extra tag farse

Crossbow Hunting

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Post by GREY OWL »

I agree with you mostly, but not all. If farmers or landowners are doing something good, postive, or enhancing the habitat and wildlife. Then they should get something in return. Fair is fair.

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Post by GREY OWL »

I agree with you mostly RichardS, but not all. If farmers or landowners are doing something good, postive, or enhancing the habitat and wildlife. Then they should get something in return. Fair is fair.

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Post by Moreland »

I absolutly agree! It's not fair that the non-residents get the same oppourunties as us (well, my dad) that do own the land. I think that a perfect soloution would to be giving the landowners a two or three day head start on everybody else.... they may not be our deer, but it is OUR crops their damaging.
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Post by Digger »

AAh yes lets have a two tier system, a farmers only hunting season with no limits and if theres any deer left, then let city slickers and non residents take whats left. I dont think so!


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Post by RichardS »

Grey Owl,

I see your point in maintaining a solid ecosystem to provide several animals with protected habitat.

I would not find it fair if the neighbour beside me gets a preference in tags over a friend of mine in toronto just because his trailer happens to be on 60 acres.

I reaalize you go to extremes to manage you property and I respect that.

The fact is there are so many land owners that only see the back half of their property when they set out on atv on opening day of gun season.

Farmers need compensation for crop destruction and that is why we have crop insurance.

We loose some un-insurable crops to deer, that is why we get a break on a deer tag.

Being a farmer I know farmers like to whine. I also know that if deer were as destructive to crops as coyotes were to livestock that gun season would be mass deer masacure.

Farmers like to watch deer and are often very proud of "their" herd of deer and are more than willing to loose the crops.

Tag draws should be equal to residents, non residents should pay through the ass.
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My .02

Post by BUCKSHOT »

The system is about as fair as it can be for all Hunters!
As far as getting an extra tag or two to handle Deer that cause crop damage, it would appear the Government has concessions for that! Everyone has the same chance at extra tags in certain areas, it's not like the gov't knows who is calling! I am sure plenty of landowners, including Farmers did recieve extra tags.
In my opinion, as a Farmer, if you are overrun with insects or disease or whatever common things affect your crops, you deal with it however you must! Therefore if you are having problems with crop damage from Deer, why wouldn't you deal with it the best way possible, and have responsible tag holders from your area help you deal with the problem.
I am sure that you would be able to get more meat in the freezer, and deal with your problems on the farm at the same time!
Other land (bush lot) owners should'nt have any more rites than the rest of the Hunters either!
Just my .02 :wink:
Enjoy the Harvest!
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Post by #16 »

This sure opened a can of worms did"nt it.
The farmers feed the game animals all year but they should not be given a break. I own 350 acres but I don"t farm it and don"t hunt it in the rifle season.
The deer gangs that hunt here in the rifle season are a pain in the a$$ as they can"t get along with one another and are always getting me to help with there problems.
If a farmer loses 2.000$ in product I see nothing wrong with them having an extra tag or two.

To the guys that don"t own land.
You don"t think about all the BULL that goes with it.
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Post by chris4570 »

I don't own land. I buy my tag knowing that I might/will have some public land in which to hunt. I'm almost guaranteed my first tag/licence. Additional tags are a BONUS! Whether or not I decide I NEED one is up to me. Currently I see no need for myself to have more than one tag.

If someone is protecting their livelihood than yes I think they should have an opportunity to. For those that have no need to protect their land, and have no need to have more than one deer carcass in the freezer what is the big deal?

All this talk of how many deer "I" should be entitled to kind of contridicts the "kill is not the most important part of the hunt".
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Post by Woodsman »

I feel so sorry for those poor farmers leasing their land to us city slickers for hundreds of dollars just to be allowed to shoot a little deer! Give me a break! :roll:

Today we went looking for a hunting spot in some prime farm/deer habitat not far from our cottage. We were quoted $1000.00 for the season! Daily rates are 100.00 -150.00 a day! Apparently this is the going rate in this area. I hope the deer eat them out of house and home those greedy buggers! :evil:

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Post by RichardS »

I brought the whole farmer thing iton this and am mor than distirbed. I pointed out I felt it WAS FAIR because we were offered discounted tags. I also pointed out how we were compensated through crop insuranse.

