OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

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OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by DirtyGun »

On September 22nd, if Mark Holland's bill to kill any further discussion of C-391 passes, will anyone care? Will there just be a giant 'ho-hum...oh well...what can ya do?' from the hunting community?

Sit back and take a good long hard look at yourself and be honest. What have you done to have your voice heard?

Have you sent off a hastily-typed e-mail and then said, 'there...I've done my part'? Not good enough. Most of those e-mails are read by MP's aides and sent to the old 'recycle bin' before they ever get in front of a MP's eyes.

Did you take the time to write a letter, personally sign it and send it? Well, you're doing better than most. MPs are obligated to read each piece of 'snail mail' that crosses their desk.

Did you follow up that letter with a fax of the same letter and a reminder that you would appreciate a response? Well, good for you. MPs take this kind of approach far more seriously, because it demonstrates that you are active politically and are likely to influence how those in your 'circle of peers' vote.

Did you follow up that letter and fax with a phone call? Now you're into the 'upper class' of activists. MPs take this approach VERY seriously because they know if they don't listen to you that you will actually attempt to do damage in terms of their voter base and direct 'on the fence' voters toward another candidate who is more in line with your views.

Did you follow up that letter, fax and phone call with a personal visit? This is the 'platinum' approach. The MP now knows that you are very serious and they will listen to your point of view. It may not ultimately change theirs, but, you did everything you can do in the political process, for the time being.

Now, what if everyone did that?

We click 'yes' on Internet polls.

We write on message boards.

We send e-mails to newspapers.

We sign online petitions.

That all has about the same effect as throwing a small cup of water on a forest fire.

Get active folks. It may be too late. Too many have been sitting on their hands too long. But, there can be one last push before September 22nd. After that, the engines really need to rev up and political action in the form of taking votes away from the opposition needs to go full steam ahead, especially in the ridings where the voice of the constituents is being ignored the most.
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Re: OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by Pydpiper »

I think the decision has been made already.
I also predict that the registry will be gone.
And, yes, I have wrote letters, with a pen. :D

Do I think my letters will help? No. I think it may have if I started right when the registry did and kept going. I really don't feel I am doing anything different than "them" by waiting for the last minute to apply pressure with facts.
Like everything else it will depend on money, not logic.
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Re: OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by DirtyGun »

Actually, as it is positioned right now, it appears that Jack Layton is attempting to orchestrate a 'tie', in which the Speaker of the House (a Liberal) will have to make the deciding vote, thereby making the keeping of the long gun registry mainly the "Liberal's fault". It's nice political chess by Jack, but, hopefully no one is falling for it.

I wouldn't doubt if a few Liberals happen to get a "flat tire" on their way to the H of C and don't make it for the vote, especially those from rural ridings.
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Re: OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by Lakelover »

Sucks when they have to March to the party line and not represent the people who put them there. They are supposed to represent us!! and our wishes!!

Were did party polotics take over from Democracy?

The registery lost me for 5 years ?
I really doubt it has saved as many lives as they claim/estimate. I lost a kid I mentored 10 years ago. Got into a Native Gang and when he wanted out, he was let out with lead. No one ever charged.

That is why I bought a CB. less hassle, no amo shortages, No paper work.

When the registery was brought in I lobbied against it.
I pointed out to the nay sayrs that if you had a bottle of Tabasco sauce you could be charged. They laughed until I showed them the material the Gov sent me. Then they saw how broad law could criminalise just about every un instionaliized person.

I think it is going to flop and not pass. It makes great Media fodder as they quietly give them selves a raise.

The Young Offenders Act needs to be scrapped also.

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Re: OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by peter p »

If they wanted to scrap the gun registry, it would have been done long ago.
As much as I don't want it and done my share of complaining, I feel it's here to stay.
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Re: OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by DirtyGun »

peter p wrote:If they wanted to scrap the gun registry, it would have been done long ago.
As much as I don't want it and done my share of complaining, I feel it's here to stay.
And just how do you figure that could have been done? The Conservatives took over in 2006 with a weak minority government and now sit with a decently strong minority government. If they put the bill 'straight up', there's no chance in it passing. It has taken a lot of strategy in order to position this bill as a Private Member's Bill to begin with. The Conservatives were banking on all party members voting free of their party line, as has been traditional on Private Member's Bills. The Liberals did on first reading, as did the NDP and the numbers looked as if C-391 was going to fly. Then all of the hullabaloo started. The Liberals went into spin mode, as did the NDP and the Conservatives have been trying to keep this bill up front for months gaining support in rural ridings that are currently Liberal and NDP seats.

