Ever hear theres one in every group

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Re: Ever hear theres one in every group

Post by Louvp »

you should have told her the only difference between her & a hunter is she pays someone else to kill her meat.
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Re: Ever hear theres one in every group

Post by dork »

I"ve had a couple of them over.i get the squirrels out and start the soup up.and of course wait till there done before i tell them what they've eaten :D
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Re: Ever hear theres one in every group

Post by redmandant »

I wonder if she ever took out an add in the local newspaper...LOL


Red, proud member of PETA, people eating tasty animals...
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Re: Ever hear theres one in every group

Post by rayman »

Dated a girl once who proclaimed to be an animal rights activist (before getting married in case my wife reads this). The relationship ended on the third date when I took her back to my appartment and showed her my deer heads and other mounts.

I really feal sorry for those types of people. In probably nearly all cases, those people grew up in some city and were never exposed to the process of raising animals for butcher, or killing wild animals and processing them into hamburger meat for tacos, or catching a mess of fish and taking them back to the house for a fried fish dinner. I also feal fortunate that I was raised in an environment in which it was standard operating proceedure to do all those things, and try to do the same with my son. Not a single one of my son's friends who come over have ever caught fish and then eaten them except at my house.

I also think the PETA people just want to stand on the street corner with a sign. I also think they let themselves become directed by someone who has figured a way to make money from magazine subscriptions and so forth. They don't really want to do anything productive that would work toward a common good, if they did they would research these issues and find out the truth.
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Re: Ever hear theres one in every group

Post by Gwen's Dilemma »

Way way off topic. During my apprenticeship an old tradesman told me. "There's more than 1 way to skin a cat, you don't have to stick a staw up it's butt and suck it's guts out" :lol:
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Re: Ever hear theres one in every group

Post by VixChix »

I've had several of my friends express shock when they discovered that I hunt. "How can you kill a deer?!??!" :shock:

What I REALLY want to do is scream: "Bambi is a cartoon character!!!" (He's not a deer. In fact, he might as well be a cartoon alien. :roll: )

Instead, I try not to alienate them in my responses. They don't need to become pro-hunting, I just don't want them to be anti-hunting.

Most are influenced by what they've absorbed from the media. They haven't thought it out for themselves. So I try engage them in a non-threatening conversation about what happens when we hunt.

Most are surprised to find out that WE EAT WHAT WE KILL. :shock:

(Seriously. Some of these people think we shoot only for antlers or for the "fun" of killing. :roll: )

Most will say: "Oh, if you eat it then that's ok."

Some have to be encouraged to think through what happens when animals die "naturally". I ask them about it and then let them turn it over in their minds for a while. They can usually figure it out on their own. If you watch their face, you can sometimes actually see the realization hit them. :D

Deer get sick, hurt, slow, or old. They suffer slow painful deaths. They starve. Predators eat them while they're still alive. That image will usually make them realize that ethical hunting is far less cruel than "mother nature!"

The deer we harvest have actually lived a good life - not like some of their mass farmed & slaughtered cows, pigs, chickens.

I also let them know that we don't kill deer every time we're out. (No kidding, eh? :lol: )

We work hard, we take courses, we register and are registered, we're out in all kinds of weather, we pay money for licenses which support wildlife management, etc.... and for all our efforts there are no guarantees that we'll take anything home.

Most of us hunt because we love to be outdoors and be part of the natural world around us. If we happen to put some meat in the freezer while we're at it then that's a bonus.

Letting them know that we do all the work ourselves - from the field to the table - helps to justify hunting too. We get our hands dirty. We deal with the guts and blood. We earn the meat instead of just peeling it off a styrofoam tray..

At any rate, usually if I take the time to participate in honest dialog, ask them questions and answer theirs, they usually come around.

And then sometimes you just have to agree to disagree.
Sent from a mobile device - So spelling and grammar may be questionable!
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Re: Ever hear theres one in every group

Post by Doe Master »

The funny part with the PETA faithful.Is they do not realize that only 4 % of their money goes to helping animals . The other 96 % goes to administration costs . :shock:
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Re: Ever hear theres one in every group

Post by j.krug »

wayne wrote:I might be wrong...But I thought your menu was all .." OPEN RANGE CRITTERS " :wink: It seems that should have made peta happy :lol: :lol: ....Right :wink:
I was thinking the exact same thing! Free range groceries rule!! :)
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