Antiquated Broadheads?

Crossbow Hunting

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Antiquated Broadheads?

Post by MarkMarine »

I know there are some members that shoot 2 blade fixed broadheads; specifically Magnus. But that membership is clearly in the minority. I was elsewhere reading a traditional archery article discussing Zwickey broadheads and the fact that few people use them anymore other than traditional archery (IE: Traditional Recurve Bows).

Apparently, the reason this was so, was because they felt that the antiquated design of the broadhead just could not perform well in today's "faster" compound bows. I believe by "performance", they meant "accuracy". So it is that Ace, Zwickey, Bear (whatever company owns them now), Tusker, et al, are all fading by the wayside because they are perceived as being not able to keep up with market progression.

I do not know how many of you had ever met Fred Bear when he was alive - or have chatted with Jack Zwickey who still is for that matter. You talk about down to earth gents - they just do not come much better. It is sad that the pioneers of modern archery have been abandoned by the faster, newer, products of the insurgent competition.

I was looking through my broadhead drawer today (where the bent, broken, or has-been are buried) and was surprised to find some Ace and Zwickey which are still as sharp as they were nigh on 40 years ago. How many of our newer bubble-pack products can lay such claim? As an example: I liked using Muzzy - a plain-jane tough broadhead - but recently after using one just once to take a doe, one blade was so bent it had to be replaced and all were chipped and dull.

They just do not make them like they use to! Everything now is replaceable, disposable...expendable. But does the fact that replacing the blades, in lieu of resharpening them, really make them better?

If there is a legitimate argument that such 2 blade broadheads simply will not fly right out of our Excals, then I am all ears. BUT, if there is no such evidence, does anyone else think we owe patronage to tradition over fashion? After all, we ARE the market - not Jo Blo the Pro on (<---<<< made up name lol). It is by our desire, our purchases, that the fate of Mom & Pop establishments, family owned businesses, rise or fall.

I welcome input.
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Joined: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:58 pm
Location: chambersburg, PA

Re: Antiquated Broadheads?

Post by jody5050 »

jo blo the pro.... :lol: good one! yes everything is replaceable use it once and run out and by more... i have always re-sharpened my own bh, damn, they are way to expensive to keep buying new ones ($32.00 for a 3 pack) all the time. also, i enjoy doing it, kinda get a sense of pride when you shoot a deer with a blade that you sharpened yourself. :mrgreen:
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