A Care Package at Christmas

Crossbow Hunting

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Mike P
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A Care Package at Christmas

Post by Mike P »

I know we have a lot of veterans on here and chances are some have spent Christmas in a far away land while serving their country. I am willing to wager all will tell you that being away from family and friends on this day is most difficult.

I also know we have some forum members here who have sons and daughters serving now and they also will not be home for Christmas. I am sure it is difficult not only for the child, but for the parents as well knowing their son or daughter may well be in harms way.

I invite any and all to list the name and pertinent shipping addresses of these sons and daughters here on this forum. It is my hope that many here will take note of these names and addresses and send a little "care package" to these valiant kids for Christmas. It doesn't have to be much; it is more the thought then anything else. It lets them know we are thinking about them and it helps make Christmas a little more bearable for them.

So parents, if you will........................

Name and Shipping Address of son or daughter.

And if you know of anything they are short on, feel free to mention that as well. Also feel free to tell us where they are stationed and what they are doing.

And forum members, if you send along a "care package" drop a little note in the box and tell them you know their loved ones via the Excalibur Crossbow Forum.

There are few chances in life when you can do so little that can affect one so much.

This is one of those chances.
Grizzly Adam
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Good idea, Mike.

Cabin Swamp (my congregation) sends out care packages to all it's people in the service every Christmas ... and a few other times a year.

It does mean a lot to them! :D
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Post by Shotnbeer »

I spend a lot of time traveling and save all the soaps and what ever from the hotels/motels, box it up and send it to our troops. Any time I'm in an airport I buy a service woman or man a dinner or beer. This is not nearly enough for what they provide for us. If you have an opportunity say thanks, buy them a beer or meal or send something as Mike P has suggested.
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Post by dick195252 »

Our Son is home this Year {Thank God} My Wife and I would be Honored to send a Package!!
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Post by Rich »

Thanks Mike,

This is a great opportunity for the Excal family to show our appreciation and support to our troops. Having been deployed for more holidays, anniversaries, child births, etc. than I care to remember during my 30 years in the Navy, I know first hand what it means to receive a package from home.

My son is currently deployed to the Helmand Province in Afghanistan with MARDIV 2/2. I am ready to send another package to him with some fresh made deer jerky.

In addition to cookies, snacks, baked goods, they can always use some simple things (disposible razors, hand/foot warmers, baby wipes, warm socks, instant drink mixes, jerky, magazines, etc).

I know times are tough for most people, so if you want to send a small item to me, I will just add it to my next shipment. Just PM me for my address.

I had previously posted his address, but after a a$$ chewing from the Commander in Chief (wife), apparently they do not want addresses posted on the internet to prevent malious packages from being sent. So if you are interested in sending something, just PM me and I will provide you an address.

Thanks Rich
Last edited by Rich on Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DaGriz »

This is an very commendable idea. My son just returned from 'stan and will be going to Iraq on the 15th. I asked him to give me names and addresses of some soldiers over there, Only problem is it will be shortly before Xmas when I receive them.

Hope people will post up some names and addresses . Those young warriors need all the support that people can give them!!
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Doe Master
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Post by Doe Master »

I know when I served it was just great to hear stories from home :) . Mom and Dad sent me a couple of times the local paper . :D
Only an idea as well as the care package , Rich maybe print off some of the hunting stories from here . Any of the guys and gals whom hunt may at least have a warm memory stirred up of a favourite stand or hunt .
May a higher power look over all the service people .
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