Mothballs in Blind?

Crossbow Hunting

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Mothballs in Blind?

Post by Peacemaker »

Possibly stupid question. Last year I set up ground blinds late in the season, so it wasn't an issue. This weekend though I am going to set up my two pop-up ground blinds in advance of the early statewide archery season that starts on 10/5. I am wondering though if, since it is still warm during the days but cool at night, if snakes may think that the blinds are nice places to hang out.

a few mothballs in the blind will certainly take care of that potential problem.....but will they also ensure that deer are kept away as well? Any other ideas? this something that I shouldn't worry about?

(yes there are plenty of snakes in our woods. Most are harmless water snakes, but there are some copperheads, too.....)
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Re: Mothballs in Blind?

Post by Pydpiper »

Mothballs are naphthalene, very strong odor. I do not know what affect, if any, that will have on deer.
Have you considered using lime? very effective on snakes also, but less odor.
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Re: Mothballs in Blind?

Post by ldock »

When I was physically able to have a garden they told me to put mothballs in my garden around plants. The deer still went through my garden eating anything they liked even peppers and plants.
Just be sure not to breathe the fumes . They will probably help with the other critters. When it's dry enough and deer are hungary enough I don't think much deters them.
My wife plants flowers around the house and they nearly come up to the door and eat them. She has a rosebush right by the carport attached to the house and they keep it trimmed all the time. Good luck with the stands and good hunting.
As for bothering your hunting I would' be afraid to put out a few moth balls.
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