high wind hunt update

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high wind hunt update

Post by xbowrook »

so i have to admit, after hearing of stories of success we decided on hunting this morning.. wind wasn't as bad as we thought, although there were a few gusts the lead to some white knuckle tree stand moments.. but all in all, we saw 16 deer , and i had a nice doe at 32 yards... i saw her skirting through the thickets and once i put my bino's on her i realized she was working my way... i texted my buddy and told him not to call or anything as i had a nice doe working to me... she saw my decoy and walked right to the edge of the creek, she looked like she wanted to cross but with the water high in the creek she decided not to.. she turned and worked her way closer to me, spot checking the creek 3 times looking for a safe, low spot to cross.. she got behind a few trees and then i noticed she was down in a low spot, all she had to do was walk 6 feet to the right ( the direction she was already walking) and i would have had a chip shot at 32 yards.. what happens next? she turns, walks back across the creek, through the thick stuff and over to the neighboring gulley... i was baffled... not 5 minutes later my buddy ( set up 150 yards from me) started calling, he had 3 big doe's across the creek but wouldn't come over to us... didn't see much, and i had to pee so bad ( i had that doe around me for 15 minutes).. scanned the area, saw nothing.. stood up and bam! 3 tails in the thickets.. damn it!! 10 minutes after they took off ( not overly spooked but on high alert), i hear a grunt... no mistaking, this was a grunt.. i grunt right back, but see/hear nothing.. a few seconds later, another grunt... look to my right, there's a deer.. don't see no rack ( unsure if it was a button buck or he dropped his head gear).. didn't seem small, afterwards i figured it was too big for a button buck.. anyways, i grunted a few times and he showed interest.. he walked head down, down the finger area that intersected the ravine.. got behind some thick stuff and lost track of him.. did see/hear anything for 45 minutes, figured the wind got blowing good and we didn't see anything so we got down.. started walking slowly towards where i last saw him, and up he jumps.. i got to 35 yards or so and he was, as i expected, bedded behind the brush pile... oh well, it was a great time in the woods.. spent the truck ride home reminiscing about the season that is now over... one big buck down, we saw about 80 deer in 4 days hunting... the most important part is we had a clean, fun and safe hunting season... all the best guys and gals.. now... to prepare for turkey season!@!!
Excalibur Matrix 330 Bulldog Suppressed, 18" Diablo bolts, 100 grain Rage Crossbow X blade
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Re: high wind hunt update

Post by Doe Master »

Yes they were up and moving this morning .
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Re: high wind hunt update

Post by robertyb »

I set up on a fairly new rub line hoping for a shot at a buck I have been after. He finally showed up at 8:45 with head down where I could not see the rack only his big body. I got ready to shoot and he finally lifted his head. Damn...he has no rack, only white pedicles showing where the rack used to be. He ended up walking by me at 10 yards and I simply watched him go. Hope he makes it through tomorrow as it is still doe season till dark thirty tomorrow.
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Re: high wind hunt update

Post by Pinpoint »

Sounds like an awesome day in the woods!! Lots of action!
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