Then the Liberals brought out the whip and stated that everyone must vote on the party line. The NDP initially has stated that it would allow its members a free vote, but, behind closed doors, that's really not the case.

This is the only chance the Conservatives have had to get rid of the registry without having a majority government. If you can figure out a better way to do it without having a majority government, then, I'd like to hear it.
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Re: OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by DirtyGun »

On Wednesday, September 15th, 2010, Waterloo Regional Council carried a motion to support a motion put forward by the Crime and Prevention Committee to support the Canadian Long Gun Registry.

This decision was made after delegates from both sides of the debate presented their case for keeping the registry, or abolishing the registry.

However, one councillor posed a question to the rest of council regarding whether any of his fellow councillors could explain the difference between licensing and registration. The room fell silent and the councillor stated that at least one person should be able to explain the difference. Since no one could explain the difference between licensing and registration and since the delegates from both sides could not be asked, as that portion of the meeting was closed, the councillor advised that council should not vote on something they do not completely understand.
That same councillor voted against the motion, stating that they could not vote 'in good conscience' for something that they did not understand.

This is a pure example of misinformation being believed and ignorance being practiced by those who are expected to make decisions for the citizens of this country, whether it be at the municipal, provincial or federal level. The fact that not one councillor could explain the difference between licensing and registration demonstrated that this is a subject that Waterloo Regional Council did not take the time to educate themselves about and therefore, should not have voted on a subject that they did not understand.

If this is a sign of the state of politics in this country, it's a sad time to live in.
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Re: OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by DirtyGun »

Here is the list of those running for Waterloo Regional Council in the upcoming Municipal Elections.

I have indicated the current incumbants who voted in favour of supporting a motion to support C-391.

I will be in contact with all candidates regarding this matter and their stance on municipal politicians delving in federal matters.

Contact e-mails and numbers are available for all candidates here:

I suggest that more people than myself contact all candidates to get their take/view on the recent vote in council and we can update the following list accordingly. Once information is compiled, the information will be forwarded to all gun clubs, firearms retailers and other related retailers/organizations in the Region of Waterloo in order to allow those groups to advise their members/customers how to vote accodingly.

Candidates for Regional Council:

Tom Galloway
Voted: In favour of motion to support registry.
Stance on C-391: Not in favour

Jean Haalboom
Voted: In favour of motion to support registry.
Stance on C-391: Not in favour

Jason Hammond
Voted: Presently not Council member
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Leszek Jankowski
Voted: Presently not Council member
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Geoff Lorentz
Voted: Presently not Council member
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Kristen Porritt
Voted: Presently not Council member
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Derek Satnik
Voted: Presently not Council member
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Martin Schell
Voted: Presently not Council member
Stance on C-391: Unknown

John Smola (WITHDRAWN - Sept 9/10)
Voted: In favour of motion to support registry
Stance on C-391: Not in favour

Jim Wideman
Voted: In favour of motion to support registry
Stance on C-391: Not in favour

Barbara da Silva
Voted: Presently not Council member
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Candidates for Mayor of Kitchener

Carl Zehr
Voted: In favour of motion to support registry
Stance on C-391: Not in favour

Frank Kulcsar
Voted: Not currently holding office
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Don Pinnell
Voted: Not currently holding office
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Candidates for Mayor of Waterloo

Brenda Halloran
Voted: In favour of motion to support registy
Stance on C-391: Not in favour

Jan d’Ailly
Voted: Not currently holding office
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Gord Hague
Voted: Not currently holding office
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Dale Ross
Voted: Not currently holding office
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Franklin Ramsoomair
Voted: Not currently holding office
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Candidates for Mayor of Cambridge

Doug Craig
Voted: In favour of motion to support registry
Stance on C-391: Not in favour

Linda A. Whetham
Voted: Not currently holding office
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Andrew Johnson
Voted: Not currently holding office
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Candidates for Mayor of Woolwich

Todd Cowan
Voted: Not currently holding office
Stance on C-391: Unknown

Pat McLean
Voted: Not currently holding office
Stance on C-391: Unknown

William Strauss
Voted: In favour of supporting motion to support registry
Stance on C-391: Not in favour
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Re: OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by MADMAX2 »

You cannot legislate common sense and the gun registry makes no sense at all!!
I cannot believe we are still talking about this billion dollar bullshit law!! :oops:

Scrap it and start making our laws more strict for those who do not want to abide by them!!

