fawns NOT to shoot

Crossbow Hunting

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Re: fawns NOT to shoot

Post by rayman »

Killed a doe fawn by accident once years ago. Almost felt bad. Button bucks - ha-uh.

I clean and de-bone my own deer. Keep the meat in a cooler on ice and save up a batch to take a friend of mine who makes hamburger, sausage, and cube steak. Used to go to place that I think did all the deer at one time and divied out some for each person.
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Re: fawns NOT to shoot

Post by wabi »

I process my own, I just use the processor's cooler and equipment to do it. :lol:

We have been friends for years and processed many a deer together before he opened the business. Now he has a walk-in cooler where I can hang 'em, and I'm usually there to cut 'em up & package them.

If I plan to make jerky, summer sausage, or can the meat right away I usually don't even wrap it - just cut it as desired & put it in big freezer bags for the ride home.
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Re: fawns NOT to shoot

Post by GaryM »

My neighbor raises cattle and told me when a calf hits 1 yr. old it's a yearling. If it's born in spring, like the deer, then when fall comes it's 1 yr. and 6 mos. old and called a "long yearling". How's that for more confusion? :lol: Gary
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