Texas Bird Down

Crossbow Hunting

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Texas Bird Down

Post by flightattendant100 »

Well I finally got one. It has been a strange year here in Texas. We have had a real spring . It usually goes from winter to summer in about three or four days, but this year we have had some very nice weather. It is just starting to warm up,normally April is pretty warm.I dont know if that had anything to do with the turkeys or not but they havent wanted to cooperate.Saturday afternoon I set up in a spot where I have had luck in the past.I know that the birds roost near by. I called and waited, called and waited.I was hearing some gobbles but all were quite a distance.Then about 5 o'clock one of the gobbles was a little closer, I answered,and the next was much closer.I waited and a few minutes had past and I hadnt heard from him or seen him so I yelped softly. I wasnt finished with the call when he thundered back and came in at a dead run. At about 20 yrds. from the decoy I guess that he saw her and threw on the brakes and went into full strut.He went right and turned, came left and turned,back and forth spittin and drummin!! It was a great show, one of those that you would give anything to have your video camera(of course I didnt).I watched the show for several minutes then I got worried that he would loose interest in this plastic turkey.Because of our cool wet spring the grass is about knee high. I can tell that he has a full fan,and that he seems to be a large bird,but I could not see his beard,the grass was just too tall.Texas law says"gobblers only" in the spring season and I had sure heard him gobble.Number 5's stopped the dance.I was a little apprehensive as I went over to him but all was great!9.5 inch beard, and 1+ inch spurs.I dont have a scale out there so I dont know the weight.He wasnt the biggest bodied bird that I have ever gotten,but for this strange year he will do fine.The bad news is I was the only one out there this weekend and when I got back to the truck my camera was stone dead,so I have no pix.Breast is pulled and in the freezer,beard is in a baggie of salt to dry,carcass is feeding the yotes.It was sure fun even if they have been very unpredictable this year.Will get to try one more time with Colton(son) in a couple of weeks. He loves to go but sitting still is not one of his strong suites.It makes it a pretty good chalenge.
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Re: Texas Bird Down

Post by Dereck »

Sounds like you had a great hunt.Hope your next bird is not camera shy :lol:

My kids can't sit more than 45 min so I bought a blind to at least get them out and conceal all the fidgeting.
Tenpoint Matrix
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Re: Texas Bird Down

Post by longshot »

Yes Sir Mr. Phil!!!!!! Congratulations on a fine Texas bird. I really hope that Dad gets one this week because Saturday is our last day. It sounds like your bird really put on a show for you. No pictures :? I'm going to have to buy you some batteries for Christmas. I would have loved to have had a picture for my outdoor album. Oh well, you'll just have to get one with Colton but PLEASE be sure and put fresh batteries in your camera :lol:. Congrats to you Mr. Phil.
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