Cougar sighting?

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude


Post by Spring »


The first credible cougar sighting I encountered was first hand from a close friend who lives outside Cavan. He saw it. His neighbours saw it., more than once.

I have another friend who actually stopped his car at the side of the road near Sudbury to observe two cougars stretched out on a rock cut soaking up some sun.

They're here. No doubt about it.

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Some Good Stuff

Post by BUCKSHOT »

For an O/T this is good stuff!
I thought your links were cool Carl! Yours too Chris! :wink:
How many guys have been seen by a Cougar, without knowing the Cougar was there?!
Enjoy the Harvest!

Post by Guest »

I don't know where Codrington, Ont is located.

Apparently, the MNR re-introduced Cougars in the Silver Lake area (between Perth and Peterbourough {sp} a few years ago to manage the exploding deer population......however, they haven't confirmed.
The last Cougar sighting i read about was reported last year around Carp, Ont.
The MNR's response.....a mere sighting is not hard enough evidence and therefore must be discounted.

Post by Spring »

Guest. I've heard the MNR re-introduction thingy too. Personally I don't believe it. Cougars are top level predators. As such, moreso than others in the same league such as wolves or even grizzlys they have a history of taking people. I don't believe for a minute that MNR would re-introduce them at Silver Lake or anywhere else in Southern Ont. To do so wouldn't be dumb. It'd be downright stupid.

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Post by chris4570 »

Then again Spring, the government does some pretty stupid things!!

I remembered there was an article about cougars in a recent Ontario Out Of Doors magazine, I just finished reading it(June 2004) and there is a MNR biologist who did some DNA testing on scat and confirmed that it was indeed that of a cougar. This was in the Kenora district.

The MNR has on there site a place where you can report sightings of rare or endangered species, and they have a cougars on their list. If there are no cougars, as they have claimed, then why have them on the list? Hmmmm?

For a good bedtime story while camping get yourself a copy of Cat Attacks. If you thought bears were something to be afraid of, cougars may keep you out of the woods and in the safety of your home.
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Never say never

Post by Farmer »

About 5 years back I spotted one along#3 highway near Chatham. About 2am on my way home from work. I had to give my head a shake in disbelief. Told the wife and said not to say a word of it. A few weeks later other people in the area had seen it, and there were a few articles in the Local paper .Then no more sightings.

If you told any one you seen something like that around here people would say you are nuts. While living along lake the wife said she saw a parrot in a very large Locust tree in the yard. Next day sure enough a Green Mawcaw was looking down at me.
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