it now, its just the nature of the beast. It will however provide some of the most exciting encouters you will have. Good luck.
"You have reached the pinnacle of success as soon as you become uninterested in money, compliments, and publicity." - Eddie Rickenbacker, World War I pilot
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