New member looking for input

Crossbow Hunting

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The Little Count
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Re: New member looking for input

Post by The Little Count »

snuffbox wrote:Hi there Little Count
I'm in UK and we shoot 3ds in our society.
Range from 1- 70m with most shots being in the 18-35m distance,unmarked.
Our society has a speed limit of 300fps .
Rules dictate recurve bows only so we are restricted to very few bows that we can use
Favourite is the vixen which gets the job done nicely an represents excellent value for may find a butt hook a useful addition to counter the forward imbalance.
Being an avid tinkerer I shortened a matrix to give a 220mm draw which gives a similar performance to a vixen but on a much more compact bow.
Just a thought for you
Food for thought, it didnt occur to me to cut down an exsisting bow. How does that modified Grizzly work for you ?
xcaliber wrote:If a 175# Long Limb model suits you, get an aluminum rail Ibex, Phoenix, or Axiom. The longer limb models are very accurate, easy to draw, and very easy on strings. The 200# Vortex is really easy to draw as well, and bargains are out there too. Post Back when you decide, it would be great to hear what you decided on, and hear how you like it.
Good Luck! :D
I will Xcaliber! First some testing this weekend and near future Before I decide.


Many thanks for your insight on the Vixen II. Soon I know how the stock leangth suites me. I am not very big like you I am 178 cm with pretty normal disposition on my arms I Think. The lesser stress on the limbs is an excellent Point and Another benefit/merit to the Vixen for sure, especially when shooting a lot.


I will most certainly look into a level bubble! Really apreciate your help/expertise/insight into what goes into beeing a accurate marksman.
Have you played around with comps erlier or Always hunted ? Just curious to know a bit more about you.

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Re: New member looking for input

Post by Doe Master »

Yes Paul has competed and realizes how important a devise on the bow to prevent canting is . :)
My recommendation for indoors . The Apex is the bow as far as I am concerned . Light poundage for shooting known short distance .
Now to outdoors . My question is what style of stock have you been using in the past . Thumbhole or traditional .
The vixen 2 is a traditional stock design and the Matrix is a thumbhole . I prefer traditional for shooting because of my past teachings of never come out of position when on target to remove the safety . But that being said I am now beginning to adapt to the thumbholes for hunting applications with my 380 and Micro .
My suggestion right off the hop also if you have back problems . Purchase a stringing aid to restring the bow or adjust brace height . Also a cocking devise of some sort . Be it a cocking aid or a crank . ( if you rules allow)
Any other questions we are all here for you . This is a very diverse crowd of experiences . :)
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Re: New member looking for input

Post by The Little Count »

Doe Master:

I've been using/testing and borrowing from other members and mostly traditional stocks. Tested a few different others too, both recurve and compounds from PSE (just love the DS/RDX 365 but its a compund), Ten point, poe lang (and some others) brand models but not a matrix design (well testeded a 380 a few shots though, like the design but 380 is bigger than 330 in every way is it not ?). Same trigger though? (going to swap the trigger mech on the bow anyway to a light comp style one.)
As for cocking aid and stringer I have those (and they are allowed), but thanks anyway. Apex isnt what I am looking for. Need something that is a bit more shall we say "punchy" than that for outdoors competions and 3D down the line. Here its licence for every xbow applied for individually through the police department. Another licence for importing etc etc , a real pain :x
Asked Paul becouse he has been helpful and Active in the thread (like you all) and yes wiggle/canting is a concern for me.

Voretex and Vixen testing time soon enough and I am looking so much forward to that indeed. Exciting times ahead this weekend :)

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Re: New member looking for input

Post by Doe Master »

The Apex is definitely not a outdoor bow for 3-D . Even though it does fit the bill for field archery .
If you like the traditional stock then the Vixen .
Your other question . Yes the trigger units are the same .
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Re: New member looking for input

Post by hockeyfodder »

Hey Count:
If you're really looking to get lots of valuable input, up close and personal, consider flying over and attending BooFest in Ontario Canada.
A lot of the best Crossbow experts on the planet go to this for a weekend of fun, competition and caraderie. There'll be every model of Excalibur at this campout and I'm sure you'll have chances to try most of them out...just a thought.
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Re: New member looking for input

Post by Tom »

cadmaster wrote:As for wiggling (canting) I would think that the longer limbs would be an advantage as the weight is farther out from the neutral axis. Tightrope walkers use long poles with weights for balance so I would say it is not an issue. If you are worried about that for range shooting get a scope level, but I doubt that at 60 yards or less range it would be an issue. For offhand shooting (3D shooting) I don't think a level would be of much use.
The Little Count wrote:......... How about the canting issue ? Is the longer (older style) easier to notice that with generally or?

Sorry for all my questions but since I cant compare a Grizzly, 330 or similar to a Vixen or Vortex I am in the dark here and just want your experiences and thoughts about it.
I still shoot and hunt with an original Relayer (150lb model). I have shot many other model bows as well.

I have found that between the "Matrix & Exo series" bows, the Exo series (longer limb models) are easier to to hold on level. I believe that, like cadmaster stated, the longer limbs act like the balance poll from a high wire walker. It is easier to notice as well just in your eyesight.

The Matrix bows, I have found that even that they are shorter and more narrow, I find that the balance is just not as good as the longer Exo series bows (they seem front heavy).

Now the Micro bow, I find it to be really nice, well balanced and easy to shoot. But I understand that it is more bow then you want. There have been many on here that purchased high power bows to trade them later for lighter bows because the higher poundage bows became more work then fun to shoot.

Now as for shooting, the lighter bows only require you (the shooter) to be more accurate in judging distances (in competitions) then you need to be with the faster bows. But if you know the distance, there is not much of a factor here.

Now, another thought for you. Is there any regulations or rules for speed, power, or length of arrow (could there be some in the future). Some areas here restrict max draw weigh and draw length. There is also talk that some will restrict min arrow length and draw length just like some of our hunting regulations do.

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