First hunt on my own

Crossbow Hunting

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First hunt on my own

Post by GooGoos »

As you all know, dad has been sent to the couch to rest up his foot for a couple of weeks till his gout clears up. Yesterday, I told dad I wanted to go hunting and we looked to see what was open. He told me right where to go and even showed it to me on the map. So I gathered all my things together and headed out for a couple hour set in the stand last night. I found what dad was talking about and I started my search for a good tree to sit in. As I am looking I catch movement to my left, I stop and look and hear hogs grunting and could catch a lil bit of movement. It was too think to try and take a shot with the bow. As the hogs made there way out, I quickly got my stuff together and started to make my way up a tree. Half-way up the tree I hear deer blow at me! Immediatley I stop climbing and think to myself "this is not happening right now" I look out in front of me and see 3 three white tells making their way back the way they came, then stop again to give me one more blow to let me know I have been busted. I quickly finish climbing the tree and as I go to snap my top part of my stand on, the strap breaks and falls to the ground below me!I text me dad and tell him and he told me as long as I am saftey harnessed in and have the bottome part secured I will be okk and we will see if it's fixable when I got home. So I get settled in the tree at 4:30pm and about 30-45 min later, out in front of me I hear something making alot of noise. Breaking sticks, stepping in the leaves real loud. Out of habbit, I stand up and get ready. Next thing I know I see brown move and I think deer. It steps out and right away I knew it was no deer, it was another hunter. I couldn't belive my eyes. I tried to whistle at him, but I don't think he heard me. So I tried to quietly yell "Hey!" to him and he heard me. He stopped and looked around but he apprently didn't see my arms waving at him so I tried to whisper yell "Yo!" and he stopped again then finally saw me waving at him. He waved back and made his way out the woods. I think was suprised him the most was it was a females voice and not a males voice yellin at him in the woods. I let dad know what just happened and he said the guy didn't ruin my hunt if he came in the same way I did. As I sat there thinking about what just happened, it was really buggin me and I couldn't focus in on my hunt. So, I sneak out of the woods and head on back to the house.

Neatless to say it was quiet the adventure for only bein couple of hours.

*In the fall I get to kill em in the rut, but in the spring I get to watch em strut.
*You can take the girl outta woods, but you can't take the addiction outta the girl!
*Can't kill anything sitting on the couch.
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Re: First hunt on my own

Post by Doe Master »

At least you got out . :)
That gout thing sure does hurt . Your dad just has to figure out what caused it .
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Re: First hunt on my own

Post by rayman »

You had some excitement at least. Sounds like a good spot too.

Having another hunter come in like that is a good way to spoil a hunt. I have had modest success by staying in place after another hunter came by. The first 10" beard gobbler I shot came in about 30 min after two guys tried desperately to call in my decoy from across a small field. :)
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Re: First hunt on my own

Post by BBDOWN »

Things like that happen to all of us. Thats part of hunting and even though you did'nt kill anything you know where thay are and you can get them next time.Chin up its all part of the fun.
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Re: First hunt on my own

Post by diesel »

Best of luck next time just be safe.
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Re: First hunt on my own

Post by Boo »

BBDOWN wrote:Things like that happen to all of us. Thats part of hunting and even though you did'nt kill anything you know where thay are and you can get them next time.Chin up its all part of the fun.
Well said!!
Make sure someone at home base knows what time you intend to be home and let them know if you decide to change locations.
The most important part of hunting is making it home safely!
BTW, when are you getting hitched? :mrgreen:
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Re: First hunt on my own

Post by j.krug »

No arrows launched but that's okay. Still an adventure in the woods. Better luck next time. :)
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