I personally have never heard of a farmer leasing land for hunting and I personally could name hundreds of farmers (I worked at the co-op and live in a small farming community).

Woodsman, I am honestly deeply upset about your comment. I invite you to come to Peterborough and I will give you a tour of the local beef and ruminent farms. I would hope after you see some of the current living conditions of people whos lives were RUINED by the BSE crisis you would reconsider your post.

I think you might be a bit jealous about anyone who owns land :roll: No one mentioned anything about major differences in hunting just a slight preference in draw results. Calm Yourself, its not good to get wound up.

I cant understand how any farmer/landowner deserves more than one guarenteed tag. I understand that many feel they deserve financial compensation for crop loss, and trust me its out there.

More tags, give me a break.
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Post by ecoaster »

Personally, I don't care who gets the tags. If there is an over abundance of deer in an area the "authorites" will issue extra tags. I don't think too many farmers would care who's freezer the deer ended up in as long as they were not eating their crops. That said, the deer are just doing what comes naturally. They see an all you can eat buffet and they walk in. I've seen numerous ads in local papers where farmers/land owners will lease their land for hunting. If the deer are such a problem, put an ad in the paper or put up a dammit fence.

I grew up on a farm so I know the headaches wildlife can cause, but it comes with the territory. Deal with it. Humans don't own the earth, we are just another animal with a swelled head.

My 2 cents.
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Post by Digger »

RichardS, as a mater of fact I do own property and house in Whitby, and I spent 33 years protecting the lives and property of the citizens of Toronto. What makes farmers/landowners any superior to me getting an extra tag for a deer, not much as far as I'm concerned.

2008 Y25 Relayer #593 Boo string, lumizone
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Post by Woodsman »

RichardS, my farmers are in the eastern townships in Quebec where it is not uncommon to see 20-30 deer a day. They are sitting on millions of dollars of the finest corn/crop land in Quebec. There are few beef farms. Some may have 20 or 30 head of beef, but it is not their main source of income. Corn is.

I'd love to buy 50 acres or so of my own land, but I'm not a millionaire. These same folk complain of deer eating in their apple orchards and cornfields, yet want to gouge you blind when you go and ask to hunt on their property. If your situation in your neck of the woods is different, it's probably because you are far enough away from the big centers, like Toronto where the population has the $$ to pay for a hunt.

Don't be "deeply upset". I'm simply stating things as they are in my hunting neighborhood. If your situation in Peterborough is different, then so be it. Your Ontario government should adjust their tag system accordingly to reflect your local reality and give your poor farmers a shot at more tags.

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Post by RichardS »

If you took the time to read any of my posts you may find out that I thought the system was Fair!
I pointed out I felt it WAS FAIR because we were offered discounted tags.
I would not find it fair if the neighbour beside me gets a preference in tags over a friend of mine in toronto just because his trailer happens to be on 60 acres.

Farmers need compensation for crop destruction and that is why we have crop insurance.

We loose some un-insurable crops to deer, that is why we get a break on a deer tag.
Tag draws should be equal to residents

By the way:

What makes farmers/landowners any superior to me getting an extra tag for a deer, not much as far as I'm concerned.
Good we agree on something.

By the way both my parents are retired police officers from toronto as well.
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Post by Digger »


If I misread any your posts, I apologize. :oops:

2008 Y25 Relayer #593 Boo string, lumizone
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2-1992 Wolverine
Excal Phoenix, acudraw, VARizone
T.P. Titan TL4, acudraw 50, Varizone
Vixen, Steddy Eddy, Varizone
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