Thanksgiving thankfulness

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Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by MarkMarine »

I am thankful for being bullied as a small boy - it allowed me to grow to become the bigger man.

I am thankful for all the ass-whippings in Junior High - it taught me how to lose but still try, try again.

I am thankful for being knocked down but never knocked out - it allowed me the opportunity to rise anew.

I am thankful for the Bros I lost in the Marines - I find them still living in memories after so many years.

I am thankful for the men I killed - it allowed me to never take for granted my own life.

I am thankful for all the times I have been stabbed and shot - the scars permanent reminders of "second chances".

I am thankful for all the broken relationships - for had they not dissolved I would still be doomed to them instead of married to the most wonderful woman in the world.

I am thankful for bounced checks - the return fees inspire me to keep better records.

I am thankful I am not a millionaire - having that kind of money would probably change me.

I am thankful for Ramen Noodles - they fed me many a hungry night.

I am thankful for losing my left hand - my right is appreciated so much more.

I am thankful for being legally blind - so that I cannot see just how far gone I really am.

I am thankful for the internet - without it I would have zero social life.

I am thankful my Mom and Dad still are alive - my Mom henpecks me relentlessly keeping me young and my Dad is gracious enough not to call except when he remembers I actually do have a birthday once a year.

It seems I have so much to be thankful for :)
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Re: Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by BigNasty »

Last edited by BigNasty on Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by MarkMarine »

BigNasty wrote:We all do Mark. I'm thankful for your patients. I have not forgot. Hope you're felling better.
Big, no worries. I used a different climber for the first time this evening. I did alright going up (platform only slipped once or twice)...but coming down? Not so much! I was about 15 feet off the ground, had just lifted the seat portion when the platform decided to lose its grip. I only fell about 5 feet or so before it bit into the tree. Unfortunately, when it did my knees were rammed into the metl of the seat-section. I am going to have my mother examine my knee caps. I think the right one is broken, the left just hurts bad lol

Guess I should be thankful that I finally got to hunt again :lol:
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Re: Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by BigNasty »

Last edited by BigNasty on Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by Boo »

The upper and lower parts of your climber should be tethered together so if it drops it's still in reach.
Some people just like stepping on rakes

Re: Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by MarkMarine »


They were. However, I had already moved the bottom platform down and stood on it to raise the seat-section to lower it. It was at that moment the lower platform gave way. I had the upper seating section in my hand, so we all went straight down the tree at the same time.

I do not wear a harness because I just cannot manage all those straps with one mitt. The vest style is too pricey for it was an unbridled adventure LOL You know, people pay good money at amusement parks for rides like that :P
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Re: Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by one shot scott »

Holy crap Mark, you have taken a crap kicking!
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Re: Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by MarkMarine »


I only summed up the good points LOL If you ever come down to Missouri, me and Mike will get together and take you around to the local hillbilly establishments where the watering-holes are NOT rated by stars, but by teeth...

"I lost 2 teeth in that one...that bar there is only a 1 tooth dive...that one back in the woods there is our finest 4 tooth establishment with a complimentary beat-you-underneath-a-pool-table!" LOL

That's why most of us rednecks where we will have a place to put our store-bought teeth before the head thumping starts :lol:

Seriously though, I have not been in a fight since the Marines...well, beyond thumping a few convicts heads in the joint...oh, and readjusting an ornery lad or two during one overnight stay in the country jail. Hell, I do not even drink LOL
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Re: Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by one shot scott »

I hope that one day im able to take you up on the offer Mark.

Its rare to be content with the cards we've been delt. Youve been delt more than your fair share, i envy your positive outlook man.

Now i got a strange hanker'n to try some of those raman noodles you mentioned :)
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Re: Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by MarkMarine »

LOL, do not tell me that you've never had ramen noodles?????????? :shock: They are a poor man's foodgroup :lol:
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Re: Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by one shot scott »

I've had the "cup of noodles". Is it the same thing?? That's some good eats!
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Re: Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by MarkMarine »

The "Cup of Noodles" is like the sirloin steak compared to the hamburger of Ramen :D But, at pennies a pack, it suffices when pennies are few and payday is a long way off :)
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Re: Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by rayman »

Never got into the Ramen noodle thing. When I was in school and had no money ate a lot of cheap hot dogs and light bread.

North Florida has it's share of juck joints. Could have given the guided tour 25 years ago. Marrage and kids have of way of changing a man's ways on Friday night. Now it's pizza and Disney Channel.

It is good to see someone who is content with the cards they are dealt. I think many people would not be content no matter what. I was content until a couple of weeks ago. Now I'm not content unless I find Moosehead beer to drink while watching football Saturday afternoon. Only found it in one store so far.
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Re: Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by VixChix »

Rayman - you gotta come up here for the Moosehead! :D
Sent from a mobile device - So spelling and grammar may be questionable!
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Re: Thanksgiving thankfulness

Post by one shot scott »

Looks like I got ya hooked on the moose juice rayman :lol:
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