What next they 're not going after our bows yet but guaranteed they are next!!
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Re: OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by DirtyGun »

Pydpiper wrote:I think the decision has been made already.
I also predict that the registry will be gone.
And, yes, I have wrote letters, with a pen. :D

Do I think my letters will help? No. I think it may have if I started right when the registry did and kept going. I really don't feel I am doing anything different than "them" by waiting for the last minute to apply pressure with facts.
Like everything else it will depend on money, not logic.

Well, it's still here.

Will the supposed 6 million firearms owners in Canada please wake up now?!!
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Re: OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by ComfyBear »

Answer to how does one scrap the registry is to get rid of the politicians who want to keep it against the wishes of their constituents.
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Re: OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by peter p »

Did you really think it was going to be scrapped?
Canada is not run by the people, it's run by crooked politicians.
I bet there were tons of letters to MP's opposing the gun registry and if it was up to the people it would have been scrapped.

Every poll that was conducted on the registry were in favour of scrapping it but it's still here.

The only way it will be scrapped is not by the people but a majority conservative government.
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Re: OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by Lakelover »

I would like to know how many of those MP's who voted to keep the Registry, had a few drinks after and drove over.08?

Or talked on the cel phone while driving?
Listening to local CBC station Thurday, I could not believe how some people still rant about public safety and the gun Registry. No clue that the unregisterd, smuggled handguns is the problem.

One of the fellows on the crew is a retired RCMP, I asked him how many times he used the registry before entering a house. " Never" " always assume there is a gun, spam knife, baseball bat inside."

Sask's agro industry is a disaster, no care to the polotician's. But when a loaf of bread is $10.00 I bet you that will hit the house of Commons.

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Re: OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by longshot44 »

The part of all of this that baffles me is how Layton reportedly persuaded some of his MP's to support the Liberal motion. They want changes to the registry:

Namely first, to make not registering firearms as a non criminal offence (for first time offenders) .... In my mind, from a political point of view, this makes the registry completely ineffective .... why bother to register at all? The only thing you are risking is a slap on the wrist fine.

Secondly, they are proposing to waive the fees!!!! As a gun owner, I suppose I should be happy about this one .... but what about the common taxpayer .... if the gun owners don't have to pay for the registry .... guess who has to???? Everyone!!!!! The gun registry forever guaranteed to continue to lose billions more!!!!

I just don't get it .... how could this sway anyone's opinion?
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Re: OT: For the Canadian Firearms Community

Post by bucont »

longshot44 wrote:Secondly, they are proposing to waive the fees!!!! As a gun owner, I suppose I should be happy about this one .... but what about the common taxpayer .... if the gun owners don't have to pay for the registry .... guess who has to???? Everyone!!!!! The gun registry forever guaranteed to continue to lose billions more!!!!
I believe since the registry is in theory "to improve public safety in Canada" then all Canadians need to foot the bill for it.

Here is letter copied for another site I visit regarding the a lead ban on fishing tackle in the US.

"Dear ____:

Knowing of your opposition to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banning lead in fishing tackle, I wanted to update you on some recent activity in Congress.

You will be pleased to know that I have sent a letter to the EPA with several of my colleagues in the House, urging them to dismiss the petition to ban the use of lead in fishing products.

As you may know, a similar proposal to ban lead fishing tackle was dismissed by the EPA in the mid-1990s. Just as there was no sufficient data to support such a ban then, there is no additional data to support a ban today. A ban on traditional fishing tackle will drive up costs and serve as a disincentive for more Americans to enjoy the great outdoors and this historic pastime.

Furthermore, there are 60 million recreational anglers in America who contribute $125 billion to our economy annually. Penalizing these men, women and children that are some of the best stewards of our environment as well as the financial backbone to fish and wildlife conservation in our country would be a terrible and unnecessary.

You can be sure of my continued opposition to this proposed rule and I will continue to monitor the EPA's actions.

Thanks again for keeping me informed of your views, as I appreciate hearing from you. Please let me know whenever I can be of assistance.


Talk about common sense approach, to bad our MP's can't seem to do the same here.

This letter was returned to a board member after writing the congress man. I wrote about 20 letters on the registry that resulted in 1 MP (my own) that actually calling me to discuss the registry (she voted to kill the registry). But this call only came after I followed up the letter with an email of complaint of the lack of response in over 2 months.

I find it sad that none of the other MP's even took the time to answer the letters, or for that fact read them.

No wonder there is so much apathy in politics!
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