Human Scent

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Re: Human Scent

Post by huntfishfam »

I think scent elimination products do work to a degree. By reducing our human scent and various unnatural, woods, scents. The deer may still be able to smell us but we smell more like something that should be there rather than something different or out of place. Think of these products as camo for the nose. By placing leaves in with my hunting clothes, in my case, after I wash them they take on that smell. Useing scent killer of some sort to reduce my human odor and wearing camo, I now smell like a bush and look like a bush. My scent is not totally eliminated but it is less alarming should that animal get down wind of me.
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Re: Human Scent

Post by Limbs and Sticks »

You can put two five gallon bucket's of fresh cow manure in the stand with you and deer will smell you over the manure if the breeze hits it's nose, your not going to hide or disguise your scent if the wind is wrong.

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Re: Human Scent

Post by jody5050 »

good to see that someone finally agrees that the carbon suits are pure b-s as you said how did we ever get a deer without them. i have never and shall never pay out $275.00 for a waterproof 100% scent proof :shock: (riiightt) jacket! if i was that dumb, guess i should have listened to that guy that tried to sell me the brooklyn bridge :lol: :lol: i do however do the basics, clean clothes, hung out in the breeze. i use a scent spray to help MASK my scent. however i still know that nothing works except using the wind in your favor.nothing worse than desperately wanting to hunt a certain spot and you cannot because of the wind. now, this brings another question. in a hard wind (over 20-25 mph) deer are all ready skittish. do you think that scent/smell is as important to avoid? i do not think it really matters at that time. what do you guys think?
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Re: Human Scent

Post by Hoss »

scent loc? carbon crap? body spray? silver socks? hahahaha..bullchip sniffer going off here...

bottom line____ ifn you cant eliminate it all its not worth trying..The only thing that can get rid of scent is the wind taking it away.....believe what you want..a mature buck will sniff your stinky ass no matter how clean you wipe it....or spray it..or wrap it in carbon..or whatever..geez here we go
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Re: Human Scent

Post by Cossack »

I know I'm not hunting on calm nights with a very slight breeze blowing like last night. My target buck 'made me' in nothing flat....after I sat for 3 hrs. He just didn't present where I thought he would. He had 3 trails to go past in front of me, (upwind) one behind. Guess which one he chose? The SOBs always play the wind.
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Re: Human Scent

Post by See4miles »

Hoss I completely agree! And thats the whole point. If you can't eliminate it all then you can't eliminate it it good enough. And you just can't eliminate it all.

the best i try for is to cover my walk in trail and I doubt I'm really doing that. I pin a small amount of hope on it but I'd never place a bet that I can. I got a feeling my old bird dog would come right to me two hours later (or longer). And if that's the case, well, you all know the rest...... :(
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Re: Human Scent

Post by Hoss »

you have to remmeber that there are smart deer and dumb deer or uneducated deer i should say..Those are the one we kill the most. Those that have been educated are wise to our methods. They learn us fast to stay alive..In saying that anything ANYTHING out of the ordinary sparks off a warning in thier head. They will play you down wind, They will go another route, They will do what ever to avoid that change what ever it is. So cover scents no matter how clever, and any other thing they pic up with that radar nose and ears and eyes they will become more and more eductaed and hard to get close to..

The best thing I have found is to venture to my tree in the rain that is soon to clear. It flat beats your scent to the ground and dilutes it to nothing. The noise of the rain hides your entry. still play the wind but you can get in like a ghost. as soon as the rain clears the bucks like to get up and freshen scrapes stretch and browse. Now your at the advantage..
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Re: Human Scent

Post by houser52 »

wabi wrote:Talking to a hunting buddy this weekend and he was telling me about an article he recently read in an outdoor magazine.

They used a dog to try to find a hidden (in a blind) person.
They tried with the person just off work (dirty & sweaty) and it took about 15 seconds for the dog to find him.
Showered with scent eliminating soap and clothes washed in scent eliminating soap it took the dog 13 seconds.
Carbon suit - 16 seconds.

Bottom line - None of the products tested reduce scent enough to matter!

Keeping the wind in your favor is the best method!!!!!!!!!!

Next time I see him I'll ask him where he read the article. :roll:
I read that same article and I think it was in Field and Stream a couple months ago.

Years ago before all the scent killers came out we all used cover scents, ie; skunk, fox, coon, apple scents, etc. They weren't used to eliminate our scent but to try to hide it a little. Must have worked because we saw lots of deer up close. (I'm going to have to try it again)

I also try to hunt coyotes and they have one of the best noses of any animal. There has been a lot of talk lately about "misting". It's a lot of different scents mixed together that's sprayed into the air in order to confuse the coyote's nose and not to eliminate human odor. I've never tried it but lots of guys says it helps.
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